日本発の英語旅行ポータルサイト Japan touristリリースのお知らせ
1. コンテンツ収集セクション:多数のユーザにより記事などがインプットされると、地域パートナーおよびエディターに通知され、編集、承認を経て記事のクオリティチェックをパスし初めて公開されます。
2. 地域の情報、ユーザの動向、固定情報などをデータベースに蓄積します。初年度には、350語程度の記事をおよそ10,000本、コメントや写真を投稿するユーザ20,000名ほどを見込んでいます。
3. 情報提供者や訪問者に、報酬システムを用意して、リピート率をあげます。サイトへの情報提供などにより獲得したポイントは、専用のウェブショップにてグッズやサービスと交換できます。これは日本の旅行ポータルサイトでは初の試みとなります。
4. ソーシャルメディアセクションでは、レビューやレーティング、ツイッターやフェースブックへのフィードなど、また最も重要な機能として、グーグルマップへのフィードがあります。メトロポリスは2011年8月に正式なグーグルコンテンツパートナーとしてグーグルと契約しました。ユーザコメント/レーティングが掲載されるのは2012/12からとなります。
福田 七海
Tel: 03-4550-2929
Email: nanami@japaninc.com.
東京都港区西麻布1-3-4 六本木OGビ4F
Press Release
Tokyo, Japan—November 4, 2011. Metropolis KK, publisher of Japan’s largest domestically produced English-language magazine, is pleased to announce the launch of our new Japan in-bound foreign tourism advisory website, www.japantourist.jp, on Friday, November 4th, 2011.
The JapanTourist website fills a gap in the Japanese in-bound tourism market, by providing a large volume of trusted but user-contributed editorial—such as comments and reviews (“kuchikomi”)—from people on the ground in Japan, to travelers thinking about coming to Japan.
Our philosophy is that locals know their neighborhoods and travel spots the best, and that they should be the main source of information for people looking for unique experiences—especially outside the Tokyo-Kyoto-Osaka corridor.
JapanTourist believes that Japan could market itself as a travel destination much better if it includes insight into the foreign traveler’s perspective.
To that end, we have created a nationwide “grass-roots” network of Regional Partners who act as organizers and content aggregators for each of Japan’s 47 prefectures and more than 110 major cities.
The Regional Partners, all either native or near-native English speakers, , work closely with their local communities to ensure that locally contributed content has the quality and targeting necessary to appeal to foreign travelers.
JapanTourist is currently forming “cells” of 20-200 additional contributors around each Regional Partner. This means that within 2012, we will have between 1,000 to 10,000 editorial, photo, and video contributors all over Japan. This “grass-roots” approach to tourism information is the ideal way to get detailed information to those visitors who would otherwise never see it. It also demonstrates Japanese and Foreigners working together, even in regional localities, to increase tourism in Japan.
Using leading-edge technology, the JapanTourist software has four main functional sections:
1. A content aggregation section, which takes input from many people, feeds the content to the Regional Partners and editors to correct and approve, and ensures that content is of sufficient quality and detail before being posted online.
2. A main database stores information about destinations, as well as user behaviors and website statistics. We expect to generate around 10,000 350-word articles in the first year of operation, and in excess of 20,000 user comments and photo contributions.
3. A rewards section provides incentives to both contributors and casual users to return to the website. The rewards are self-served through a web shop where the contributors/users redeem points earned from activity on the site for real goods and services. This system is a first in the travel industry in Japan.
4. A social media section that comprises user reviews and ratings and feeds to Facebook, Twitter, etc., and most importantly, feeds to Google’s online maps. Metropolis is a Google content partner, having signed an agreement with Google in August this year (2011). Our user commenting/rating functionality will be live in December 2012.
Early sponsors for the rewards section include Delta Air Lines, who are providing a number of international airfares to their Asian and US networks; Solare Hotels & Resorts. who are offering a large number of hotel rooms at their chains of Loisir and Chisun hotels around Japan; and Adidas Japan, who are offering various sports apparel. We also have a number of smaller brands offering other goods and services.
JapanTourist’s overall goal is to provide foreign travelers with deep and substantial content on travel destinations in Japan in English. Our regional network ensures we provide full coverage of all of Japan’s regions—not just the Tokyo-Osaka-Kyoto corridor. This means more tourism dollars spent in smaller regions and a general boost for their economies. It will also be the first website that aims to present Japan from the foreign point of view, instead of how Japanese marketers think Japan should be seen. We believe this will result in a more active and entertaining website that will help bring foreign tourists back to Japan.
Contact information for inquiries
Nanami Fukuda
Metropolis K.K.
Tel: 03-4550-2929
Email: nanami@japaninc.com.
Roppongi OG Bldg 4F 1-3-4
Nishi-Azabu Minato-ku Tokyo
1. コンテンツ収集セクション:多数のユーザにより記事などがインプットされると、地域パートナーおよびエディターに通知され、編集、承認を経て記事のクオリティチェックをパスし初めて公開されます。
2. 地域の情報、ユーザの動向、固定情報などをデータベースに蓄積します。初年度には、350語程度の記事をおよそ10,000本、コメントや写真を投稿するユーザ20,000名ほどを見込んでいます。
3. 情報提供者や訪問者に、報酬システムを用意して、リピート率をあげます。サイトへの情報提供などにより獲得したポイントは、専用のウェブショップにてグッズやサービスと交換できます。これは日本の旅行ポータルサイトでは初の試みとなります。
4. ソーシャルメディアセクションでは、レビューやレーティング、ツイッターやフェースブックへのフィードなど、また最も重要な機能として、グーグルマップへのフィードがあります。メトロポリスは2011年8月に正式なグーグルコンテンツパートナーとしてグーグルと契約しました。ユーザコメント/レーティングが掲載されるのは2012/12からとなります。
福田 七海
Tel: 03-4550-2929
Email: nanami@japaninc.com.
東京都港区西麻布1-3-4 六本木OGビ4F
Press Release
Tokyo, Japan—November 4, 2011. Metropolis KK, publisher of Japan’s largest domestically produced English-language magazine, is pleased to announce the launch of our new Japan in-bound foreign tourism advisory website, www.japantourist.jp, on Friday, November 4th, 2011.
The JapanTourist website fills a gap in the Japanese in-bound tourism market, by providing a large volume of trusted but user-contributed editorial—such as comments and reviews (“kuchikomi”)—from people on the ground in Japan, to travelers thinking about coming to Japan.
Our philosophy is that locals know their neighborhoods and travel spots the best, and that they should be the main source of information for people looking for unique experiences—especially outside the Tokyo-Kyoto-Osaka corridor.
JapanTourist believes that Japan could market itself as a travel destination much better if it includes insight into the foreign traveler’s perspective.
To that end, we have created a nationwide “grass-roots” network of Regional Partners who act as organizers and content aggregators for each of Japan’s 47 prefectures and more than 110 major cities.
The Regional Partners, all either native or near-native English speakers, , work closely with their local communities to ensure that locally contributed content has the quality and targeting necessary to appeal to foreign travelers.
JapanTourist is currently forming “cells” of 20-200 additional contributors around each Regional Partner. This means that within 2012, we will have between 1,000 to 10,000 editorial, photo, and video contributors all over Japan. This “grass-roots” approach to tourism information is the ideal way to get detailed information to those visitors who would otherwise never see it. It also demonstrates Japanese and Foreigners working together, even in regional localities, to increase tourism in Japan.
Using leading-edge technology, the JapanTourist software has four main functional sections:
1. A content aggregation section, which takes input from many people, feeds the content to the Regional Partners and editors to correct and approve, and ensures that content is of sufficient quality and detail before being posted online.
2. A main database stores information about destinations, as well as user behaviors and website statistics. We expect to generate around 10,000 350-word articles in the first year of operation, and in excess of 20,000 user comments and photo contributions.
3. A rewards section provides incentives to both contributors and casual users to return to the website. The rewards are self-served through a web shop where the contributors/users redeem points earned from activity on the site for real goods and services. This system is a first in the travel industry in Japan.
4. A social media section that comprises user reviews and ratings and feeds to Facebook, Twitter, etc., and most importantly, feeds to Google’s online maps. Metropolis is a Google content partner, having signed an agreement with Google in August this year (2011). Our user commenting/rating functionality will be live in December 2012.
Early sponsors for the rewards section include Delta Air Lines, who are providing a number of international airfares to their Asian and US networks; Solare Hotels & Resorts. who are offering a large number of hotel rooms at their chains of Loisir and Chisun hotels around Japan; and Adidas Japan, who are offering various sports apparel. We also have a number of smaller brands offering other goods and services.
JapanTourist’s overall goal is to provide foreign travelers with deep and substantial content on travel destinations in Japan in English. Our regional network ensures we provide full coverage of all of Japan’s regions—not just the Tokyo-Osaka-Kyoto corridor. This means more tourism dollars spent in smaller regions and a general boost for their economies. It will also be the first website that aims to present Japan from the foreign point of view, instead of how Japanese marketers think Japan should be seen. We believe this will result in a more active and entertaining website that will help bring foreign tourists back to Japan.
Contact information for inquiries
Nanami Fukuda
Metropolis K.K.
Tel: 03-4550-2929
Email: nanami@japaninc.com.
Roppongi OG Bldg 4F 1-3-4
Nishi-Azabu Minato-ku Tokyo