IDP Education IELTSテストセンター開設

IDP:IELTS Australia

IDP Education IELTSテストセンター開設

英語教育におけるテスト、トレーニング・研修、留学サポートの分野でグローバルリーダーであるIDP Educationは5月25日、日本に初めてのIELTS (International English Language Testing System)テストセンターを開設いたしました。




IDP Educationは来る5月25日(水)にオーストラリア大使館(東京)にてオーストラリア貿易投資推進庁と共同で日本でのテストセンター開設の公式記念式典を開催します。


このテストセンターを開設することは、アジアの鍵となるマーケットでの我々の存在価値を高めるという戦略の表れであると、IDP EducationのCEOであるAndrew Barklaは考えています。

また、「IELTSは270万人以上の受験者があり、さらに毎年増え続けています。IDP Educationは既に世界中に400以上のテスト会場を運営している実績があります。加えて、今回の日本での最初のテストセンター開設はアジア・パシフック地区で投資が引き続き行われていくことの証明です。」とも語っています。

IDP Education のグローバルネットワーク、他に類を見ない厳格な品質管理システム、革新的なテクノロジーを包容できる企業文化が、45年以上にわたり、テストと研修の分野で世界のリーダーとして存立させてきたといえます。これらのIDP Educationの強さがIELTSの共同所有者として英語運用能力テストを60以上の国々で実施されていることにも活かされています。その中にはインド、シンガポール、香港、マレーシア、インドネシアがあります。そして日本のセンターが運営開始されます。

なお、IELTSはIDP:IELTS Australis, The British Council, Cambridge English Language Assessmentの共同所有のテストです。 

About IDP Education

IDP Educationは留学サポート関連事業において国際的なリーダーであり、英語運用能力を測定するIELTS(International English Language Testing System)の共同所有者です。本社はメルボルンにあり、38のオーストラリアの大学がEducation Australia Limitedを通じて50%を保有、残りの50%はASX市場にてトレードされています。

これまで45年以上にわたり、IDP Educationは国際的な教育の場で重要な役割を果たしてきました。40万人以上の学生をオーストラリア、イギリス、アメリカ、カナダ、ニュージーランドなどの質の高い機関に留学させてきた実績があります。また1988年からは英語教育にも進出し、タイ、ベトナム、カンボジアに英語学校を運営しています。

1989年からはBritish Council, Cambridge English Language Assessmentと共に IELTSの共同所有者となりました。それ以後、IELTSは世界で最もポピュラーな信頼性の高い英語運用能力のテストとなり、今では9,000以上の組織・団体が英語運用能力の証明として認め、年間270万人以上が受験しています。

IDP Educationは世界中に1,600人以上の職員を抱え、30の国々で90以上の留学サポート関連のオフィスを運営し、60の国々で400以上のテスト会場を運営しています。
さらにIDP Educationの情報が必要であればウェブサイトをご確認ください。

Media                                                                                 Other          
Arj Ganeshalingam                                                               Kim Dienhoff                        
Porter Novelli                                                                       Manager, External Affairs
M: +61 421 690 204                                                            IDP Education Pty Ltd
E:                              +61 3 9612 4506

IDP Education opens first IELTS test centre in Japan

IDP Education, a global leader in English language testing and training and student placement services is set to open the doors to its first International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test centre in Japan this month.

The test centre has been opened in Tokyo on 25 May, to cater for the increasing number of people in Japan choosing IELTS for academic, professional and migration purposes.  

IELTS tests will initially be available on a fortnightly basis in Tokyo, with new test centres to be opened in Kobe and Yokohama in September and Osaka in October.

Considered the world’s most popular high-stakes English language proficiency test, IELTS is recognised by more governments around the world for migration purposes than any other English language test, and is recognised by more than 9,000 organisations and institutions globally.

IELTS measures four skills – reading, writing, listening and speaking, and is designed to assess the language ability of people who want to study or work where English is the language of communication.

IDP Education will officially launch its Tokyo test centre on Wednesday 25 May at the Australian Embassy (Tokyo), with the support of Austrade in Japan. The test centre will be located in the Mitsui Seimei Building 1F, 1-4-15, Takadanobaba, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 169-0075.  

The test centre will be operated in partnership with the Japan Study Abroad Foundation, which focuses on providing a broad range of high-quality education opportunities from across the globe to Japanese students.

Chief Executive Officer of IDP Education, Andrew Barkla, said the opening of its first test centre in Japan highlights the organisation’s commitment to strengthening its presence in key markets across Asia.

“More than 2.7 million IELTS tests are taken around the world annually and this number is growing each year,” Mr Barkla said.

 “IDP Education has more than 400 test locations in the world and the opening of our first test centre in Japan highlights our ongoing investment in the Asia Pacific region.”

For more than 45 years, IDP Education’s global network and relentless focus on quality systems, culture and embracing of new and innovative technologies has helped the organisation remain at the forefront of testing and training practices worldwide.

As a co-owner of IELTS, IDP Education manages and delivers the English language proficiency test in 60 countries, including India, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Indonesia.

IELTS is jointly owned by IDP: IELTS Australia, the British Council, and Cambridge English Language Assessment.

About IDP Education

IDP Education is a global leader in international student recruitment and a co-owner of IELTS (International English Language Testing System), a leading English language proficiency test. Headquartered in Melbourne, Australia, IDP Education is 50% owned by 38 Australian universities through Education Australia Limited, with the remaining 50% traded on the ASX.

For more than 45 years, IDP Education has played a major role in international education and placed more than 400,000 students into quality institutions in Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada and New Zealand. IDP Education has also been involved in English language teaching since 1988 and operates English language schools in Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia.

IDP Education is a co-owner of IELTS, with British Council and Cambridge English Language Assessment. Since its launch in 1989, IELTS has become the world’s most popular high-stakes English language proficiency test. It is accepted as evidence of English language proficiency by more than 9,000 organisations worldwide and more than 2.7 million tests are taken around the world annually.

IDP Education employs more than 1,600 staff globally, has 90 student recruitment offices in 30 countries and more than 400 IELTS test locations in 60 countries.

For further information on IDP Education, visit

Media                                                                                         Other          
Arj Ganeshalingam                                                                      Kim Dienhoff                           
Porter Novelli                                                                              Manager, External Affairs
M: +61 421 690 204                                                                   IDP Education Pty Ltd
E:                                     +61 3 9612 4506




IDP Education


Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia Level8, 535 Bourke Street,
Andrew Barkla