「阿波おどり」を見て踊って楽しめる体験型エンターテインメント居酒屋『新宿 阿波おどり』がジャパニーズカルチャーエンターテインメントレストランとして9月3 日(水)リニューアルオープン!

Shinjuku Awa Odori Renual Open on September 3rd as a Japanese Culture Entertainment Restaurant!


株式会社ダイヤモンドダイニング(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長:松村厚久)が運営する『新宿 阿波おどり』 は、9 月3 日(水)より外国からのお客様に喜んでいただけるようにコンセプトやメニューをリニューアルし、“ジャパニーズカルチャーエンターテインメントレストラン『新宿 阿波おどり』”として生まれ変わります。

Shinjuku Awa Odori, produced by Daiamond Dining Ltd., (main office: Minato-ku Tokyo, C.E.O. Atsuhisa Matsumura) will be renewed as a "Japanese Culture Entertainment Restaurant" with more attractive concepts and menus that would make an enjoyable experience for customers from overseas.
Japanese Culture Entertainment Restaurant where you can enjoy traditional Japanese folk dance Awa Odori and popular Japanese Washoku dishes.


日本三大盆踊りのひとつで約400 年の歴史があります。
毎年、8 月12 日~15 日の期間中は、街中に阿波おどりのお囃子が響き、ぞめきのリズムに踊り子も見物客も一緒に盛り上がります。
このような日本の代表的な祭り文化と“居酒屋”ディナーの文化を体感できる『新宿 阿波おどり』は、国内問わず、海外からのお客様にもお楽しみいただけます。

Awa Odori dance is one of the Bon Odori -Nenbutsu folk dances which originated from Tokushima prefecture (Awa is the former old name for Tokushima) and is known as the top three famous festivals in the country with a 400 year history. Every year, during Aug 12th to 15th, the Ohayashi (Japanese Orchestra) of Awa Odori dance reverberate throughout the town, and all the Awa Odori dancers and crowds get filled with excitement for Zomeki (One of the Awa Odori dance themes) and its rhythm. The crowds become Odoru Aho (Dancing fools) with the shout of Yattosa from dancers. The four day non-stop festival swoops everybody in the town into a wave of excitement.
Shinjuku Awa Odori is a place where you can enjoy this experience and participate in one of the most famous Japanese festivals as well as the Japanese Izakaya restaurant culture.

【Authentic Awa Odori Dance Show】

Drink, Eat! Watch, Dance! The Entertainment Restaurant that customers participate in dancing within a traditional Japanese Festival theme.

『新宿 阿波おどり』は、踊り手の集団(連)による本場の阿波おどりを体感できるエンターテインメントレストランです。

Shinjuku Awa Odori is an entertainment restaurant where you can experience the authentic Awa Odori dance from Ren (Groups of choreographed dancers and musicians) The dancers perform and also teach the guests how to dance! As their renowned song says "Erai Yatcha Erai Yatcha Yoi Yoi Yoi Yoi, Odoru Aho ni Kuu Aho, Onaji Ahonara Odora nya son son…" ('It's a fool who dances and a fool who eats! If both are fools, you might as well have fun dancing!). Let's become Odoru Aho (dancing fools) and have fun together with our staff!

Authentic Entertainment Show Twice A Day

ショータイムは19時30分からと21時30分からの1日2回 。国境を越えて一緒に盛り上がる毎日のお祭りが魅力です。
当店は、「東京高円寺阿波おどり連協会」の監修のもと、所属連が出演する本格的な阿波おどりショーが行われます。 阿波おどりは誰もが踊りやすく、明るいイメージから、徳島県内だけでなく、町おこしや復興を目的に全国各地で踊られるようになりました。

Two shows per day from 7:30pm and 9:30pm.
Everyday is a party and our guests can enjoy themselves no matter where they are from.
Our authentic Awa Odori dance shows are supervised and performed by dancers from the Tokyo Koenji Awaodori Ren Association. Awa Odori dance is easy for everybody to dance and with its jolly image it is danced not only in Tokushima but in many other regions throughout Japan. Numbers of Associations and Ren (Groups) grew to over 1,000 and is also performed at many areas in Tokyo. Amongst these areas Tokyo Koenji Awa Odori has over 50 years of history and the holds the biggest associations within Tokyo.

<出演連一部ご紹介> ◇菊水連 ◇東京新のんき連 ◇吹鼓連 など
*Kiku Sui Ren * Tokyo Shin Nonki Ren *Fue Daiko Ren

【Food Menu】


Sushi and Yakitori menus represent Japanese food culture that are very popular among oversea customers. The menu offers a wide range of Japanese dishes including Sushi, Yakitori to authentic Tokushima local speciality dishes where Awa Odori dance originated.
With our popular Hot Pot Dish Sukiyaki and Shabu Shabu as a main, we offer set course menus including popular Izakaya menus so our guests can fully enjoy Japanese cuisines. Both course and à la carte dishes offer a very satisfactory menus for overseas guests in order to make their dining experience memorable.

Course Menus


■すき焼き祭りコース 2,000円(税別)
枝豆/クラシックシーザーサラダ/真鯛のすだちパッチョ/炭火焼き鶏2種盛り合わせ/自家製さつまあげ/鉄板すきやき / カリフォルニアロール
■ Sukiyaki Matsuri Course 2,000yen (Tax excluded)
Edamame/Classic Caesar Salad/Carpaccio of Red Sea Bream/2 Kinds of Charcoal-Grilled Chicken/Homemade Fried /Fish Cakes/Iron Griddle Sukiyaki/California Rolls

■阿波おどりコース 3,000円(税別)
クラシックシーザーサラダ/真鯛のすだちパッチョ/にぎり寿司 2種鉄板 照り焼きチキン/徳島名物フィッシュカツ/美明豚のすだちしゃぶしゃぶ or 牛ロースすきやき /ラーメン or  うどん / 抹茶のわらびもち
■Awa Odori Course 3,000yen (Tax excluded)
Negitoro Cream Cheese (Tuna and chopped leek with cream cheese)/Classic Caesar Salad/Carpaccio of Red Sea Bream/2 Kinds Of Nigiri Sushi/Iron Griddle Teriyaki Chicken/Tokushima-Style Fish Cutlet/Bimei Pork Sudachi (Japanese citrus) Shabu Shabu or Beef Loin Sukiyaki/Ramen or Udon Noodles/Matcha Warabi-Mochi (Bracken Starch Dumpling)

Sushi Menu


□マグロ(2貫)Tuna (2 Pieces)300円
□サーモン(2貫)Salmon (2 Pieces)300円
□玉子(2貫)Japanese Egg Omelette (2 Pieces)280円
□真鯛と梅肉の押し寿司 Japanese Egg Omelette (2 Pieces)750円
□【限定10食】こぼれまくり寿司(6貫)[Limited to 10 servings per day] Spillover Portioned Sushi (6 pieces) 1,690円
□カルフォルニアロール California Roll 990円
□チーズサラダロール Cheese Salad Roll 890円

Yakitori and Other Izakaya Menu


□もも Chicken Thigh 180円
□ネギマ Chicken and Leek 180円
□焼銀杏 Japanese Ginkgo Seed 180円
□美名豚のすだちしゃぶしゃぶ Bimei Pork Sudachi (Japanese citrus) Shabu Shabu 1,280円
□牛ロースすき焼き(コースより)Beef Loin Sukiyaki (From the course)
□羽根付き鉄板餃子 Hane-Tsuki Gyoza (Crunchy potstickers) cooked on Iron Griddle 590円

【Restaurant Information】



With the bright Japanese paper Lanterns, the restaurant has a Japanese festivity atmosphere and offers open table seats to enjoy the Awa Odori performances up close and also in private rooms. The main floor has the main stage with a fine atmosphere and a relaxed Zashik style (a room floored with tatami mats) room also with a Ren (group) stage. Both areas can be enjoyed by watching and participating in the Awa Odori dance shows.

□カウンター席 8席 □舞台前テーブル席 6名様用×3卓、4名様用×6卓
□桟敷席テーブル席 4名様用×3室 □個室テーブル席 4名様用×1室、2名様×2室

Total Capacity 114 seats, Half Private rooms 3 rooms, Private rooms 3 rooms, Maximum Party Capacity 40 people>
□Counter Seats 8 seats □Table seats in front of the stage 6 people x 3 tables 4 people x 6 tables
□Box Seats 4 people x 3rooms □Private room 4 people x 1 room 2 people x 2 rooms
□Window side Couple Seats 2 people x 3 tables 
□Zashiki (a room floored with tatami mats) Seats 6 people x 3 tables 4 people x 5 tables


□店名: ジャパニーズカルチャーエンターテインメントレストラン「新宿 阿波おどり」
□Name: Japanese Culture Entertainment Restaurant "Shinjuku Awa Ododri"
□業態: エンターテインメントレストラン
□Business: Entertainment Restaurant
□住所: 〒160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿3-18-4 セノビル5F
□Address: 5F Seno Bldg., 3-18-4 Shinjuku Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0022
□アクセス: JR 新宿駅 東口 徒歩2分、地下鉄丸ノ内線 新宿駅 徒歩2分
□Access: 2min walk from the East exit JR Shinjuku Station
     2min walk from the Subway Marunouchi line Shinjuku Station
□電話: 03-3226-2855
□TEL: 03-3226-2855
□営業時間: 17:00~23:30(L.O.23:00)、金・土・祝前日 ~翌4:00(L.O.3:00)
□Open Hours: 17:00~23:30(L.O.23:00)、Fri, Sat, Day before holidays 17:00~4:00(L.O.3:00)
□定休日: 無
□Closed: Non
□席数: 114席
□Capacity: 114 seats
□坪数: 89.49坪
□Area square: 295.81㎡
□客層: 外国人観光客、日本人観光客、新宿でいつもと違う宴会をしたい方
□Cliantel: Tourists from overseas, People who are interested in Japanese traditional culture.
□平均予算: 3,800 円
□Budget per guest: 3,800yen
□URL: http://www.diamond-dining.jp







東京都 港区芝4-1-23 三田NNビル18階