商号変更に関するお知らせ/Information regarding Changes to Company Name


(English Follows)

LINE株式会社(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役社長:森川 亮)は、旧NHN Japan株式会社が2013年2月6日付報道資料「会社分割計画に関するお知らせ」で発表いたしましたとおり、2013年4月1日をもって、社名を「LINE株式会社」に商号変更し、旧NHN Japanで運営していたウェブサービスに関する事業を引き続き行ってまいりますことをお知らせいたします。






また、子会社である「ジェイ・リスティング株式会社」においても、同日より「LINE Business Partners株式会社 」に商号変更し、従来のインターネット広告事業、ディレクトリ型検索事業に加え、LINE@などLINE事業におけるパートナー拡大の強化を図ってまいります。


なお、旧NHN Japanで運営していたゲームに関する事業(ただし、LINEゲームのプラットフォーム運営事業を除き、LINEゲームの制作・運営事業を含み、以下同様)は、新たに設立する「NHN Japan株式会社」(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役社長:加藤雅樹)※に承継いたします。なお両社は、引き続き、プラットフォームとゲームスタジオという立場から互いに協力し、各サービスの発展に努めてまいります。

※ 旧NHN Japanが発表した2013年2月6日付報道資料「会社分割計画に関するお知らせ」では、ゲーム事業を承継する新設会社名を「Hangame株式会社(仮称)」、また、代表をLINE株式会社 代表取締役社長の森川亮が兼務する予定としていましたが、旧NHN Japanは2003年よりゲームを主力事業として展開してきた経緯から、引き続き「NHN Japan株式会社」を商号として用い、新たに加藤雅樹が代表取締役社長に就任することにより、より事業に特化したマネジメントによる成長スピードの加速を図ります。

会社名 : LINE株式会社 (英語表記:LINE Corporation)
資本金 : 125億96百万円
代表取締役社長 : 森川 亮 (Morikawa Akira)
社員数 : 644名
事 業 内 容 : インターネット関連事業・ウェブサービス事業(LINE、NAVER、livedoor)
所在地 : 東京都渋谷区渋谷2-21-1 渋谷ヒカリエ 27階
子会社 : LINE PLUS Corporation
LINE Business Partners株式会社


Tokyo, Japan – 1 April 2013 – “LINE Corporation”, headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, with Akira Morikawa as CEO, announced the change to its company name from NHN Japan Corporation to LINE Corporation, in accordance with the press release entitled “Announcement of Corporate Separation” which was made available by NHN Japan on 6 February 2013.




LINE Corporation will succeed and manage the “LINE”, “NAVER” and “livedoor” web-service businesses which were previously operated by the former NHN Japan. The LINE Corporation will center its business upon the LINE service and will actively push for the further expansion of the service on a global scale, as well as accelerating the platformization of LINE. As for NAVER, which holds Japan’s number 1 curation service “NAVER Matome”, the corporation shall aim to promote innovative services without conforming to existing service notions, and similarly, livedoor, which is currently Japan’s number 1 blogging service, will aim for the further growth of its portal and news businesses. Through both services, NAVER and livedoor will push to become number 1 in Japan for media.

Furthermore, J Listing Co., Ltd. will also change its corporate name to LINE Business Partners Corporation, on the same day and in addition to its Internet advertising and directory search businesses shall aim to increase and strengthen partnerships concerning LINE businesses such as “LINE@”.

LINE Corporation will work towards creating and offering innovative and attractive services at an even faster speed with the aim of achieving a further growth on a global scale.

Ad interim, the games division operated by the former NHN Japan shall be succeeded by the newly established “NHN Japan Corporation” headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, with Masaki Kato as CEO. Moreover, both corporations shall cooperate with one another from platform and game studio perspectives for the development of each service.

*On the press release entitled “Announcement of Corporate Separation” which was made available by NHN Japan on 6 February 2013, it is stated that the games division will be succeeded by “Hangame Corporation” (tentative name), and also that this will be led by LINE Corporation’s CEO, Akira Morikawa. However, since 2003 the former NHN Japan was developed with Games as its core business – such circumstances have led to the perpetuation of the NHN Japan company name, together with the appointment of a new CEO, Masaki Kato, allowing for specialized management system for its businesses, which aim to promote an even faster rate of company growth.

【LINE Corporation Company Profile】
Company Name: LINE Corporation
Capital: 126 billion JPY (approx.)
CEO: Akira Morikawa
Employees: 644
Business: Internet-related business / Web-services businesses (LINE, NAVER, livedoor)
Address: 27 F Shibuya Hikarie Building, Tokyo, Japan 2-21-1
Subsidiaries: LINE PLUS Corporation, LINE Business Partners Corporation, (name change from J Listing Co., Ltd.), Data Hotel Co., Ltd.








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