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B Lab、アートxサステナブル×テクノロジー×メディアを活用し、ガーナの社会問題に取り組む「B Lab Ghana」 を始動!

iU 情報経営イノベーション専門職大学

B Lab(iUの研究所、 所長 石戸奈々子。以下、B Lab)は、アートxサステナブル×テクノロジー×メディアを活用し、ガーナの社会問題やその現状を世の中に広め、教育や雇用などの社会課題の解決に向けて活動するアフリカ初の拠点、「B Lab Ghana」 を設置します。B Lab Ghanaは、ガーナのスラム街に積み上がる先進国からの廃棄物でアートを制作し、販売した利益を活用して社会問題の解決を目指す美術家・長坂真護及びMAGO CREATION株式会社の活動に共感し、連携することにより、社会的インパクトの創出のさらなる発展を目指します。

B Lab Ghanaは、MAGO CREATION株式会社と共に、ガーナのスラム街の環境・貧困問題に向き合い、「サステナブル・キャピタリズム(持続可能な資本主義)※」の考えを世の中に広め、2030年までにガーナ人10,000名の雇用創出を目指すために、アート、サステナブル、テクノロジー、そしてメディアを活用して社会課題解決を行います。活動の皮切りに、ガーナ人アーティストのギャラリーをメタバース上に構築し、販売収益をアーティストに還元する取り組みや、美術家でありiU客員教授でもある長坂真護氏がデザインしたSDGsキャラクターIP 「ミリーちゃん」を主人公にした教育コンテンツの開発を計画しています。

B Lab Ghanaは、ガーナの社会問題に対し、持続可能な解決策を提供し、地域の変革を牽引するため、活動して参ります。



  • B Lab Ghana メンバー

B Lab Ghanaは以下のプロジェクトメンバーで推進して参ります。なお、本プロジェクトと連携していただける方を募集しておりますので、興味・ご関心のある方はご連絡ください。

■B Lab Ghana アドバイザー

  長坂 真護 (MAGO CREATION株式会社 代表取締役美術家, MAGO MOTORS JAPAN株式会社 代表取締役, MAGO MOTORS Ltd. CEO)

■B Lab Ghana オーガナイザー

石藤 創 (MAGO CREATION株式会社 アート事業/NFT事業/ミリーちゃんプロジェクト担当)

Godfred Nabow (MAGO MOTORS Ltd. Director)

卜部美緒  (株式会社MediAlpha CSO、iU学生)




  • B Labの概要

Beyond, Borderless, Breakthroughの頭文字をとった「B Lab」は、研究所と銘打ちながら、世界中の大学・研究所、地域、人材をつなぎ、多くの人の得意技や知見を融合させ、新しい技術、サービス、コンテンツ、ビジネス、社会を生みだす参加型プラットフォームです。テクノロジー開発、社会課題解決、新サービス創出などスコープは広いですが、共通項は社会実装で、みんなでつくるということ。お父さんもお母さんもおばちゃんも子どももみんな研究員。Lifelong Seekerになり、第2の研究員名刺を持ちます。ソーシャルで、オープンで、参加型で、ユーザーふくめ全ての人がつながり新しい社会を構築し、課題、アイディア、技術、おカネ、スキル、人をマッチングさせ、小さな創造から大きな創造までおもしろい未来をみんなでつくることを目指します。

<関連LINK> https://www.blaboratory.org/
<B Lab概要>

B Lab Launches “B Lab Ghana” to Address Social Issues in Ghana Through the Utilization of Art, Sustainability, Technology, and Media!

B Lab (iU’s research institute; Director: Nanako Ishido. Hereinafter referred to as B Lab) will be establishing B Lab Ghana, the first base in Africa that will utilize art, sustainability, technology, and media to raise awareness of Ghana’s social issues and their current state to the rest of the world, and work toward solving social issues such as education and employment. B Lab Ghana identifies with the activities of the artist Mago Nagasaka and MAGO CREATION Inc., who aim to solve social issues by creating art using the waste from developed countries that have piled up in the slums of Ghana and using the profits from the sales to solve social issues, and will be collaborating with them to further develop the creation of social impact. 

B Lab Ghana, together with MAGO CREATION Inc., will utilize art, sustainability, technology, and media to solve social issues in order to address environmental and poverty issues in the slums of Ghana, spread the idea of “sustainable capitalism*” to the world, and create 10,000 jobs for the Ghanaian people by 2030. To kick off our activities, we plan to build a gallery featuring Ghanaian artists in the Metaverse and return the proceeds from sales to the artists, as well as develop educational content featuring the SDGs character IP “Milli-chan”, designed by artist and iU Visiting Professor Mago Nagasaka.

B Lab Ghana will work to provide sustainable solutions to social issues in Ghana, and lead the transformation of the region.

*1 Sustainable capitalism

 Sustainable capitalism, advocated and promoted by Mago Nagasaka, is a way of thinking that re-evaluates the conventional idea of prioritizing economic growth above all else, and ensures a well-balanced cycle between economic and cultural development and environmental conservation. In the conventional framework of capitalism, the pursuit of economic growth and profit has been the primary focus, and social and environmental issues have often been overlooked. Sustainable capitalism, however, seeks a more sustainable business model that considers not only economic profit but also social and environmental impacts.

■B Lab Ghana members
B Lab Ghana will be promoted by the following project members. We are also looking for people who are willing to collaborate with this project, so please contact us if you are interested.

■B Lab Ghana Advisor

Mago Nagasaka (Representative Director and Artist, MAGO CREATION Inc.; Representative Director, MAGO MOTORS JAPAN Co., Ltd.; CEO, MAGO MOTORS Ltd.)

■B Lab Ghana Organizer

Hajime Ishido (In charge of the art business, NFT business, and the Milli-chan Project at MAGO CREATION Inc.)

Godfred Nabow (Director, MAGO MOTORS Ltd.)

Mio Urabe (Student at iU)

The project members have made the following comment:

We are very proud to be able to launch B Lab Ghana as an embodiment of sustainable capitalism through art and technology.

We will plan and develop content to educate people about social issues through learning and play, using the SDGs character Milli-chan created by Mago Nagasaka as a symbol, and create a chain of empathy among influencers and the Gen Z and Gen Alpha around the world. We will also work diligently toward creating 10,000 jobs for the Ghanaian people by 2030.

■Overview of B Lab
Despite its label as a research institute, B Lab, which takes its name from the initial for Beyond, Borderless, and Breakthrough, is a participation-based platform that connects universities, research institutes, communities, and human resources worldwide, and fuses the expertise and knowledge of numerous people to create new technologies, services, content, businesses, and societies. The scope of our activities is vast, ranging from development of technologies to solving social issues and creating new services, but the common denominators are social implementation and collective creation. Regardless of whether you are a father, mother, elderly woman, or child, anyone can be a researcher. Anyone who becomes a Lifelong Seeker will also be issued their own Secondary Researcher business card. We aim to build a new society by connecting all people, including users, in a social, open, and participatory environment, matching issues, ideas, technology, money, skills, and people to create an interesting future together, from small creations to large creations.

(Related link) https://www.blaboratory.org/







中村 伊知哉