Anifie's virtual concert app is for post Covid-19 life styles (English Translation at the bottom)
iPhone URL: https://anifie.co/iphoneRelease
Android URL: https://anifie.co/AndroidRelease
コンサート業界には、コロナウィルスによって、激震が走り、ライブ会場は静まりかえっています。コンサート業界(米国で約3.5兆円)は、世界中で、オンラインに移行し、テレビゲームや、バーチャルコンサートが、空隙を埋めようとしています。急伸する市場には、フォートナイト、StageIt、WaveXRといった会社が並んでいます。4500万人が、トラビス・スコット氏の5つのバーチャル・コンサートに参加し、Lil Nas X氏のバーチャル・イベントには、3300万人が参加しました。業界のポテンシャルには天井がなく、Anifieは、この業界のリーダーになりたいと考えています。
「フォートナイトでは、ユーザはゲームを遊ぶ。WaveXRは、ストリームをする。Anifieでは、コンサートに参加し、没入し、音楽の中に入り込んで欲しい。アーティストを見上げるだけではなくて、彼らの夢に向かって一緒に歩んで欲しい」とAnifieの副社長のパトリック・ウッドランドはいいます。ウッドランドは、Sex and the City, CBS 60 Minutesなど、著名なテレビや映画の作曲やプロダクションを手掛けてきました。「Anifieでは、これまで最高の経験を与えてくれたアーティストやバンドに恩返しができるようにしたいと思っている。ファンの動きや、エネルギー、歓声が、夢を叶えてくれる。」
iPhone URL: https://anifie.co/iphoneRelease
Android URL: https://anifie.co/AndroidRelease
米国カリフォルニア所在。スタンフォード大学のアクセラレータStartX(URL: https://startx.com/) に参加し、スタンフォード・エンジェル&アントレプレナー(URL: https://stanfordaande.com/portfolio/)を始めとして、複数のベンチャーキャピタリストから投資を受けている。同社の取り組みは、スタンフォード大学の授業でも取り上げられ、配信されたことがある。インタラクティブなコンサートを提供するアプリを開発・配布。
//以下英語翻訳。English Translation//
Irvine, California, November 30, 2020. Anifie, an immersive virtual concert app startup, has released its iPhone and Android App. Apps are available here:
iPhone URL: https://anifie.co/iphoneRelease
Android URL: https://anifie.co/AndroidRelease
Anifie is an exciting 360-degree fan, faith and music experience. With Anifie, attend a virtual concert by choosing your own avatar, bring along your friends and family and move around the venue all from the palm of your hand.
The massive U. S concert industry has been shaken due to Covid-19, with live venues at a standstill. The $35 billion industry and much of the world has migrated online, with video games and virtual concerts filling the void. This burgeoning category includes companies such as Fortnight, StageIt and Wave XR. Over 45 million viewers attended 5 virtual Travis Scott concerts and Lil Nas X’s event drew over 33 million. The potential growth opportunities are unlimited and Anifie expects to become a dominant player with its unique concert experience.
Until now, music videos were merely viewed passively, in two dimensions. Anifie has created a multi-dimensional world class concert venue, bringing you and your favorite artists together in a way never before imagined.
While Fortnite has been removed from the Apple and Google marketplaces due to an ongoing battle over app store fees, Anifie is a non-gamer friendly global interactive music app enjoyed from your own home on your own smart phone.
“At Fortnight, they play. At StageIt, they listen. At Wave, they stream. At Anifie, you engage, you immerse, you dive into the music and fun. We don’t just look up to the artist, we lift up the artists”, according to Patrick Woodland, Vice President of Anifie and renowned composer for film and television. He adds, “At Anifie, you can give back to the artists and bands who’ve given so much to you. Your moves, your energy, and your encouragement make their dreams come true too. Anifie allows you to support your favorite musicians and let them know they matter to you.”
John Oetjen, Anifie Vice President and Grammy winning producer notes, “Anifie is a place full of possibilities. Stroll directly up to the stage. Wander over to the lounge, chat and share your thoughts with friends while the concert plays throughout the pavilion. Anifie lets you access legendary artists, iconic bands and the world’s greatest inspirational music with the people you love, all in one easy to navigate app..”
“Our efforts predated the Covid crises”, according to Woodland, “Anifie is here for shut in’s, for those with travel limitations, for times like these. True interactive music and community can heal the broken, lift spirits and bring people closer together with unforgettable moments”.
Oetjen also notes, “our connection to live music has been disrupted, we’re here to disrupt the disruption, No masks, no six feet, we’re all together again… music, concerts, fellowship, right now.”
Anifie is here to enable fans to not just listen, but to use their voices to support and give back to artists and bands. Those artists have been waiting, writing and trying to find a way back to their followers as well. Anifie is the place where friends, fans and the stars themselves align.
It’s time to reconnect with your favorite concert artists and bands. Let the music inspire you, while you inspire and support the musicians you love in the land of Anifie. Find it all right here.
About Anifie
Anifie, The Interactive Music Concert App. A deeply immersive musical experience, Anifie brings us the music and brings us together – all on our phone or tablet. Anifie participates in Stanford's StartX (https://startx.com/). It is supported by Stanford Angels and Entrepreneurs (https://stanfordaande.com/portfolio/)
Contact: info@anifie.com
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