【海外文化事業】「日本・オマーン国交50周年記念文化事業」をマスカットで実施 (English Follows)
女性活躍や多様性理解を推進し、グローバルな課題解決を目指す一般社団法人グローバル・アジェンダ(以下「グローバル・アジェンダ」、代表:及川 美樹、所在地:東京都港区)と公益社団法人宝生会(以下「宝生会」、会長:錦織 淳、所在地:東京都文京区)は、「日本・オマーン国交50周年記念文化事業」(以下「本事業」)の一環として同国初の能楽公演をオマーン国の首都マスカットにて3月8日に実施しましたのでお知らせします。
パンデミック下の現況を踏まえ、本事業のテーマは「回復と再生」とし、具体的なプログラムとしては、1) 数々の賞を受賞している詩人のハッサン・アル・マトルーシ氏による詩読及び能楽シテ方宝生流第二十代宗家 宝生和英による能楽「石橋」公演、2) 能楽に関連した日本の伝統工芸と芸術品の展示、3)同宝生流宗家によるレクチャー、4) 裏千家 岩本涼氏による茶道、茶会体験ワークショップなどが行われました。能楽「石橋」では、オマーン国での公演を意識し、前半の少年役はオマーン国旗をイメージした装束を使用し、華道家辻雄貴氏による舞台芸術では、現地の植物を活かした日本のいけばなによる装飾が施され、それぞれの国の世界観を披露しました。来場者数としては3日間でのべにして約500名となり、能楽公演にはオマーン政府高官や国会議員のみならず、各国大使や外交官、国立大学サルタンカブース大学をはじめとする複数の当地名門大学から日本文化に関心を持つ学生が多数参加し、様々な世代の日本への関心の高さをうかがい知ることが出来ました。
また、本事業を主催したグローバル・アジェンダの代表 及川美樹は「今回の取組は、日本及びオマーン間の相互理解を深めるだけでなく、中東アラブ諸国文化およびムスリムへの理解を促進させるという目的もあり、グローバル・アジェンダの多様性理解の促進というビジョンとも合致するものでした。様々な世代が本事業に参加したことで互いの文化や深い精神性について交流を深めることができたと手応えを感じています。両国の一層の発展へと繋がる機会を増やすべく今後も取り組んでまいります」と述べています。
同じく主催の宝生流第二十代宗家 宝生和英は、「日本とオマーンという一見遠く感じていた両国であるが、デザインや人情、自然に対しての考えなど共通するところが多くあると感じることができました。芸術性を高め合うだけでなく、こうしたプロジェクトを両国の企業が応援をすることで、より積極的な経済活動の促進も既知されると期待します」と述べています。
3月7-9日 展示:能楽に関連した日本の伝統工芸と芸術品
3月7日 展示に関するレクチャー&ワークショップ (能楽:宝生流家元、茶道:裏千家岩本涼氏)
3月8日 日本・オマーン国交50周年記念文化事業
オマーン詩読及び能楽公演「石橋」日・オマーン国交50周年記念文化事業「オマーン新国王に捧げる平和への祈り」(出演:能楽シテ方宝生流第二十代宗家宝生和英他、舞台芸術:華道家 辻雄貴氏)
3月9日 茶道、茶会体験ワークショップ(茶道:裏千家 岩本涼氏)
代表:及川 美樹
ホームページ: https://ja.global-agenda.org/
English Summery
“The Cultural Program for the 50th Anniversary of the Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Oman” executed by Japanese delegation in Muscat
The International Association for the Global Agenda (“Global Agenda”, Representative: Miki OIKAWA, Minato-ku, Tokyo), and Public Interest Incorporated Association Hosho-kai (“Hosho-kai”, Chairman: Atsushi NISHIKORI, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo), implemented the first Noh play in Oman's capital city, Muscat, on 8th of March as part of “The Cultural Program for the 50th anniversary of the Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Oman” (“Event”).
Performed Noh play “Shakkyo”
Unlike the image of a scorching desert, Oman is a safe and peaceful country surrounded by the ocean and mountains, rich in nature and full of emotion. While modernizing as it is possible to drive from Dubai and Abu Dhabi, people prefer traditional Arab lives, are polite and modest. In Oman, only a few Japanese companies have established operations in the petroleum industry, including general trading companies and plants. The aim of the Event is to deepen promotion in the economic field in the future, while building on ongoing friendly relations.
In light of the current situation under the pandemic, the theme of the Event was “Resilience and Revitalization." Specific programs included 1) poetry reading by Mr. Hassan Al Matrooshi, a poet who has received numerous awards, and the performance of Noh play "Shakkyo" by the 20th Grand Master of Hosho School of Noh, Kazufusa HOSHO; 2) exhibition of Japanese traditional crafts and arts related to Noh; 3) lecture by the Grand Master of Hosho School of Noh; and 4) tea ceremony by Mr. Ryo IWAMOTO, Urasenke, and a tea ceremony experience workshop.
In the Noh play "Shakkyo," in consideration of the performance in Oman, the boy in the first half used costumes imagining the flag of Oman. In the stage arts performed by the flower arrangement artist Yuki TSUJI, decorations by Japanese ikebana, which utilized local plants, presented the world view of each country. Over the course of three days, the number of visitors totaled approximately 500. In addition to high-level officials from the Oman government, ambassadors and diplomats from multiple countries, as well as students with a strong interest in Japanese culture from prestigious local universities such as Sultan Qaboos University participated in the Noh play and other activities. The various generations in Oman have shown the high level of interest to Japanese traditional culture.
Royal Opera House Muscat, the venue for the Noh play
From left: Ikebana artist Tsuji, Ambassador Yamamoto's wife, Grand Master of Hosho School of Noh, Global Agenda Oikawa, Ambassador Yamamoto, Tea master Iwamoto
H.E. Ambassador Jota YAMAMOTO of the Embassy of Japan in Oman, who co-hosted the Event, stated, "It was an opportunity for the people of Oman to deepen their understanding of Japan. I would like to develop these opportunities on an ongoing basis and further promote exchanges between the two countries."
In addition, Miki OIKAWA, the representative of Global Agenda, who hosted the Event, stated, "This initiative was designed not only to deepen mutual understanding between Japan and Oman, but also to promote understanding of the culture of the Middle Eastern Arab countries and Muslims in Japan, and was consistent with the vision of promoting understanding of the diversity of Global Agenda. I feel that the participation of various generations in the Event has enabled us to deepen exchanges on each other's culture and deep spirituality. We will continue to work to increase opportunities that will lead to the further development of both countries."
Kazufusa HOSHO, the 20th Grand Master of Hosho School of Noh, also hosted the Event, says, "Although Japan and Oman seemed at first glance distant from each other, I was able to feel that there are many things in common, such as design, humanity, and ideas about nature. Not only do we enhance our artistry, but I expect that promotion of more active economic activities will be known by means of support of these projects by companies in both countries."
Contact for further information:
The International Association for the Global Agenda (Tel: 03-5217-6775)
■ Venue: Royal Opera House Muscat, Cultural Club
■ Main Cast: The 20th Grand Master of the Hosho School of Noh
■ Hosts: The International Association for the Global Agenda, Public Interest Incorporated Association Hosho-kai
■ Co-Hosts: Embassy of Japan in Oman
■ Sponsors: Oman-Japan Friendship Association, Saud Bahwan Group, Azza Al Ismaili Group
■ Granted by: The Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan through the Japan Arts Council, Tokyo Club Cultural Activities Grants
■ Supported by: Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman in Japan, Japan Art and Culture Association
The visiting team from Japan to Oman took all possible measures to prevent coronavirus infection and returned to Japan without causing any infected person.
〇 About International Association for the Global Agenda
The association is a bridge between Japan and the world. It is built on the core principle that humanity should work together toward women empowerment, diversity, and cultural understanding. It has adopted the slogan “Learn, Act, Share, and Grow.” Based on the long-term friendship between the founder Miki Oikawa and the Omani people, the association aims to create more opportunities for mutual understanding.
[Summary of the host company]
Name: The International Association for the Global Agenda
Address: 5-16-5-406, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Miki OIKAWA
HP: http//global-agenda.org
公演された「石橋(しゃっきょう)」。華道家辻氏によるいけばなによる舞台演出が映える。Photo Yamato Ikehara(YUKI TSUJI, Plants Sculpture Studio Inc.)
歌舞伎の連獅子の元にもなった獅子の舞。宝生流宗家の格式と迫力ある舞台は荘厳。Photo Yamato Ikehara(YUKI TSUJI, Plants Sculpture Studio Inc.)
パンデミック下の現況を踏まえ、本事業のテーマは「回復と再生」とし、具体的なプログラムとしては、1) 数々の賞を受賞している詩人のハッサン・アル・マトルーシ氏による詩読及び能楽シテ方宝生流第二十代宗家 宝生和英による能楽「石橋」公演、2) 能楽に関連した日本の伝統工芸と芸術品の展示、3)同宝生流宗家によるレクチャー、4) 裏千家 岩本涼氏による茶道、茶会体験ワークショップなどが行われました。能楽「石橋」では、オマーン国での公演を意識し、前半の少年役はオマーン国旗をイメージした装束を使用し、華道家辻雄貴氏による舞台芸術では、現地の植物を活かした日本のいけばなによる装飾が施され、それぞれの国の世界観を披露しました。来場者数としては3日間でのべにして約500名となり、能楽公演にはオマーン政府高官や国会議員のみならず、各国大使や外交官、国立大学サルタンカブース大学をはじめとする複数の当地名門大学から日本文化に関心を持つ学生が多数参加し、様々な世代の日本への関心の高さをうかがい知ることが出来ました。
また、本事業を主催したグローバル・アジェンダの代表 及川美樹は「今回の取組は、日本及びオマーン間の相互理解を深めるだけでなく、中東アラブ諸国文化およびムスリムへの理解を促進させるという目的もあり、グローバル・アジェンダの多様性理解の促進というビジョンとも合致するものでした。様々な世代が本事業に参加したことで互いの文化や深い精神性について交流を深めることができたと手応えを感じています。両国の一層の発展へと繋がる機会を増やすべく今後も取り組んでまいります」と述べています。
同じく主催の宝生流第二十代宗家 宝生和英は、「日本とオマーンという一見遠く感じていた両国であるが、デザインや人情、自然に対しての考えなど共通するところが多くあると感じることができました。芸術性を高め合うだけでなく、こうしたプロジェクトを両国の企業が応援をすることで、より積極的な経済活動の促進も既知されると期待します」と述べています。
3月7-9日 展示:能楽に関連した日本の伝統工芸と芸術品
3月7日 展示に関するレクチャー&ワークショップ (能楽:宝生流家元、茶道:裏千家岩本涼氏)
3月8日 日本・オマーン国交50周年記念文化事業
オマーン詩読及び能楽公演「石橋」日・オマーン国交50周年記念文化事業「オマーン新国王に捧げる平和への祈り」(出演:能楽シテ方宝生流第二十代宗家宝生和英他、舞台芸術:華道家 辻雄貴氏)
3月9日 茶道、茶会体験ワークショップ(茶道:裏千家 岩本涼氏)
代表:及川 美樹
ホームページ: https://ja.global-agenda.org/
English Summery
“The Cultural Program for the 50th Anniversary of the Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Oman” executed by Japanese delegation in Muscat
The International Association for the Global Agenda (“Global Agenda”, Representative: Miki OIKAWA, Minato-ku, Tokyo), and Public Interest Incorporated Association Hosho-kai (“Hosho-kai”, Chairman: Atsushi NISHIKORI, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo), implemented the first Noh play in Oman's capital city, Muscat, on 8th of March as part of “The Cultural Program for the 50th anniversary of the Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Oman” (“Event”).
Performed Noh play “Shakkyo”
Unlike the image of a scorching desert, Oman is a safe and peaceful country surrounded by the ocean and mountains, rich in nature and full of emotion. While modernizing as it is possible to drive from Dubai and Abu Dhabi, people prefer traditional Arab lives, are polite and modest. In Oman, only a few Japanese companies have established operations in the petroleum industry, including general trading companies and plants. The aim of the Event is to deepen promotion in the economic field in the future, while building on ongoing friendly relations.
In light of the current situation under the pandemic, the theme of the Event was “Resilience and Revitalization." Specific programs included 1) poetry reading by Mr. Hassan Al Matrooshi, a poet who has received numerous awards, and the performance of Noh play "Shakkyo" by the 20th Grand Master of Hosho School of Noh, Kazufusa HOSHO; 2) exhibition of Japanese traditional crafts and arts related to Noh; 3) lecture by the Grand Master of Hosho School of Noh; and 4) tea ceremony by Mr. Ryo IWAMOTO, Urasenke, and a tea ceremony experience workshop.
In the Noh play "Shakkyo," in consideration of the performance in Oman, the boy in the first half used costumes imagining the flag of Oman. In the stage arts performed by the flower arrangement artist Yuki TSUJI, decorations by Japanese ikebana, which utilized local plants, presented the world view of each country. Over the course of three days, the number of visitors totaled approximately 500. In addition to high-level officials from the Oman government, ambassadors and diplomats from multiple countries, as well as students with a strong interest in Japanese culture from prestigious local universities such as Sultan Qaboos University participated in the Noh play and other activities. The various generations in Oman have shown the high level of interest to Japanese traditional culture.
Royal Opera House Muscat, the venue for the Noh play
From left: Ikebana artist Tsuji, Ambassador Yamamoto's wife, Grand Master of Hosho School of Noh, Global Agenda Oikawa, Ambassador Yamamoto, Tea master Iwamoto
H.E. Ambassador Jota YAMAMOTO of the Embassy of Japan in Oman, who co-hosted the Event, stated, "It was an opportunity for the people of Oman to deepen their understanding of Japan. I would like to develop these opportunities on an ongoing basis and further promote exchanges between the two countries."
In addition, Miki OIKAWA, the representative of Global Agenda, who hosted the Event, stated, "This initiative was designed not only to deepen mutual understanding between Japan and Oman, but also to promote understanding of the culture of the Middle Eastern Arab countries and Muslims in Japan, and was consistent with the vision of promoting understanding of the diversity of Global Agenda. I feel that the participation of various generations in the Event has enabled us to deepen exchanges on each other's culture and deep spirituality. We will continue to work to increase opportunities that will lead to the further development of both countries."
Kazufusa HOSHO, the 20th Grand Master of Hosho School of Noh, also hosted the Event, says, "Although Japan and Oman seemed at first glance distant from each other, I was able to feel that there are many things in common, such as design, humanity, and ideas about nature. Not only do we enhance our artistry, but I expect that promotion of more active economic activities will be known by means of support of these projects by companies in both countries."
Contact for further information:
The International Association for the Global Agenda (Tel: 03-5217-6775)
■ Venue: Royal Opera House Muscat, Cultural Club
■ Main Cast: The 20th Grand Master of the Hosho School of Noh
■ Hosts: The International Association for the Global Agenda, Public Interest Incorporated Association Hosho-kai
■ Co-Hosts: Embassy of Japan in Oman
■ Sponsors: Oman-Japan Friendship Association, Saud Bahwan Group, Azza Al Ismaili Group
■ Granted by: The Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan through the Japan Arts Council, Tokyo Club Cultural Activities Grants
■ Supported by: Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman in Japan, Japan Art and Culture Association
The visiting team from Japan to Oman took all possible measures to prevent coronavirus infection and returned to Japan without causing any infected person.
〇 About International Association for the Global Agenda
The association is a bridge between Japan and the world. It is built on the core principle that humanity should work together toward women empowerment, diversity, and cultural understanding. It has adopted the slogan “Learn, Act, Share, and Grow.” Based on the long-term friendship between the founder Miki Oikawa and the Omani people, the association aims to create more opportunities for mutual understanding.
[Summary of the host company]
Name: The International Association for the Global Agenda
Address: 5-16-5-406, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Miki OIKAWA
HP: http//global-agenda.org