ISSE Safety S.L. (イッセ) 布製タイヤチェーン「スノーソックス」を日本で発売開始
ISSE textile chains are now available in Japan
- 大手ヨーロッパ布製タイヤチェーンメーカーISSE Safety S.L. (イッセ) が日本市場へ参入
- ヨーロッパ・北米市場ではすでに成功。日本進出によって国際展開をさらに強化
スペイン・バルセロナ発(2003年設立)の布製タイヤチェーンメーカーISSE Safety S.L.(イッセ・セイフティ)が今季日本市場に参入しました。日本のインポーターおよび代理店と共に展開する同社の注目商品は「ISSE(イッセ)スノーソックス」で、クラシック、スーパー、トラック用の3種類。2019年12月より販売を開始しています。
- 着脱が簡単(2分程度で取り付け可能)、独自のオートセンター機能により走行中は常に適正な位置を維持。
- 氷雪路走行中のトラクションを向上させ安全を確保。
- 低価格ながら性能はスタッドレスタイヤに匹敵。
- 繰り返し使用可能。
- 騒音や振動を抑え、快適なドライブを実現。
- コンパクトで軽量であるため保管が簡単。
- 車体や道路に優しい素材。
- 現在市場で展開されている布製タイヤチェーンの中でも最大級の耐久性。
- トラックなど大型車両用も展開。
ISSE Safety S.L.の公式YouTubeチャンネルでビデオを公開中です。
JPY 13,800 (税抜き)
JPY 19,800 (税抜き)
JPY 30,800 (税抜き)~
JAPAN, Tokyo – 2020 January 15
- ISSE Safety S.L., the leading manufacturer of textile snow chains in Europe is entering the Japanese market
- The expansion to Japan strengthens its international development after conquering the European and North-American markets
ISSE Safety S.L., established in 2003 in Barcelona - Spain, has entered the Japanese market in collaboration with a japanese importer and 3 distributors. The products available are ISSE Classic, ISSE Super and ISSE for Trucks. Sales started this December 2019 under the ISSE brand.
ISSE snow socks are a new generation of snow chains made of hyper resistant textile. They are the result of years of innovation in chemistry and physics. ISSE Safety S.L., the leading manufacturer of textile snow chains, developed the ISSE snow socks to provide everyone with more safety on the road at a lower price and with simpler ease of use. Textile snow chains have surpassed metal chains as the preferred chain system in Europe and the USA. ISSE Safety Sl, sells its products under its own ISSE snow socks brand and as OEM products to large car manufacturers and tire makers, including several car makers implanted in Japan.
Textile snow chains are fully compliant with the Japanese regulation passed in 2018 by the Ministry of Transportation (MLIT) the use of snow chains compulsory in certain snow / ice driving conditions.
The advantages of ISSE snow socks for you are:
- They are easy, intuitive, quick to install & uninstall in less than 2 minutes and will auto-center thanks to ISSE Safety Sl’s patented technology.
- They guarantee your safety by improving traction on snow and icy roads with performance equivalent to studless tires at a fraction of the price.
- They are reusable.
- They reduce noise and vibrations for a more comfortable ride.
- They are small and lightweight for easy storage while not in use.
- They will not damage your vehicle nor the road.
- They are the most resistant textile chain on the market
- They are the best textile chain for trucks
For more information, visit our Japanese language website at:
The official Youtube channel of ISSE Safety S.L. has videos of the ISSE snow socks in action:
Wholesale orders
ISSE Snow socks are imported in Japan by 株式会社Foresight.
Retail price
ISSE Classic
JPY 13,800 (w/o tax)
JPY 19,800 (w/o tax)
For trucks & buses
JPY 30,800 (w/o tax)