
Global ESG Strategy

投資情報動画メディア『マネーサテライト』にブロードリーフ大山社長と共にGlobal ESG Straregy兼スイスアジアCIO門田が出演<English follows>
Broadleaf President Mr. Oyama and CIO of Global ESG Strategy and Swiss-Asia Mr. Monden Appear on "Money Satellite," an Investment Information Video Media

Press Release

Global ESG Strategy



English press release


Global ESG Strategy(以下「GES」)兼スイスアジア・フィナンシャルサービシズ(以下「SAFS」)の最高投資責任者であり、SAFSにてGESの運用をも担っている門田泰人が、投資情報動画メディア『マネーサテライト』(運営会社:松井証券株式会社)に株式会社ブロードリーフ(証券コード:3673)代表取締役社長 大山堅司様と共に出演しました。
SAFSの運営ファンドGlobal ESG Strategyよりブロードリーフに投資していますが、GESは、ESG(Environment(環境), Social(社会)及びGovernance(ガバナンス))の視点から中長期的な投資を行う投資ファンドであり、投資先との建設的な対話等を通じ、日本の上場会社の中長期的な企業価値・株主価値の向上を実現することを後押ししていくことを運用方針としています。

サイトURL: https://www.matsui.co.jp/money-satellite/movie/investment/stock/mv-JLSV0iyZUS8Q.html

Global ESG Strategyについて

SAFSは、2004年設立、シンガポールを拠点とし、シンガポール証券先物法に基づく資本市場サービスライセンス(Capital Markets Services License)を保有する投資運用会社です。

お問い合わせ先: globalesg@swissasia-group.com

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SAFS、Global ESG Strategy又はその関連者は、直接的であるか間接的であるかは問わず、契約によるものか不法行為その他によるものかは問わず、本プレスリリースに関連して一切の責任又は負担を負いません。
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Press Release

Global ESG Strategy
March 11, 2024

Broadleaf President Mr. Oyama and CIO of Global ESG Strategy and Swiss-Asia Mr. Monden Appear on "Money Satellite," an Investment Information Video Media

Yasuto Monden, CIO of Global ESG Strategy ("GES") and Swiss-Asia Financial Services Pte Ltd (“SAFS”) who is responsible for investment activities of Global ESG Strategy within SAFS, appeared with Kenji Oyama, President and CEO of Broadleaf Corporation (Securities Code: 3673), on the investment information video media "Money Satellite" (operated by Matsui Securities Co., Ltd.).

Global ESG Strategy, an investment fund managed by SAFS invests in Broadleaf. GES makes medium- to long-term investments from an ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) perspective, and its policy is to promote improvements on enterprise value and shareholder value of investee companies through constructive dialogue with investee companies and other means.

In the Money Satellite, Mr. Monden explained about case studies of US IT companies' business transformation driven by activist investors, and then Broadleaf President Mr. Oyama, who is actively pursuing growth by implementing a bold business transformation of which Mr. Monden advised to formulate the underlying mid-term management plan, explains the company's business policy, current managerial environment, and the future outlook.

Website URL: https://www.matsui.co.jp/money-satellite/movie/investment/stock/mv-JLSV0iyZUS8Q.html

About Global ESG Strategy
Global ESG Strategy ("GES"), an investment fund that is managed by SAFS, makes medium- to long-term investments from an ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) perspective, and its policy is to promote improvements on enterprise value and shareholder value of investee companies through constructive dialogue with investee companies and other means.

About Swiss-Asia Financial Services
SAFS is founded in 2004, and is a Singapore based investment management company that holds a Capital Markets Services (CMS) License under the Singapore Securities and Futures Act (SFA).

Contact: globalesg@swissasia-group.com

This press release is provided solely for informational purposes regarding the appearance of SAFS Yasuto Monden on the investment information video media "Money Satellite" (operated by Matsui Securities Co., Ltd.) and does not constitute an offer, solicitation, marketing, or advertisement of any service or product, nor is it an offer, solicitation, marketing, or advertisement of any investment product or any kind. It is not an offer, solicitation, marketing or advertisement of any service or product, nor is it an investment product or investment advice of any kind.
This press release has been prepared in part on the basis of certain assumptions and publicly available information as of the date of this press release, and neither SAFS, Global ESG Strategy nor any of its affiliates has independently verified such assumptions or information. SAFS, Global ESG Strategy or its affiliates make no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of this press release.
SAFS, Global ESG Strategy, or any of their respective affiliates disclaims any warranty that such forward-looking statements will prove to be correct. SAFS, Global ESG Strategy, or any of its affiliates assumes no responsibility or liability for the ultimate accuracy of any such forward-looking statements.



Global ESG Strategy


190 エルギンアベニュー、ジョージ・タウン、グランド・ケイマン KY1-9008、ケイマン諸島
門田 泰人