【空のプロが、旅のプロへ】COBI、ANA Study Flyと共にインバウンド業界の課題の解決に挑む
~現役CAがラグジュアリー層特化型ガイド手配のCOBIに登録開始、ANA Study Flyスキルシェアプログラムを通じたスキル向上も実現~
株式会社COBI(本社:東京都中央区、代表取締役社長:北川淑恵)は、ANA Study Flyスキルシェアプログラムとのトライアルを開始し、社会課題の解決を目指した新たな取り組みを試験的にスタートしました。本トライアルでは、質の高い通訳ガイド不足というインバウンド業界の課題に対応するとともに、キャビンアテンダント(CA)の活躍の場を広げることで、日本社会における多様な働き方を促進します。

ANA Study Flyプロジェクトとトライアルを開始することで、航空業界で培ったホスピタリティと高い語学力を持つ現役CAにエグゼクティブ・ガイドとしての活躍の場を提供し、このギャップを埋める新たなソリューションを提供します。

ANA Study Flyプログラムによる質の向上
相互ベネフィットとして、ANA Study Flyの提供するスキルシェアプログラムを活用することで、COBIに登録する通訳ガイドは、国際的なホスピタリティスキルや文化理解をさらに深めることができます。このスキルシェアプログラムにより、訪日外国人観光客に対して一層高い満足度を提供できる体制が整います。

COBIとANA Study Flyの相乗効果
ANA Study FlyスキルシェアプログラムはCOBIの提供する日本文化を深く体験できる訪日外国人向けの特別な通訳ガイドサービスをサポートします。COBIの質の高いエグゼクティブ・ガイドがこのプログラムに参加をすることで、旅行者にとっての特別な体験がさらに強化され、訪日観光全体の付加価値向上が期待されます。本連携はトライアルとしてスタートし、インバウンド業界や航空業界が直面する社会課題への解決策を模索する一環として位置付けられています。実績や成果を見ながら、今後のさらなる拡大を検討していきます。


ANA Study FlyのWEBページはこちら
From Sky Experts to Travel Experts: COBI and ANA Study Fly Join Forces to Tackle Challenges in the Inbound Tourism Industry
From Sky Experts to Travel Experts: Active Cabin Crew Members Begin Registering with COBI for Luxury-Focused Guide Services,
Enhancing Skills through the ANA Study Fly Skill-Sharing Program
Tokyo-based COBI Inc. (Headquarters: Chuo City, Tokyo; CEO: Yoshie Kitagawa) has initiated a trial collaboration with ANA Study Fly’s skill-sharing program to address key societal challenges and pioneer innovative solutions. This partnership aims to mitigate the shortage of high-quality interpreter guides in Japan’s inbound tourism sector while expanding opportunities for cabin crew (CA) to thrive in diverse roles, promoting flexible working styles in Japanese society.

Tackling Industry Challenges with Two Key ApproachesAddressing the Shortage of High-Quality Interpreter Guides
The surge in inbound tourism, driven by initiatives by the Japan Tourism Agency, has led to remarkable growth in visitor numbers. However, a critical shortage of skilled interpreter guides to cater to luxury travelers and those seeking deep cultural experiences remains a challenge. Leveraging its strength in providing executive guide services for high-end clients, COBI’s collaboration with ANA Study Fly offers an innovative solution. Active cabin crew, with their hospitality expertise and exceptional language skills honed in the aviation industry, can now explore new opportunities as executive guides.
Expanding Career Paths and Promoting Flexible Working Styles
Professionals with international hospitality and cultural expertise often find limited opportunities to fully utilize their skills. Additionally, maintaining full-time roles can be challenging for individuals balancing family and career, increasing the demand for flexible working options. Through this partnership, COBI’s platform empowers skilled professionals to pursue rewarding careers as executive guides, offering flexible work arrangements that align with their lifestyle while maximizing their potential.

Enhancing Quality through the ANA Study Fly Program
The ANA Study Fly skill-sharing program provides a significant mutual benefit. Interpreter guides registered with COBI can enhance their international hospitality skills and cultural understanding, ensuring even higher satisfaction levels for inbound tourists.

Synergy Between COBI and ANA Study Fly
The ANA Study Fly Skill-Sharing Program supports COBI's exclusive interpreter guide services, designed to offer inbound travelers a deeply immersive experience of Japanese culture. By involving COBI’s high-quality executive guides in this program, it aims to further enhance the unique experiences offered to travelers and elevate the overall value of inbound tourism.
This collaboration begins as a trial, serving as part of efforts to explore solutions to social challenges faced by the inbound tourism and aviation industries. Based on the results and achievements of this initiative, further expansion will be considered in the future.

About COBI
COBI Inc. operates a web platform that connects luxury-focused executive guides with high-net-worth travelers worldwide. By leveraging a web platform and mobile app, COBI ensures seamless and efficient guide arrangements. In addition, COBI conducts training programs to enhance guides' skills, emphasizing deep cultural understanding and unparalleled hospitality.
Get Started with COBI (for business partners): https://cobi-app.cobi.co.jp/signup
Contact Us for Details:
Email: info@cobi.co.jp
Phone: +81-50-1808-9373
Visit COBI’s Websites:

Learn More About ANA Study Fly