海上通信プロバイダを目指すフューチャークエスト、DRONE FUNDを引受先としてプレシードラウンド資金調達を実施
海上DXの推進によって「One Ocean」(一つの海)の実現を目指すフューチャークエスト株式会社(福岡県福岡市中央区 代表取締役 瀧本朋樹)はDRONE FUND 3号投資事業有限責任組合(運営会社 DRONE FUND株式会社 代表 千葉功太郎・大前 創希)を引き受け先として、資金調達(プレシードラウンド) を実施しました。今回の資金調達によって、海上通信プラットフォーム「コースタルリンク」の事業展開に向けた組織体制整備、大学・研究機関との共同研究実施、海上デジタル通信普及のための制度改革にむけた活動をより一層積極的に行います。
フューチャークエストは海上デジタル通信プロバイダとして、すべての船とすべての港を一つにつなぎ、One Ocean(一つの海)を実現することを目指しています。
- 組織体制強化
- 大学・研究機関との共同研究の推進
- 海上デジタル通信の普及に向けた制度改革に関する取り組みの強化
*1:Automatic Identification Systemの略。船舶の識別符号、種類、位置、針路、速力、航行状態及びその他の安全に関する情報を自動的にVHF帯電波で送受信し、船舶局相互間及び船舶局と海岸局の航行援助施設等との間で情報の交換を行うシステム。
*2:VHF Data Exchange Systemの略で、国際航路標識協会および国際電気通信連合が策定した新たな海上通信規格です。次世代AISやAIS2.0とも称され中継のためのVDES通信衛星、メッセージ機能およびデータ交換機能が追加され各国で開発が進行しています。2023年より専用の衛星コンステレーションの打ち上げが世界的に開始されます。
<DRONE FUND プリンシパル 蓬田和平 コメント>
DRONE FUNDでは、広大な海洋を自律型ロボット・モビリティが活躍するフィールドの一つとして、活動を進めて参りました。活動する中で、海洋における通信の課題は大きく、そこには新たなマーケットができると確信しております。そのような中で、異なる通信規格を一元的に接続できるプラット フォームレイヤーは海洋国家である日本のスタートアップ、中でも幼少期から海洋でのキャリアを選択し、挑戦を続ける瀧本さんだからこそ、グローバルに勝負ができると考えております。
英表記:Future Quest Inc.
代表取締役 瀧本朋樹
本社所在地:福岡県福岡市中央区大名1丁目3-41G’s BASE FUKUOKA
- インターン(高専・大学・大学院)
- リサーチャー:公共政策・海事
- エンジニア:SE(フロント/サーバ)、UI/UXデザイナ/エンジニア、組み込みエンジニア
FutureQuest, a company aiming to become a maritime communications provider, held a pre-seed round fundraising with DRONE FUND as the investment underwriter.
FutureQuest Inc. (Fukuoka Prefecture, Fukuoka City, Chuo Ward, Representative Tomoki Takimoto), which aims to realize "One Ocean" by promoting maritime DX, has raised funds (pre-seed round) with DRONE FUND Series 3 Investment Limited Partnership (Management Company: DRONE FUND, Co., Ltd.) as the capital underwriter. With this funding, the company will improve the organizational structure for businesses of different scales through the maritime communication platform "CoastalLink", conduct joint research with universities and engage more proactively in activities aimed at system reforms to promote maritime digital communication.
■ Purpose and Context
FutureQuest, as a maritime digital communications provider, which aims to envision One Ocean by connecting all ships and ports together.
Currently, countries worldwide are actively promoting the adoption of VDES (*2), a new maritime communication standard known as the next-generation AIS (*1). In Japan, companies and organizations involved in marine transportation, shipbuilding, communications, logistics, and other fields will also begin demonstration testing and commercialization. In this time of rapid change in international situations, even from an economic security standpoint, it is increasingly likely that such a trend will accelerate on a global scale.
■ Initiatives and Outlook
Since our establishment in 2021, our company has been aiming to contribute toward the prevention of maritime accidents by planning and developing "CoastalLink (CoastalLink: pending trademark registration)", a maritime communication platform that enables centralized digital communication for all ships and port facilities. This summer, we completed a prototype system of "CoastalLink", and we are currently conducting demonstration tests to verify issues promoting system reforms.
To use VDES to build a maritime communication infrastructure centered on coastal areas, our company is scheduling to launch the "CoastalLink" service on the timing of the VDES phased implementation starting in 2024. Facilitating the provision of content by third parties with the spread of maritime data communications will enable rich information support for ships and ports.
As part of this, we will continue developing formats that realize mutual communications between ships, drones, and individuals, and we will work in partnership with the most appropriate telecommunications carriers. We aim to achieve over 90% coverage in Japan's EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone), including satellite links by 2027, 5 years from now.
■ The importance of Drone Technology
We believe that the cooperation between the sea (ships), the land (ports), and the air (drones) will play a significant role in realizing communications over the vast ocean in the future. There is no doubt that drones are beneficial as a means for ships sailing the sea to monitor their surroundings in real-time. However, for maritime vessels and drones to work together, they must share a common means of communication and guidance. "CoastalLink" is a VDES-based maritime communication platform that supports ships and drones intending to contribute to the promotion and cooperation of maritime mobility.
■ The use of the fund raised this round:
- Strengthen organizational structure
- Promote joint research with universities and research institutions
- Strengthen efforts relating to system reform for the spread of maritime digital communications
*1: Abbreviation for Automatic Identification System: A system that automatically transmits and receives information on a vessel's identification code, type, position, course, speed, navigation status, and other safety information via VHF radio waves which exchange information between vessel stations and between the vessel and navigation assistance facilities of coastal stations.
*2: Abbreviation for VHF Data Exchange System, a new maritime communication standard introduced by the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Known as the next generation AIS or the AIS 2.0, VDES relay communication satellites with additional messaging and data exchange functionality are being developed in many countries. A dedicated satellite constellation is scheduled for launch in 2023.
■ Comment from an investor
<Comment by DRONE FUND Principal Wahei Yomogita>
This time, we have invested in Future Quest, a company developing a maritime communication platform under the lead of Mr. Takimoto.
DRONE FUND has been promoting the vast ocean as one of the fields where autonomous robots and mobility can play an active role. In the course of our activities, we believe that there are significant problems in maritime communications and there will be a market for these drones Under the circumstances, we think that the platform layer that can centrally connect different communication standards is a startup from Japan, a maritime nation, and among them, we believe in Mr. Takimoto’s capability to compete globally as he is someone who has chosen the career in the oceanology since a very young age and has continued to take on challenges.
■ Future Quest, Inc.
Founded: January 2021
Representative: Tomoki Takimoto
Main Office: Daimyo 1 Chome 3-41 G’s BASE FUKUOKA, Chuo- Ku, Fukuoka, Fukuoka Prefecture, JAPAN
Main Business Domain: Maritime Digital Communications Provider and Platformer
Website: https://futurequest.jp