次世代RPAのGyoseki: オープン・ベータ版ローンチ 及び 大会登録開始
(English to follow)
詳しくは、https://gyoseki.com/competition/about をご覧ください。
連絡先: contact@gyoseki.com
URL: https://gyoseki.com
Gyoseki is pleased to announce that we have launched Open Beta version and began registration for the College Fundamental Analysis Competition.
【About Gyoseki Competition】
In this Competition, participants will make earnings forecasts for three selected companies, and compete on their accuracy and method. Participants of the competition will gain real-world experience as they assume the role of fundamental analysts and compete in making accurate earnings forecasts. The skills gained from this competition can be applied to a wide range of professions, including asset management, financial advisory and corporate strategy.
Competition will begin on 11/14 (Mon) with the announcement of target companies.
Please see https://gyoseki.com/competition/about for more detail.
【Gyoseki System】
Gyoseki was established in 2022 with the goal to Empower Fundamental Investors. We are developing a next generation RPA that will cutdown on mundane tasks and help identify alpha opportunities for fundamental investors. We believe that every investor has her or his unique strengths and foresights, and our mission is to embrace and enhance each and every user’s skillset.
We introduce some functions requested by professional investors who sort through hundreds of stocks on a daily basis.
【Check if you are consensus】
【Seasonality Check】
【Focus on Future Guidance, not on historical progress】
【About Open Beta】
All Open Beta users, including those undergraduate and graduate school students participating in the Competition, are able to use the platform free of charge through Spring 2023.
Please contact us if there are any improvement points or functions you would like to be added.
Contact: contact@gyoseki.com
URL: https://gyoseki.com
詳しくは、https://gyoseki.com/competition/about をご覧ください。
連絡先: contact@gyoseki.com
URL: https://gyoseki.com
Gyoseki is pleased to announce that we have launched Open Beta version and began registration for the College Fundamental Analysis Competition.
【About Gyoseki Competition】
In this Competition, participants will make earnings forecasts for three selected companies, and compete on their accuracy and method. Participants of the competition will gain real-world experience as they assume the role of fundamental analysts and compete in making accurate earnings forecasts. The skills gained from this competition can be applied to a wide range of professions, including asset management, financial advisory and corporate strategy.
Competition will begin on 11/14 (Mon) with the announcement of target companies.
Please see https://gyoseki.com/competition/about for more detail.
【Gyoseki System】
Gyoseki was established in 2022 with the goal to Empower Fundamental Investors. We are developing a next generation RPA that will cutdown on mundane tasks and help identify alpha opportunities for fundamental investors. We believe that every investor has her or his unique strengths and foresights, and our mission is to embrace and enhance each and every user’s skillset.
We introduce some functions requested by professional investors who sort through hundreds of stocks on a daily basis.
【Valuation table based on your numbers】
【Check if you are consensus】
【Seasonality Check】
【Focus on Future Guidance, not on historical progress】
【About Open Beta】
All Open Beta users, including those undergraduate and graduate school students participating in the Competition, are able to use the platform free of charge through Spring 2023.
Please contact us if there are any improvement points or functions you would like to be added.
Contact: contact@gyoseki.com
URL: https://gyoseki.com