京都のおかんベンチャー 海外観光客向けに体験型託児プログラム開始 2月24日メディア限定体験会を実施
First Kids Edutainment Program for Tourists Visiting Kyoto Will Have a Closed Trial Event (Feb 24)
京都のおかん(母親)発ベンチャーのFamily Experience Japan (株式会社たおやかカンパニー 代表: 赤坂美保)は、海外からの子連れ観光客にむけて、異文化体験を通じ学びを得られる「体験型」託児サービス「Kids Experience」シリーズを3月より提供開始いたします。オープンに先立ち、皆さまに「学び」をご体感いただける体験会を、メディアと観光事業者の皆さま限定で2月24日(日)京都にて実施いたします。
そんな悩みに応えたのが「Kids Experience」シリーズです。お子様が、京都ならではの施設で地元の文化や人との交流を楽しみながら有意義な学びの時間を過ごす間に、保護者のみなさまは、大人だけの時間をゆったりと楽しんでいただけます。(保護者のみなさまのご参加も可能です)
【Family Experience Japanとは】
名称:Family Experience Japan (株式会社たおやかカンパニー)
URL: https://familyexperience.jp/
(日本語) https://familyexperience.jp/interested/
First Kids Edutainment Program for Tourists Visiting Kyoto Will Have a Closed Trial Event on February 24
Family Experience Japan (FEJ), a venture started by Kyoto mothers, launches "Kids Experience" series, the first kids edutainment for tourists visiting Kyoto. A closed trial event will be held on Feb 24.
Family Experience Japan (Taoyaka & Co. rep: Miho Akasaka) will launch a kids edutainment program, "Kids Experience" for overseas tourists visiting Kyoto, this March. Kids can learn from experiencing local cultures and communicating with local people. Prior to this launch, we will hold a closed trial event where you can experience "learning" on February 24 (Sunday) for the media and people in the tourism industry.
By creating exchanges with children in the local community and children who are coming from all over the world, we feel that everyone can learn wonderful things from each other. Education and childcare experts have launched this service.
Kyoto is famous for beautiful shrines and temples as well as fancy Japanese restaurants, all things adults would enjoy. However, those places aren`t always very kid-friendly. With our edutainment series, parents can relax and enjoy their time visiting shrines, temples, etc. while children enjoy learning about Kyoto's local culture and meeting local people in unique facilities around Kyoto, a World Heritage city. (Parents can also be participants)
We provide our traditions as edutainment for kids. Also, we will develop various services which make tourists traveling as a family happy in Kyoto.
Name:Family Experience Japan (Taoyaka & Co.)
Location:Kyoto city
URL: https://familyexperience.jp/