
Verod-Kepple Africa Ventures、アフリカ全土でさまざまな社会課題の解決に取り組むスタートアップへの出資/成長支援を実施。LP出資企業との事業連携も進む

日本とナイジェリアの企業が運営するベンチャーキャピタル、Verod-Kepple Africa Partnersはこのほど、同社が設立したファンドVerod-Kepple Africa Ventures (以下、VKAV)で、計60億円(43百万米ドル)を調達しました。本ファンドはアフリカ全域でシード・シリーズA期のテックスタートアップに投資を行います。今回出資いただいた投資家は、主に日本の団体・企業で、独立行政法人国際協力機構(JICA)、三井住友信託銀行、SBI ホールディングス、豊田通商のほか、個人投資家の金田修氏、米国ファミリーオフィス等を含みます。


Verod-Kepple Africa Venturesについてhttps://vkav.vc/
VKAVは、Kepple Africa Ventures(以下、KAV)と、Verod Capital Management (以下、Verod Capital)の合弁企業であるVerod-Kepple Africa Partnersのファンド(ルクセンブルク登記)となります。本ファンドは2022年に発足し、アフリカ全土でさまざまな社会課題の解決に取り組むスタートアップ企業に対して、成長支援を行っています。
これまでの出資先はMoove Africa(複数ヵ国:車両ファイナンス)、 NowPay(エジプト:給与ファイナンス)、 Koko Networks(ケニア:バイオエタノール販売による二酸化炭素排出権)、Ceviant(ナイジェリア:財務管理SaaS)、Chari(モロッコ:B2B Eコマース)、Shuttlers(ナイジェリア:公共交通)、Nawy(エジプト:不動産マーケットプレイス)、Julaya(仏語圏西アフリカ:B2Bネオバンク)の8社です。

Kepple Africa Ventures についてhttps://kepple-africa-ventures.com/
株式会社ケップルアフリカベンチャーズ(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表:神先 孝裕)は、ケニアとナイジェリアに拠点を持ち、「アフリカに新しい産業を創る」ことをミッションにしたベンチャーキャピタルです。2018年の設立以降、アフリカで11ヶ国103社への投資を完了しています。イノベーションによって新しい産業が続々と生まれているアフリカにおいて、現地スタートアップの成長をサポートし、日本企業と協業する仕組みを作り出しています。こうした活動を通じ、新しい産業を創り、グローバルに展開していくことを目指します。

Verod Capital Management についてhttp://www.verod.com/
Verod Capital Management(本社:ナイジェリア・ラゴス、代表:Danladi Verheijen)は、アフリカの中小企業、スタートアップ企業への投資および成長支援の実績を有するナイジェリアの大手プライベートエクイティ会社です。2008年に設立された同社は、西アフリカ地域におけるプライベートエクイティファンドのマーケットリーダーであり(累計調達額364百万米ドル)、アフリカ最大級のアルミ缶製造工場、ナイジェリアの大手生命保険会社、大手薬局チェーン等、各産業を代表する企業への出資、事業運営経験を有します。

品田 諭志(VKAVパートナー)

Ory Okolloh(VKAVパートナー)

Eric Idiahi(Verod Captalパートナー、VKAV Investment Committee/Portfolio Review Committeeメンバー)
Verod CapitalはKepple Africa Venturesとパートナーシップを築けたことに大変満足しています。彼らの比類なき経験値と、Verodの西アフリカにおける15年以上に亘る投資実績、着実にリターンを返してきた歴史は、アフリカにおいて、投資とハンズオンサポートを融合する新たなモデルの先端事例となると確信します。VKAVは投資先に対し、資金調達支援、オペレーション改善、人材獲得、新規市場開拓等、全ての領域をカバーする支援を提供していきます。


中澤 慶一郎氏(独立行政法人国際協力機構 理事)

穴繁 康氏(三井住友信託銀行 フェロー役員 インパクトエクイティ投資部長)

Ori Rewane: Head - Investor Relations & Communications, Verod-Kepple Africa Ventures 
Tel: +234 1 462 8646/7 
Email: admin@kepple-fund.org (日本語でのお問い合わせ)
inbound@vkav.vc (英語でのお問い合わせ)

Verod-Kepple Africa Ventures (VKAV) – a Pan-African Venture Capital Fund focused on Emerging Growth Stage Companies – Raises $43M from Investors 

March 20th, 2023: Verod-Kepple Africa Ventures (“VKAV”) is pleased to announce that it has raised US$43 million as part of its ongoing fundraising for its pan-African venture fund.  The fund’s initial backers include institutions such as SBI Holdings, Toyota Tsusho Corporation, and individual investors such as Mr. Osamu Kaneda

VKAV is the first fund by Verod-Kepple Africa Partners, a joint venture between Verod Capital Management Limited (Verod Capital) and Kepple Africa Ventures. Launched in 2022, VKAV invests in scalable, tech-enabled, post-revenue businesses addressing difficult challenges across various industries on the continent. VKAV’s current investments include Moove Africa (Multiple markets: smart vehicle finance for mobility entrepreneurs); NowPay (Egypt: financial wellness for employees); Koko Networks (Kenya: clean cooking technology company); Ceviant (Nigeria: treasury management and trade finance);  Chari (Morocco: B2B e-commerce for FMCG); Shuttlers (Nigeria: shared mobility); Nawy (Egypt: end-to-end platform powering property transactions); and Julaya (Francophone West Africa: neobank for businesses in Africa). The fund’s announcement comes on the back of a resilient 2022 in the African tech-ecosystem, where the interest in venture capital in Africa grew by 8% despite a global economic crisis.

VKAV Partner Satoshi Shinada says,  “We are convinced that there is a tremendous opportunity for technology to drive innovation and growth in Africa. We are excited to spearhead this transformation through our investment in category-defining startups, and to create a positive impact on the communities they serve.” 

“We are incredibly grateful for the confidence that our world-class set of investors have in our team and differentiated value creation strategy. We look forward to deepening the successful long-term partnership we have with them,” adds VKAV Partner Ory Okolloh.

Eric Idiahi, Investment Committee & Portfolio Review Committee Member at VKAV and Partner at Verod Capital commented, “Verod Capital is delighted to partner with Kepple Africa Ventures. Their formidable experience combined with Verod’s strong performance track record investing in West Africa for 15 years, plus its history of returning capital to investors, provides a solid platform to showcase a unique model for venture capital in Africa that combines investment experience with hands-on support across the board - from fundraising, to fixing operations gaps, sourcing talent and accelerating expansion. 

VKAV is committed to generating outstanding returns and achieving meaningful social impact by backing entrepreneurs who are committed to solving big challenges, while serving as a catalyst to support collaborations between African startups and Japanese strategic partners to achieve superior growth and ESG best practices in the portfolio.  This commitment is strongly supported by the participation of notable/acclaimed/major LPs coming into the fund in this round, including Japan International Cooperation Agency ("JICA") and Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank ("SMTB").

VKAV portfolio companies are serving not only African customers, but also global customers. In total, they have impacted 800,000+ individuals and small businesses in nine markets, six of which are in Africa, and created more than 2,000 jobs.    
Keiichiro Nakazawa, Senior Vice President, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) said “This will be our first investment in the African VC sector. We consider it as a critical step for us as a development development agency to integrate technology innovations and its fast-growing ecosystems into the broader arena of social and economic development in developing countries. We believe that VKAV is the best partner to materialize this vision, and expect to have multi-faceted collaborations with them.”
Yasushi Anashige, Executive Manager & General Manager,  Impact Equity Investment Department at Sumitomi Mitsui Trust Bank (SMTB) also expressed their pleasure to be part of such a ground-breaking fund, noting, ”We are deeply impressed by the bold vision of Verod-Kepple Africa Ventures to achieve the double bottom-line of ‘harnessing economic development with growing population" and "solving various social challenges.’ Their forward-looking practice of integrating impact monitoring and management (IMM) into their investment process as well as the fact that they have two full-time Japanese venture capitalists based in Africa have also made us comfortable working with them. We believe that they will make significant successes not only in making financial returns but also bringing Japanese corporates to Africa.” 

For further information, please visit https://vkav.vc or contact:  
Ori Rewane: Head - Investor Relations & Communications, Verod-Kepple Africa Ventures 
Tel:         +234 1 462 8646/7 
Email:    investorrelations@vkav.vc 





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