New Space Intelligenceとアクセルスペースが衛星画像活用の拡大に向け、パートナーシップを締結
New Space Intelligence(NSI)は、超小型人工衛星の開発製造及び超小型衛星を利用したソリューションの提案を手がけるアクセルスペースとパートナーシップを締結いたしました。2023年1月20日、アクセルスペースオフィスにて協業覚書の調印式を執り行い、衛星画像活用の拡大に向けて、両社で協力していくことを改めて確認いたしました。
同社の取り組む「Space within your reach (宇宙を普通の場所に)」というミッションは、NSIのビジョン「誰もが衛星データを活用できる未来を創る」と重なるものです。今回の提携により、両社で協力して衛星データの活用拡大をより強力に推進してまいります。特に新たな衛星画像を使用したアプリケーション開発や海外新規市場開拓をメインに共同で推進してまいります。
「衛星画像の解析だけでなく、アプリケーション開発に強みのあるNew Space Intelligence社と連携することで、これまで弊社がリーチできていなかった衛星画像活用の新たな領域を広げていけると期待しています。また国際色豊かなNSI社のメンバーの皆さんと力を合わせ、グローバルな市場開拓を一段と加速させていきます。」
New Space Inelligenceについて(
【New Space Intelligence and AxelspacePartnership to Expand Satellite Imagery Utilization】
New Space Intelligence (NSI) is pleased to announce that we have signed a strategic partnership with Axelspace. Axelspace is the global leader in microsatellite launches.
On January 20, 2023, the signing ceremony for the memorandum of cooperation was held at Axelspace’s office in Tokyo, reaffirming our commitment to expand satellite imagery utilization.
NSI specializes in the field of geospatial technology, specifically the analysis of remote sensing imagery and the optimal utilization of related geospatial data. NSI is actively working on the social implementation of ‘satellite data pipelines’, striving to support the practical application of satellite data in various industries and sectors.
The ‘AxelGlobe' service is a next-generation optical earth observation platform. It enables high-frequency observation of any area in the world. Currently, Axelspace has a constellation of five “GRUS” satellites. GRUS satellites have a ground resolution of 2.5 meters, an imaging range of 57 kilometers, and an imaging frequency of once every two days.
The mission of Axelspace, “Space within your reach", aligns with our vision, “Creating a future where anyone can utilize satellite data". Through this partnership, we will work together to promote the expansion of satellite data utilization. In particular, we will collaborate on developing new applications using satellite imagery and expanding services to overseas markets.
Yumiko Nagai, CEO of New Space Intelligence, commented:
“We have been handling a variety of satellite data from around the world, and we think that Axelspace's satellite data is of excellent quality, even compared to major satellite data from Europe and the United States. I hope we can build a better relationship from this collaboration as we create new services for the world."
Yuya Nakamura, President and CEO of Axelspace, commented:
“We are looking forward to working with New Space Intelligence. NSI has strengths in both satellite image analysis and application development. This partnership expands our reach into unprecedented satellite image applications. We look forward to working with NSI’s multinational team to accelerate our global market development further.”
About New Space Intelligence (
New Space Intelligence Inc. is a startup founded by members of AIT (Asian Institute of Technology) in Thailand and Yamaguchi University in Japan. With focus on bringing a geo-enabled society to reality, NSI boasts expertise and advanced technology in remote sensing, artificial intelligence, and image processing. NSI is currently developing "satellite data pipelines" with the capability to integrate a diverse range of satellite data to form a comprehensive platform. This platform will serve as a solution-oriented tool, providing customers with the most suitable analytical methods to address their specific needs. In line with this vision, NSI is developing change detection services and other solutions that effectively address customer challenges and requirements.
About Axelspace(
Axelspace Corporation has developed and operated nine satellites in 14 years, such as “WNISAT-1,” the world’s first commercial meteorological satellite, and “RAPIS-1,” a satellite in which JAXA outsourced design and development to a space startup for the first time in Japan.
As a frontrunner in the Japanese microsatellite industry, we have been leading the industry in space utilization with a full range of satellite development, operation, and solution services. We have been developing and manufacturing microsatellites in our clean room in our office in Nihonbashi, Tokyo. Our main business activities comprise the AxelGlobe Earth Observation platform and the AxelLiner one-stop service to enable customers to realize their microsatellite missions. We offer microsatellite-based solutions for the Earth Observation business and the design, manufacturing, launch organization, operational support, and commissioning of microsatellites and related components.
“AxelGlobe" service website: