BPC株式会社(日本)とSiam Steel International(タイ)の子会社間でバイオマス事業の業務提携
TEL 03-5643-6221
FAX 03-5643-6202
『日本、タイ間でのバイオマス事業 業務提携』
・BPC株式会社 (発電事業コンサルタント及び燃料サプライヤー)は日本において 5か所の
・Siam Inter Biomass Ltd.〈SIB〉(タイ大手グループSiam Steel International PLC,の子会社)
BPC株式会社〈以下BPC〉(代表取締役 柿沼孝明 本社:東京都中央区)は、タイの
Siam Steel International PLC, (Vice President: Surapol Kunanantakul, Head Office: Sumutprakarn, Thailand) の子会社であるSiam Inter Biomass Ltd.〈以下SIB〉とタイと日本においてバイオマス事業の共同展開を発表する。
会社名:BPC株式会社 www.bpc.tokyo
所在地:〒103-0012 東京都中央区日本橋堀留町1-9-11,6F
設 立:平成26年5月
◇TEL 03-5643-6221 ◇FAX 03-5643-6202 ◇E-mail:y.tsukamoto@bpc.tokyo
【English Version】
Press Release
April 4,2016
BPC Inc.
TEL 03-5643-6221 、FAX 03-5643-6202
『Japanese – Thai Joint Biomass Business cooperation between』
・BPC Inc., Japanese power plant consultant and fuel supplier, has developed 5 locations of Biomass
Power Plants (50MW each) in Japan and committed to supply wood pellets of 1.25 million ton per
year to power plants in Japan and
・Siam Inter Biomass Ltd. (SIB) a subsidiary company of Siam Steel International PLC, Thailand’s
leading group, has started to secure materials to reach more than 15 million ton/year for supply
wood pellets to worldwide market
BPC Inc. (CEO: Takaaki Kakinuma, Head Office: Chuo-ku Tokyo)is announcing BPC and Siam Inter Biomass Ltd. (SIB) a subsidiary company of Siam Steel International PLC, (Vice President : Surapol Kunanantakul, Head Office : Sumutprakarn Thailand) have jointly developed the biomass business in Thailand and Japan. The project will start with supply of wood pellets 1.25 million ton per year within 3 years to Japan.
MOU of joint business cooperation and Machines & Equipment Purchase Agreement have already
been signed. Order of wood pellet 1.25 million ton per year have been committed.
BPC’s main business focus is on a consultant work for biomass thermal power generation industry and in the meantime BPC is engaged in manufacturing, importing, selling fuel for power generation
plants in Japan.
In March 2015, BPC have started “BPC Biomass Project” to power up its own capability as a reliable and stable supplier of wood pellet in a large scale.
As part of this project, a wood pellet production factory is under construction in Fukushima Pref. from August ,2015 and is scheduled to be completed in summer 2016.
The production capacity of this factory is 150,000 ton per year, which is the largest scale in Japan at present. Another announcement of a plan to build a large scale stockyard was also released in December of same year.
Background behind those press releases is that BPC wants to show its strong commitment to further strengthen BPC Biomass Project. Through joint biomass business BPC intends to establish a leading position as a wood pellet supplier in Japan and also overseas.
Moreover, BPC biomass power Inc., and two other group companies all of which are BPC’s group firms have already received facility verification (Total150MW) from METI ,Japan and therefore, BPC’s plan to construct several power plants in Japan is steadily going on.
Wood pellet will be manufactured at factory in Thailand and will be shipped to BPC’s large scale stockyard in Japan. And wood pellets once stored at BPC`s stockyard will finally be sold and distributed to various biomass power plant locations as well as to major power generation companies as mixing fuel for coal-fired power plants in Japan.
This business structure will no doubt build a strong win-win relationship both with BPC and SIB from now on.
BPC and SIB also have agreed on jointly marketing & sales strategy in Japan, Thailand and Asian countries for this cooperation. Not only wood pellets for power generation fuel use but also household use such as stove fuel and cat litter are definitely one of major targets in their joint strategy.
By combining both companies’ supply capability, technological strength, marketing force and reliability from customers, BPC and SIB make it possible to start joint business and to import wood pellets stable into Japanese industry.
This content is released to press in Thailand at the same time.
【MOU SigningCeremony in Thailand】
■Company Profile
Corporate Name:BPC Inc. www.bpc.tokyo
Address:1-9-11-6F Nihonbashi Horidomecho Chuo-ku Tokyo, Japan
Establishment:2014, May
Cooperative Companies:Asakura Shoten、Ogawa Shoji、Japan Biomass Fuel、
ERI General Incorporated Association
Nakagawa Bussan
【Contact information】
In regard to this article, please contact Tsukamoto.
◇TEL 03-5643-6221 ◇FAX 03-5643-6202 ◇E-mail:y.tsukamoto@bpc.tokyo