Guidepoint Global Japan合同会社(ガイドポイント グローバル ジャパン合同会社)事業紹介セミナーのご案内
Guidepoint Global Japan合同会社(ガイドポイント グローバル ジャパン合同会社) は、2019年4月3日に事業紹介セミナーを、日本国内(東京)において初開催いたします。
Guidepoint Global Japan合同会社(ガイドポイント グローバル ジャパン合同会社 本社: ニューヨーク) は、2019年4月3日に新規顧客ならびに当社ネットワークへの登録を検討されている専門家(アドバイザー、エキスパート)向けに、事業紹介セミナーを日本国内(東京)において初開催いたします。
日時:2019年4月3日(水) 18:30 ~ 19:30 (受付開始 18:00~)
場所:丸の内北口ビル9F Wework オフィス内
住所:東京都千代田区丸の内 1-6-5
メールタイトル:4月3日セミナー参加希望 / Application for 3rd April Seminar
送信先メールアドレス(James Hiluk):
Guidepoint Global Japan合同会社
東京都千代田区丸の内1-6-5 丸の内北口ビルディング9階
日本拠点 代表者: Nicolas Tollie (ニコラス トリエ)
Tel: 050-1743-9353 Email:
About Guidepoint
Guidepoint, a leading expert network firm, connects clients with vetted subject matter experts—Advisors—from their global professional network. Guidepoint clients leverage the perspectives shared by Advisors to stay informed and make better business decisions. Its slate of services, including phone consultations, surveys, events and proprietary data insights products, help professionals gain comprehensive understanding of a topic before making strategic or investment decisions. Guidepoint's multinational client list includes 9 of the top 10 consulting firms and some of the largest hedge funds, private equity firms and Fortune-ranked public companies. Guidepoint's industry-leading compliance platform—overseen by Guidepoint's General Counsel, a former SEC enforcement attorney—supports appropriate client-to-Advisor interactions through the application of Guidepoint's own policies and procedures as well as custom, client-specific controls the company implements at clients' requests. Guidepoint is not a registered investment adviser and cannot transact business as an investment adviser or give investment advice. For more information, visit
© 2019 Guidepoint Global, LLC. All rights reserved. Guidepoint ® and the marks relating to Guidepoint products and services are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Guidepoint.”
日時:2019年4月3日(水) 18:30 ~ 19:30 (受付開始 18:00~)
場所:丸の内北口ビル9F Wework オフィス内
住所:東京都千代田区丸の内 1-6-5
- ガイドポイントの概要
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- ガイドポイントご利用経験の有無:
メールタイトル:4月3日セミナー参加希望 / Application for 3rd April Seminar
送信先メールアドレス(James Hiluk):
Guidepoint Global Japan合同会社
東京都千代田区丸の内1-6-5 丸の内北口ビルディング9階
日本拠点 代表者: Nicolas Tollie (ニコラス トリエ)
Tel: 050-1743-9353 Email:
About Guidepoint
Guidepoint, a leading expert network firm, connects clients with vetted subject matter experts—Advisors—from their global professional network. Guidepoint clients leverage the perspectives shared by Advisors to stay informed and make better business decisions. Its slate of services, including phone consultations, surveys, events and proprietary data insights products, help professionals gain comprehensive understanding of a topic before making strategic or investment decisions. Guidepoint's multinational client list includes 9 of the top 10 consulting firms and some of the largest hedge funds, private equity firms and Fortune-ranked public companies. Guidepoint's industry-leading compliance platform—overseen by Guidepoint's General Counsel, a former SEC enforcement attorney—supports appropriate client-to-Advisor interactions through the application of Guidepoint's own policies and procedures as well as custom, client-specific controls the company implements at clients' requests. Guidepoint is not a registered investment adviser and cannot transact business as an investment adviser or give investment advice. For more information, visit
© 2019 Guidepoint Global, LLC. All rights reserved. Guidepoint ® and the marks relating to Guidepoint products and services are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Guidepoint.”
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