環境・厚生労働行政をリードしてきた鴨下一郎氏がシン・ニホン パブリックアフェアーズ社ストラテジックPA提携パートナーに就任
シン・ニホン パブリックアフェアーズ株式会社(本社:東京都、代表取締役:小原泰)は、環境大臣、厚生労働副大臣(労働担当)、自民党社会保障制度調査会医療委員長、内閣官房参与(健康・医療戦略担当)などを歴任し、極めて幅広い分野の政策に精通する実務派として評価が高い政治家鴨下一郎氏が、当社のストラテジックPA提携パートナーに就任したことをお知らせいたします。

鴨下 一郎(かもした いちろう)

著書:働きざかりの心身症教室、女性がストレスとつきあう本、心の免疫力をつよくする本、これしかない社会保障改革 等多数。
1993年7月 衆議院議員初当選
1994年4月 環境政務次官
2002年10月 厚生労働副大臣
2007年8月 環境大臣
2008年8月 厚生労働副大臣(年金担当)
2012年12月 自由民主党国会対策委員長
2022年4月 旭日大綬章を受章
2023年9月 内閣官房参与(健康・医療戦略担当)
2024年11月 シン・ニホン パブリックアフェアーズ株式会社 ストラテジックPA提携パートナーに就任
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Press Release
Shin-Nihon Public Affairs Announces Ichiro Kamoshita to join as Strategic PA Alliance Partner
Former statesman Ichiro Kamoshita, a longtime leader of Japan’s environmental and health-labor policy, to join as Strategic PA Alliance Partner

November 20, 2024, Shin-Nihon Public Affairs Co. (Head Office: Tokyo; President: Yasushi Kohara) today announced Mr. Ichiro Kamoshita joined as Strategic PA Alliance Partner. Mr. Kamoshita has held several prominent positions, including Minister of the Environment, State Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare (in charge of labor), Chair of the Medical Committee in LDP’s Research Commission on Social Security System, and Special Advisor to the Cabinet (in charge of health and medical strategy). He is well versed in an extremely wide range of policy areas.
Mr. Kamoshita is an Honorary Member, Certified Doctor of the Japan Society of Psychosomatic Medicine as well as an Advisor to the Japan Society of Psychosomatic Internal Medicine. With experience as a psychosomatic physician treating women's stress following the enactment of the Equal Employment Opportunity Act, he has become a prominent specialist in a broad range of policy areas, particularly in health and welfare administration, including measures for overwork-related death and other issues in the healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors.
Drawing on his extensive knowledge as a psychosomatic physician, he actively worked as a Special Advisor to the Cabinet (in charge of health and medical strategy 9/2023―9/2024 :) under the Kishida administration to enhance Japan's drug discovery capabilities, quickly deliver the latest pharmaceuticals to the public, and develop the pharmaceutical industry into a core industry of the country. While in the Diet, he introduced and promoted the passage of legislation such as the Cancer Control Basic Law and the Public Psychologist Law.
In 2008, as Minister of the Environment in the Fukuda Cabinet, he put forward global warming countermeasures at the G8 Toyako Summit. In 2020, responding to the government's declaration of carbon neutrality, he led the adoption of the "Climate Emergency Declaration" resolution, uniting all parties in both Houses of the Diet. He was involved in the establishment of the Japan Climate Leaders' Partnership (JCLP) and worked with former House of Representatives Speaker Tadanori Ohshima to formulate Japan's decarbonization strategy aimed at achieving a sustainable, decarbonized society.
“His vast experience in government and public administration will be of great value in raising the level of our policy advocacy services, especially at the Ministry of the Environment, and Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare and in raising the level of the entire energy industry toward the realization of a ‘decarbonized society ‘and ‘strengthening drug discovery capacity’,” said Kohara.
Shin-Nihon Public Affairs Co. is a public policy advisory firm founded by Yasushi Kohara, a policy advocacy expert with over 30 years of experience pioneering public affairs activities in Japan.
Learn more at https://www.snpa.co.jp/en/