海洋テックのスタートアップ「ゼログラヴ」がTIB FAB Makers Challenge 2024 成果発表会で最優秀賞を受賞
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海洋テックのスタートアップ 株式会社xerograv.(ゼログラヴ)(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役:岩永 智佳)は、2025年2月26日(水) Tokyo Innovation Base(TIB)で実施されたTIB FAB Makers Challenge 2024 成果発表会で「海での命を守る先端テクノロジーの開発と成果」をプレゼンテーションし、最優秀賞を受賞しました。


TIB FAB Makers Challenge 2024 は、ものづくりスタートアップにチャレンジしたい熱量ある方を対象とした、育成プログラム。参加した26チームはそれぞれ大きな進化をとげ、個性が爆発した素晴らしい作品群に、私たちはお互いに大きな刺激を受けました。審査員からの「ここにいるスタートアップをひとつも潰したくない。この会場にいる全員が支援する」という言葉に勇気を得て、私たちはゼログラヴのプロダクトを必ず社会実装することを胸に誓いました。

ゼログラヴ 先行モニター受付開始
TIB FAB Makers Challenge 2024 の成果を受け、ゼログラヴはプロダクトのリリースに先立ち、先行モニターの募集を開始しました。海・川での命を守るテックに興味のある方は、ぜひご応募ください。最先端デバイスの無料貸与特典付きです。
Global Geek Audition 3位受賞
STATION Ai Catapult 4th-batch 採択
デライト・ベンチャーズ Vチャレテック採択
TIB FAB Makers Challenge 2024 最優秀賞受賞
所在地:〒151-0051 東京都渋谷区千駄ヶ谷3-51-10
代表者:代表取締役 岩永 智佳
E-mail info@xerograv.co.jp
お問い合わせフォーム https://xerograv.co.jp/contact
Marine Tech Startup xerograv. Wins Grand Prize at TIB FAB Makers Challenge 2024 DEMO DAY
Recognized for innovative efforts to enhance marine safety

Developing and Demonstrating Life-Saving Technology at Sea
xerograv. Co.,Ltd (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Chika Iwanaga), a marine tech startup, presented the results of the TIB FAB Makers Challenge 2024 at the Tokyo Innovation Base (TIB) on Wednesday, February 26, 2025. The company won the Grand Prize for its presentation of the results of its development and demonstration of life-saving technology at sea.

Seven months of developing, diving in the ocean, meeting people who work in the ocean, and looking at life.
xerograv's team is Chika Iwanaga as the CEO and Hironori Ogawa as the technical advisor. During the past seven months, we developed the system at blazing speed, dove into the ocean ourselves, met with people in the field involved in the ocean, received feedback, and developed the system again. It was such a tough period that we spent most of our weekends at the sea; from the end of September to the beginning of October, we conducted demonstration tests in Okinawa, and from November to December, we held a series of monitoring sessions in Izu in winter, and the resolution of our customer image and business was getting better and better. Another great achievement was the decision to conduct a demonstration experiment in March with professionals in the coast guard whom we met during the course of the project.

Enthusiastic friends
TIB FAB Makers Challenge 2024 is a training program for enthusiastic people who want to take on the challenge of starting up a manufacturing company. Each of the 26 participating teams has evolved greatly, and we were both greatly inspired by the wonderful works that exploded with individuality. The judges' comments were very encouraging: “We don't want to crush any of the startups here, and we want everyone in the room to support them. We were encouraged by the words of the judges, “We don't want to crush any of the startups here, and everyone in this hall will support them,” and we vowed to implement xerograv. product into society.

xerograv. advance monitoring started
Following the results of the TiB FAB Makers Challenge, xerograv. is now accepting applications for advance monitors prior to the release of the product. If you are interested in life-saving tech in the ocean/river, we encourage you to apply. Free loaner privileges of the state-of-the-art device are included.
About xerograv.
xerograv. is a marine tech company that develops life-saving technology for ocean lovers.
By simply wearing a wearable device, xerograv. can share real-time location information and assist in rescues in the event of a drifting accident.
For professionals: marine exploration, underwater construction, water rescue
For general users: diving, surfing, snorkeling, SUP, sea bathing
Awards and Achievements
Global Geek Audition 3rd Place
DIGITAL FRONTIER GRAND PRIX 2024 Grand Prize in Service Category
STATION Ai Catapult 4th-batch adopted
Adopted by Delight Ventures V-Challe Tech
TIB FAB Makers Challenge 2024 Grand Prize
Company Profile
Location: 3-51-10 Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0051
Representative: Chika Iwanaga, President and CEO
Business: Planning, research, development, design, manufacturing, sales, maintenance, leasing, rental, import/export of computer software and hardware for the purpose of protecting life on earth and in the oceans, and consulting services related to these activities
Official website: https://xerograv.co.jp/en
xerograv. Co.,Ltd.
E-mail: info@xerograv.co.jp
Inquiry: https://xerograv.co.jp/en/contact