Regarding shareholder proposal made to Tokyo Cosmos Electric


Global ESG Strategy

Press Release

Global ESG Strategy
May 22, 2024

Full Press Release

Shareholder Proposal (English translation)

Regarding shareholder proposal made to Tokyo Cosmos Electric
Global ESG Strategy ("GES"), an investment fund managed by Swiss-Asia Financial Services Pte Ltd (“SAFS”), makes medium- to long-term investments from an ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) perspective. As a responsible investor, the target is to promote improvements in medium- to long-term enterprise value and shareholder value of listed Japanese companies through constructive dialogue with management and other means.
In 2023, GES began investing in Tokyo Cosmos Electric Co., Ltd (“TOCOS” or the “Company”; Securities Code: 6772), which is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s Standard Market. GES has engaging with the Company for this entire period. Currently, SAFS-managed funds own roughly 16% of all TOCOS shares with voting rights. GES has held repeated dialogues with TOCOS executives, promoting changes to management to make it more focused on the Company’s share price, cost of capital, and return on capital. However, the Company has not provided a sufficient response to the concerns raised.
In addition to its original core business of variable resistors, TOCOS operates an automotive devices business. In FY2017 (the year to March 2018), the automotive devices business accounted for more than 50% of sales, and since then earnings have increased further. Sales reached an all-time high in FY2022 and the consolidated operating profit margin has exceeded 10% each year since. In April this year, TOCOS issued a new medium-term plan (MTP) that aims to achieve a dividend-on-equity (DOE) ratio of 3.5% in FY2026 and to increase the dividend in stages. The Company also stated its intention to alter the shareholder returns policy. These new efforts deserve a certain level of recognition.
However, despite the fact that TOCOS has grown its earnings and made progress in improving the financial base, it still retains an excessive amount of capital and its management policy cannot be called adequately efficient. This inefficiency has distorted the Company’s valuation and caused the stock to be extremely undervalued relative to industry peers. Moreover, TOCOS does not proactively engage in dialogue with shareholders – only some directors responded to GES’s requests for individual interviews with directors. The fact that board efficiency is lacking also suggests that outside directors are unable to properly supervise TOCOS management, and unless aggressive shareholder action is taken, the situation cannot be expected to improve.
To resolve the management issues that TOCOS faces, GES has submitted the following three shareholder proposals (“our proposals”) to the regular general shareholders’ meeting to be held in June 2024. Our proposals are intended to improve capital efficiency and promote dialogue with shareholders. See the attachment for further details.

Proposal 1: Appropriation of Surplus – Provide a dividend per share of ¥571
Proposal 2: Partial Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation (regarding surplus-capital dividend policy) – Maintain a dividend payout ratio of 100% or a DOE ratio of 10% from FY2024 to FY2026
Proposal 3: Partial Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation (regarding directors’ meetings with shareholders) – Require directors to respond to requests to meet with major shareholders within 20 working days

Approving our proposals would send a clear message to the TOCOS board of directors – that they are fully accountable for maintaining inefficient management policies, and are expected to make capital allocation decisions that are more efficient and align with the interests of all stakeholders. Through these proposals, we aim to promote the necessary improvements to TOCOS's corporate governance, putting into effect a management that pursues capital efficiency, and the maximization of shareholders’ common interests.

Swiss-Asia Financial Services Pte Ltd(以下「SAFS」)の運営ファンドであるGlobal ESG Strategy(以下「GES」)は、ESG(Environment(環境), Social(社会)及びGovernance(ガバナンス))の視点から中長期的な投資を行う投資ファンドであり、責任ある投資家として、建設的な対話等を通じ、日本の上場会社の中長期的な企業価値・株主価値の向上を実現することを後押ししていくことを運用方針としています。




議題1: 剰余金処分の件 ~1株あたり配当金571円~
議題2: 定款の一部変更の件(剰余金の配当方針について)~2024年度から2026年度まで配当性向100%又はDOE10%の配当額を維持する~
議題3: 定款の一部変更の件(取締役による株主との面談対応について)



About Global ESG Strategy
Global ESG Strategy ("GES"), an investment fund that is managed by SAFS, makes medium- to long-term investments from an ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) perspective, and its policy is to promote improvements on enterprise value and shareholder value of investee companies through constructive dialogue with investee companies and other means.
About Swiss-Asia Financial Services
SAFS was founded in 2004, and is a Singapore based investment management company that holds a Capital Markets Services (CMS) License under the Singapore Securities and Futures Act (SFA).







Global ESG Strategy


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門田 泰人