PST株式会社(代表取締役 大塚 寛、本社 横浜市)(以下、「PST」と言う。)は、エジンバラ大学医学部アッシャー研究所(Usher Institute, Edinburgh Medical School, the University of Edinburg(英国スコットランド))(以下、「Usher Institute」と言う。)のGarcia博士及びLuz博士らと、言語と音声の解析による認知機能の新しいモニタリング・診断手法に関する共同研究(以下、「本共同研究」と言う。)を開始することで合意しました。なお、本共同研究は、英国医学研究会議(Medical Research Council、以下「MRC」と言う。)より財務的な支援を受けることが認定されています。
認知症やアルツハイマー病等を含む中枢神経系疾患(以下、「CNS疾患」と言う。)の正確な早期診断と効果的な予防施策の導入を実現することは、国境や文化の違いを問わず、特に成熟した社会における大きな課題の一つです。Luz博士とUsher Instituteは、認知症等の予防と早期診断を主な目的とする言語と音声による精神疾患病態の分析・解析手法の研究分野で、世界的リーダーのお一人です。本共同研究を通じ、言語・音声解析手法の更なる確立を目指します。また、言語的及び文化的特徴が異なる日本語圏への当該解析手法の適用を目指した研究を実施します。
【PST株式会社 会社概要】
代表者:代表取締役 大塚寛(おおつか ひろし)
所在地:神奈川県横浜市中区山下町2番地 産業貿易センタービル905号室
PST株式会社 社長室広報戦略担当:神山
News Release Dated June 25, 2020
The University of Edinburgh and PST Inc. announce their commitment to research a novel methodology for monitoring cognitive health through a UK-Japan industrial engagement, supported by the UK’s Medical Research Council and the Bayes Centre, the University of Edinburgh.
PST Inc. ("PST") and the Usher Institute based at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, (the "Usher Institute") are working together to develop a new method of monitoring and diagnosing cognitive function by analyzing language and voice (the "research project"), conducted by Sofia De La Fuente Garcia and Dr. Saturnino Luz of the Usher Institute. The research project will commence this summer following the successful application for funding support from the UK’s Medical Research Council ("MRC").
A pressing challenge for mature societies is to realize accurate and early diagnosis of central nervous system diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease ("CNS diseases"), and the introduction of effective preventive measures regardless of differences in borders and cultures. Dr. Luz, based at the Usher Institute, is a world leader in the field of mental illness pathology analysis research by language and voice; his main research aim is the prevention and early diagnosis of CNS diseases. Through this research project, we will pursue establishing language and voice analysis methods. We will also conduct research aiming to apply this methodology to Japanese-speaking societies with different linguistic and cultural characteristics.
PST aims to develop technologies for the diagnosis and prevention of CNS diseases based on "human voice" analysis, independently of the language spoken by the patient, and to put it to use in clinical practice. Through this research project, we will also accelerate business development activities in the UK and international market. We are working closely with the Bayes Centre at the University of Edinburgh, an innovation hub for data science and artificial intelligence as part of our ongoing vision for business activity in the UK.
Regional Director for Inward investment at Scottish Development International Dr Stephen Baker welcomed the Scotland-Japan industrial engagement project and said: “I am delighted that PST Inc., has decided to develop this innovative technology in Scotland in collaboration with the Usher Institute. “As many developed nations face the challenge of supporting an increasingly aging population the early diagnosis, intervention and prevention of central nervous system diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's is of the highest priority. “This project leveraging the world class research and innovation in Edinburgh University and PST’s deep experience in applying AI enhanced voice recognition promises an exciting way to broadly and impactfully address this challenge.”
For more information about the Usher Institute and Dr. Luz, please refer to the website below.
Bayes Centre is the University of Edinburgh’s newly established (2018) innovation hub for Data Science and AI, Digital Technologies (e.g. 5G, IoT, Blockchain, Quantum, etc.), Robotics and Autonomous Systems and Space and Satellite applications. The technical strengths brought together in Bayes build on world-leading academic excellence in the mathematical, computational, engineering, and natural sciences in the Universityʼs College of Science and Engineering.
The Usher Institute works with people, populations and their data to understand and advance the health of individuals and populations through innovative collaborations in a global community. It sits within the Edinburgh Medical School in the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine at the University of Edinburgh.
MRC is a funding agency for cutting-edge research and development in the world's leading biological and medical fields. MRC demonstrates leadership in accelerating and realizing a wide range of R&D from basic research to clinical R&D.
Company name: PST Inc.
Representative: Hiroshi Otsuka, President and Representative Director
Contact: Toshiko Kamiyama, CEO’s and Public Relations Office
Phone: +81-45-263-9346,
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