代官山JINKINOKO GALLERY 展覧会のお知らせ Tim Comix solo exhibition “still”

メキシコ出身のTim ComixことMartí Guerreroが描き出す展覧会を代官山JINKINOKOGALLERYで開催します。

Jinkinoko Gallery

JINKINOKOGALLERYは、4月6日(土)~4月21日(日)にて、Tim Comix  solo exhibition “still”を開催致します。是非この機会にご覧ください。メキシコ出身のTim ComixことMartí Guerreroが描き出す青いキャラクター”Tim Toy”の世界は、”可愛らしく”、イラスト、コミック、絵画、フィギアなど様々な手法で描き出されるストーリーは、各方面で注目されております。本人も展覧会にあわせて、来日致します。
[タイトル]:Tim Comix  solo exhibition “still”
[日  程]:2019年4月6日(土)~4月21日(日)営業時間 12:00~20:00 ※水曜日は定休
[場  所]:JINKINOKO GALLERY  東京都渋谷区猿楽町22ー1(代官山駅より徒歩5分)
[販  売]:新作作品、関連商品他、WEB SHOP:https://jinkinoko.bigcartel.com 
[後  援]:在日メキシコ合衆国大使館 
日  時:2019年4月6日(土) 18:00~20:00
会  場:JINKINOKO GALLERY 東京都渋谷区猿楽町22-1
お問い合わせ: info@jinkinokogallery.com
TimComix(Marti Guerrero)
Martí Guerrero
(Mexico City、1984)メキシコシティのFAD-UNAMで芸術の学位を取得。(2003-2007)
Tim Comix
Martí Guerrero
(Mexico City, 1984) Studied a degree in Visual Arts at the FAD-UNAM, Mexico City (2003-2007).
His work deals with everyday life in the city and stories of fiction, drawings with gestural lines, uses basic colors and planes. He works in different media like illustration, comic, painting and sculpture.
Tim Comix
The character he started drawing in childhood with which he did some comics, called Tim that comes from the word in spanish “tímido” that means in english “shy”.
Years later, in 2007 he returned to this character under the need to recover she spontaneity and motivation lost in my academic training in the arts, where what they teach is a saturation of references, which stun and distant from personal creation.Tim Comix deals with the daily life of a blue humanoid monster, who lives in Mexico City, experiences that are a mixture of autobiographical and fictional stories, where he meets Lolita’s unrequited love in most stories, besides wandering the streets also likes to observe the sky, spending time with his dog, and in occasions is contacted by extraterrestrial beings.Over time it has become the main theme in all formats of his work.
He has been teaching plastic arts workshops for children in different public cultural spaces in Mexico City.
■instagram: @timcomix
First International Biennial of University Art, UAMEX, State of Mexico  (2007).
Exhibition of Mexican toys “Constructoys”, MUMEDI, Mexico City, (2007).
Exhibition of toys “Da Mexican Toy Style”, Garash Gallery, Mexico City,  (2007).
“Cosmic Garbage”, individual painting exhibition, pedestrian walkway of  Tlalpan Avenue, San Antonio Abad Metro, Mexico City, (2007).
“Water in Clay” exhibition of ceramics, showcases of the Metro División del  Norte, Mexico City, (2007).
Presentation of Comic First Edition “TIM Comix”, Cultural Center BORDER,  Mexico City, (2007).
Piece of the Month, mural painting, José María Velasco Gallery, Mexico  City, (2009).
Projection of the animation “Rata Blue” Cultural Center BORDER, Mexico  City, (2009).
“Always Happens” exhibition of ceramics and painting, Galería José María  Velasco, Mexico City, (2010)“100 Years A Contemporary Vision”, collective exhibition, MUCA Ciudad  Universitaria, UNAM, Mexico City, (2010).
“From Graffiti to Profession” collective exhibition, Faro de Oriente and  BORDER Cultural Center, Mexico City, (2011).
“Los 11”, exhibition of drawing and painting, Centro Cultural Carranza,  Mexico City, (2011).
“Holidays” collective exhibition, Centro Cultural Futurama, Delegation  Gustavo A. Madero, Mexico, City, (2012).
“Zin Amigos”, Festival of Independent Publications, presence in all its  editions, comics publication, Mexico City, (2012-2014).
“Subnormal” Fanzine Exhibition, University Museum of Chopo, the series of  comics until that time realized is cataloged in the Fanzinoteca, Mexico City,  (2013).
“I Only Want The Universe”, a collective exhibition, presented at the Mex-  ican embassies in Japan and Singapore, in coordination with the BORDER  Cultural Center and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2013).
“Deja Vú” presentation of comics and toy “TIM”, Montana Gallery Shop,  Tokyo Japan, (2013).
“TIM Toy Exhibition” in Archive Design and Architecture, Ediciones Hungria,  Mexico City, (2013).
“Less Than 30”, collective exhibition, Vertigo Gallery, Mexico City, (2014).
”Heart Slow”, solo show, Bikini Wax, Mexico City, (2015).
”Tim Comix”, solo show, Galeria la Esperanza, Mexico City, (2017).

TimComix(Marti Guerrero)TimComix(Marti Guerrero)













Jinkinoko Gallery


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