"ikasu" Kimono Textile Art Exhibition and Sale Event at Hankyu Department Store Umeda Main Store

bonobo LLCは、役目を終えたアンティーク着物をアップサイクルして、飾るアート作品として新たな価値を創造する事業 “ikasu”を展開しています。このたび、ikasuは、阪急うめだ本店にて展示販売会を開催します。

■ info
場所:阪急うめだ本店 11階 きもの売場 コトコトステージ113

【 ikasu 相談会】
各日 午前11時~、午後1時30分~、午後2時15分、午後3時~ (各回約30分)
場所:阪急うめだ本店 11階 コトコトステージ113 大阪府大阪市北区角田町8−7

■ ikasuとは


■ 実績
2023年5月:国際アートギャラリー QUADROにて展示会・販売イベント開催
2023年1月:渋谷PARCO にて展示会を開催
2023年11月: 東京アメリカンクラブ にて展示会・ 販売イベントを開催
2024年3月:Japan Handmade of the Year 2024において東京都産業労働局長賞を受賞
2024年4月:Mr. & Mrs. Abe Arts & Culture Prize受賞
2024年5月:中東最大規模のアートフェア World Art Dubaiにて展示・販売
2024年7月:ISETAN SALONE 1階 (六本木 東京ミッドタウン)にて展示会・販売イベント開催

■ 課題解決
ikasuの取り組みは衣服の廃棄問題の解決にも寄与しており、SDGsの「12 つくる責任 つかう責任」を支援する役割を果たしています。着物や帯は裏地まで丁寧に加工し、「ゴミゼロ」、「廃棄着物ゼロ」を目指しています。

bonobo LLC 担当者 岡本レーナ
TEL: 050-6872-8141
MAIL: info@kimono-ikasu.com
会社名: bonobo LLC.
CEO: 岡本 宗
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ikasu_kimono/
"ikasu" Kimono Textile Art Exhibition and Sale Event at Hankyu Department Store Umeda Main Store

bonobo LLC leads the "ikasu" project, which uses antique kimonos that have fulfilled their purpose and gives them new value as interior art pieces. This time, "ikasu" will hold an exhibition and sale event at the Hankyu Department Store Umeda Main Store in Osaka.
A European artist, who is both a qualified kimono master and a creative director, travels across Japan, spending immense time and effort selecting pre-loved kimonos to be re-created as artworks. The artist also repurposes antique paulownia wood chests for framing, aiming for a completely upcycled creation.
Outside of Japan, the works are appreciated in homes and shops in countries such as the U.S., U.K., Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Singapore, Israel, Romania, the Philippines, Malaysia, UAE, and China.

■ info
Dates: Wednesday, October 23 - Tuesday, November 5
Location: Hankyu Umeda Main Store, 11th Floor, Kimono Department, Kotokoto Stage 113
Website (in Japanese): https://www.hankyu-dept.co.jp/honten/shopnews/detail/1248528_2067.html?utm_source=gaishomail&utm_medium=storemedia
"ikasu" Artist Sessions
An artist, who is both a qualified kimono master and a creative director, will visit the store to hold consultation and custom order sessions. During these sessions, customers can order their kimonos or obis transformed into art pieces according to their preferences. After receiving the kimono or obi, the design process will be finalized through a series of communication exchanges, and production will take about 1-2 months.
Dates: Saturday, November 2 & Sunday, November 3
Times: 11:00 AM, 1:30 PM, 2:15 PM, 3:00 PM (Each session lasts about 30 minutes)
Location: Hankyu Department Store Umeda Main Store, 11th Floor, Kotokoto Stage 113 Reservation Page (in Japanese):
Reservations are prioritized.
Prices and delivery times may vary depending on design and size.

■ About ikasu

Giving kimonos a second life.
It is said that almost every household in Japan has kimonos and obis stored away. However, due to a lack of opportunities to wear them, the need for maintenance, and the space required to store them, more families are choosing to discard them instead of passing them on to the next generation.
ikasu strongly believes that kimonos and obis are not just clothing but cherished memories of their owners, beautiful creations of kimono artists, and a proud part of Japan’s traditional culture. With this belief, we are dedicated to giving kimonos new life through our artworks.
Kimonos are often referred to as "wearable art," made using traditional Japanese techniques, with each one meticulously woven, dyed, embroidered, and decorated by hand. "ikasu" takes these one-of-a-kind works, respecting their history, craftsmanship, patterns, and stories, and transforms them into art pieces that shine even more in modern spaces.
■ Past Achievements
May 2023: Exhibition and sales event at QUADRO International Art Gallery
January 2023: Exhibition and sales event at the Nationally Registered Tangible Cultural Property, Nikiya
January 2023: Exhibition at Shibuya PARCO
September-October 2023: Exhibition and sales event at Takashimaya stores in Kyoto, Osaka, Nihonbashi, Shinjuku, and Yokohama
November 2023: Exhibition and sales event at Tokyo American Club
February 2024: Honorable Mention at the 5th All Japan Art Contest
March 2024: Received the Tokyo Metropolitan Bureau of Industrial and Labor Affairs Director's Award at Japan Handmade of the Year 2024
April 2024: Received the Mr. & Mrs. Abe Arts & Culture Prize
May 2024: Exhibition and sales at World Art Dubai, the largest art fair in the Middle East
June 2024: Exhibition and sales event at the art gallery of Daikanyama T-SITE Tsutaya Books
July 2024: Exhibition and sales event at ISETAN SALONE 1st Floor (Roppongi, Tokyo Midtown)
■ Social impact
ikasu's initiatives contribute to solving the issue of clothes waste and support the SDGs’ goal of "Responsible Consumption and Production (Goal 12)." By carefully processing every part of the kimono and obi, including the lining, we aim for "zero waste" and "zero discarded kimonos."
■For inquiries about this event
bonobo LLC contact person: Okamoto Lena
TEL: +81-50-6872-8141
MAIL: info@kimono-ikasu.com
Contact Form: https://www.kimono-ikasu.com/ja/pages/contact
■Company Overview
Company Name: Bonobo LLC
CEO: So Okamoto
ikasu: https://www.kimono-ikasu.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ikasu_kimono/