【ALTIRI CHIBA】紺野 ニズベット 翔 選手 契約締結のお知らせ
株式会社アルティーリ(本社:千葉県千葉市、代表:新居佳英)は、B3リーグ2021-22シーズンにおいて、紺野ニズベット翔(コンノ・ニズベット・ショウ)選手と契約合意(新規)いたしましたのでご報告いたします。[ENGLISH BELOW]
■Shou, NISBET KONNO(紺野ニズベット翔)
Hey everyone, I’m really happy and thankful for the opportunity to be a part of this new team. I think it’s going to be an exciting year and I'm really looking forward to meeting and playing in front of the ALTIRI CHIBA fans at the arena. I’m going to do my best and work hard to help the team have a successful season.
I look forward to your support!
この新しいチームの一員となる機会をいただき、本当に感謝しています。 非常に刺激的な1年になると思いますので、アリーナでアルティーリ千葉のファンの皆さんにお会いして、プレーすることをとても楽しみにしています。チームとして、成功したと言えるシーズンになるように、ベストを尽くして頑張ります。
■株式会社アルティーリ 代表取締役CEO 新居 佳英のコメント
この度、紺野 ニズベット 翔選手と契約締結させていただくこととなりました。
社 名:株式会社アルティーリ
所 在 地:千葉県千葉市中央区問屋町1-35 千葉ポートサイドタワー22F
Altiri, Inc. (Head Office: Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture, Representative: Yoshihide Arai) is pleased to announce that we have signed a contract for B3 LEAGUE 2021-22 Season with Shou Nisbet Konno as a player of ALTIRI CHIBA.
Born: 1997 August 28
Hometown: New Zealand
Position: SG/SF
■Player Experience
2018-2019: Shiga Lakestars
2019-2021: Earthfriends Tokyo Z
■Greetings from Shou Nisbet Konno
Hey everyone, I’m really happy and thankful for the opportunity to be a part of this new team. I think it’s going to be an exciting year and I'm really looking forward to meeting and playing in front of the ALTIRI CHIBA fans at the arena. I’m going to do my best and work hard to help the team have a successful season. I look forward to your support!
■Greetings from Yoshihide Arai, Representative Director of Altiri, Inc.
We are pleased to announce that we have signed a contract with Shou Nisbet Konno.
Konno is a fast growing young player with good size and athletic ability.
He can play multiple positions, and his aggressive play in offense and defense will surely have a positive impact on the team.
Together we will work to create a club that can be supported by the local community. Thank you very much for your continued support.
■About Company
Name: Altiri, Inc.
Address: Chiba Port Side Tower 22F, 1-35 Tonya-cho, Chuo-ward, Chiba-city, Chiba-prefecture
URL: https://altiri.jp
■Shou, NISBET KONNO(紺野ニズベット翔)
- 2018-2019:滋賀レイクスターズ
- 2019-2021:アースフレンズ東京Z
Hey everyone, I’m really happy and thankful for the opportunity to be a part of this new team. I think it’s going to be an exciting year and I'm really looking forward to meeting and playing in front of the ALTIRI CHIBA fans at the arena. I’m going to do my best and work hard to help the team have a successful season.
I look forward to your support!
この新しいチームの一員となる機会をいただき、本当に感謝しています。 非常に刺激的な1年になると思いますので、アリーナでアルティーリ千葉のファンの皆さんにお会いして、プレーすることをとても楽しみにしています。チームとして、成功したと言えるシーズンになるように、ベストを尽くして頑張ります。
■株式会社アルティーリ 代表取締役CEO 新居 佳英のコメント
この度、紺野 ニズベット 翔選手と契約締結させていただくこととなりました。
社 名:株式会社アルティーリ
所 在 地:千葉県千葉市中央区問屋町1-35 千葉ポートサイドタワー22F
Altiri, Inc. (Head Office: Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture, Representative: Yoshihide Arai) is pleased to announce that we have signed a contract for B3 LEAGUE 2021-22 Season with Shou Nisbet Konno as a player of ALTIRI CHIBA.
Born: 1997 August 28
Hometown: New Zealand
Position: SG/SF
■Player Experience
2018-2019: Shiga Lakestars
2019-2021: Earthfriends Tokyo Z
■Greetings from Shou Nisbet Konno
Hey everyone, I’m really happy and thankful for the opportunity to be a part of this new team. I think it’s going to be an exciting year and I'm really looking forward to meeting and playing in front of the ALTIRI CHIBA fans at the arena. I’m going to do my best and work hard to help the team have a successful season. I look forward to your support!
■Greetings from Yoshihide Arai, Representative Director of Altiri, Inc.
We are pleased to announce that we have signed a contract with Shou Nisbet Konno.
Konno is a fast growing young player with good size and athletic ability.
He can play multiple positions, and his aggressive play in offense and defense will surely have a positive impact on the team.
Together we will work to create a club that can be supported by the local community. Thank you very much for your continued support.
■About Company
Name: Altiri, Inc.
Address: Chiba Port Side Tower 22F, 1-35 Tonya-cho, Chuo-ward, Chiba-city, Chiba-prefecture
URL: https://altiri.jp