チリにおけるグリーンアンモニア製造の実証前調査を開始~NEDO国際実証の実証前調査に採択~<English Follows>
Adopted as NEDO International Demonstration Project on Japan's Energy Efficiency Technologies
案件名:HyEx Project (Phase-1)
対象設備:グリーンアンモニア製造設備 年産18,000トン
なお、TOYOは本実証事業と並行して昨年11月にチリ側実行主体であるEnaex S.A.社(チリの硝酸アンモニウム製造会社。2018年よりHyEx Projectの開発を主導)と同プラントのFEED(基本設計)業務契約を締結しており、今年8月のFEED完了を予定しています。
FEED契約調印式(左から4人目:Enaex S.A.社フアン・エドゥアルド・エラスリス会長、右から4人目:東洋エンジニアリング取締役社長 永松治夫)
<English Follows>
Toyo Engineering Corporation (TOYO, President and CEO Haruo Nagamatsu) and Mitsui & Co., Ltd. today announced that a feasibility study for a green ammonia production demonstration project in Chile is to be funded by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO). These two companies had applied to the International Demonstration Project on Japan's Energy Efficiency Technologies in fiscal year 2022. Through the project, technologies for stable green ammonia plant operation during the fluctuation of renewable energy from photovoltaic power plant will be studied. The construction site will be in Tocopilla, Antofagasta Region (northern Chile).
Project Summary
Project Name:HyEx Project (Phase-1)
Construction Site(planned):Tocopilla, Antofagasta Region, Chile
Facility:Green Ammonia Plant with 18,000 tons
Annual Production
Licensor:KBR Inc., USA
Scheduled Completion:Year 2025 (in case the succeeding Demonstration Phase is awarded by NEDO)
Besides, TOYO signed a FEED (Front End Engineering Design) contract for the plant with a Chilean partner Enaex S.A. in November 2022. Enaex S.A is a global Chilean company who manufactures Ammonium Nitrate, and it has been working on the development of the HyEx Project since 2018. TOYO is planning to complete the FEED by August 2023.
A Photo of FEED Contract Signing Ceremony (The Fourth from the Left: Enaex S.A. Chairman, Mr. Juan Eduardo Errázuriz Ossa, The Fourth from the Right: TOYO President and CEO, Haruo Nagamatsu)
Chile has great potential for the use of renewable energy sources including photovoltaic and wind power, and it is expected to produce green hydrogen/ammonia at low prices worldwide. The Chilean government published a national green hydrogen strategy in November 2021, aiming to realize the world's most cost-competitive hydrogen production by 2030 and to become one of the world's top three hydrogen exporters by 2040. After the successful establishment of green ammonia production technologies as a pioneer in Chile, 700,000 tons ammonia annual production plant is planned separately by Enaex S.A.
Under the medium-term management plan published in 2021, TOYO will contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas and the realization of a sustainable society by promoting low carbon ammonia projects.
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- 経営情報
- ビジネスカテゴリ
- 建設・土木電気・ガス・資源・エネルギー
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