未来を切り拓く、世界の才能が集結 - FingerVisionが世界から選ばれた優秀学生へのインターンシッププログラムを開始



Paving the way to the future, world talents gather. FingerVision announces internship program for selected top students from around the world. With young upcoming robotics engineers globally, FingerVision aims at creating the path to tomorrow’s innovative technology



FingerVision Inc. is pleased to announce that we are going to accept a student from a world-leading university in the field of robotics for an internship based at our Tokyo office. By attracting outstanding robotics students from internationally renowned institutions such as Massachusetts Institute of Technology ("MIT"), Carnegie Mellon University ("CMU"), and the University of Tokyo, we aim for further growth and technological innovation in the field of vision engineering and robot motion engineering globally. We are confident that this initiative will be an important step in expanding FingerVision's business and impact on society, as well as in creating the future of robotics technology.

Through this program, we will open up new possibilities in robotics from Japan to the world, and contribute to the growth and innovation of the entire robotics industry by seamlessly connecting young researchers across borders. Keep an eye on this initiative to create a path for FingerVision's tomorrow.





◆Calling robotics students all around the world

FingerVision offers top robotics students the chance to work hard and grow in the field of advanced robotics with other students in the same field from leading universities such as MIT, CMU and the University of Tokyo. We have attracted national and international attention and have been featured in CES and Robot Report. We are a startup that is rapidly gaining attention, and we have also exhibited at ICRA 2024. Join us for hands-on projects using our advanced tactile sensing technology and make full use of your abilities to develop products that will have a significant impact on society, gaining valuable new skills in the process. We have plans to establish a US base within a year and in this case, the chosen student will be able to take advantage of the opportunity to work in our U.S. office.

※Top 10 robots seen at CES 2024:

The Comment from Christine Pilcavage, Managing Director at MIT Japan Program

She is responsible for developing projects in Japan with MIT students, faculty, corporate partners, academic institutions, foundations, and government organizations. Chris was born and raised in Japan and has also lived in Cambodia, the Philippines, Kenya, and the United States. She holds a Master’s degree in International Affairs and a Master’s degree in Public Health from Columbia University and a B.A. in Economics and Psychology from the University of California, San Diego.

Managing Director of the MIT-Japan Program

"MIT Japan Program is looking forward to embarking on a journey with Fingervisiton. We look forward to having MIT Japan Program students do internship at this exciting, new robotics company--   Dozo yoroshiku onegaishimasu, Fingervision !"

Principal Systems Scientist at CMU.Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA, USA

The Comment from John M. Dolan, Principal Systems Scientist at CMU

He received the B.S.E. degree from Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA, and the M.E. and Ph.D. degrees from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), Pittsburgh, PA, USA, in 1980, 1987, and 1991, respectively, all in mechanical engineering.,He is a Principal Systems Scientist with the Robotics Institute, CMU. He was the Behavior Lead for the Carnegie Mellons Tartan Racing Team in the 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge. His research interests include autonomous driving, multi-robot cooperation, human–robot interaction, robot reliability, and sensor-based control. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/author/37283756800

"Carnegie Mellon University's Master of Science in Robotic Systems Development (MRSD) is eager to place its students and graduates at dynamic robotics companies. FingerVision's combination of computer vision and tactile sensing holds promise for a wide range of robotic tasks requiring dexterity, and we appreciate the company's willingness to partner with us in placing MRSD students and graduates."

チーフ・リサーチャー 船橋 賢(博士)

The comments from internship host PM Satoshi Funabashi

早稲田大学大学院 創造理工学研究科 博士卒。早稲田大学理工学術院 大学院基幹理工学研究科講師兼務。深層学習と触覚センサによる多指ロボットハンドの物体操りの研究を続けている。マサチューセッツ工科大学 CSAIL 短期研究留学生。
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Waseda University, Ph.D.

Research on object manipulation of multi-fingered robotic hands using deep learning and tactile sensors.

Short-term research student at CSAIL, MIT.




In recent years, tactile sensing has gained worldwide attention as a very important modality in robotics research. FingerVision is an up-and-coming startup that is engaged in research and development to further apply the latest technology to social implementation.

We believe that expanding the functionality of robots using tactile sensors and applying them to real environments, such as grasping soft or slippery objects, will be a challenging and stimulating experience for talented students.

We are looking forward to students who will work with our engineers to open up new possibilities for robots."

Head of HR 諸岡 亜貴子

The comments from FingerVision Head of HR Akiko Morooka

英国国立ウェールズ大学トリニティセントデイビッド MBA(在学中)。ロボットベンチャーにて取締役CFOを経験。数億円のエクイティ調達、大手監査法人とともにIPO準備体制構築に従事。CXO、HW、SW、外国籍エンジニアなど多岐にわたる採用で実績多数。国家資格キャリアコンサルティング技能士、IPO・内部統制実務士取得。
University of Wales Trinity Saint David Master of Business Administration (expected).Worked for a robotics startup as a CFO.

I strongly believe that this internship at FingerVision is one of the most unique and groundbreaking opportunities that I have witnessed in the years that I have been working in the robotics industry as an HR Manager. FingerVision is building a platform that transcends national borders through interaction with world-class researchers. There are exciting new challenges that you can only experience at FingerVision. We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity to fully demonstrate your passion for robotics and the capabilities you possess. Together with FingerVision, you will help to deliver the technology of the future."


If you are interested, please contact us here.



・社名/Company: 株式会社FingerVision/FingerVision, Inc.

・代表取締役/Representative Director: 濃野友紀/Yuki Nono

・設立/Establishment: 2021年10月/October 2021

・URL: https://www.fingervision.jp/

・YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRgZuTJvDxjD_7ta03BRQFA

・LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/fingervision/

・X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/Yuki_Nono_fv







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