ブラジル向けFPSOを受注<English Follows>
OFS award for FPSO in Brazil
東洋エンジニアリング株式会社(取締役社長 永松治夫、以下、TOYO)の関連会社であるOffshore Frontier Solutions Pte. Ltd (以下、OFS*¹) は、このたび三井海洋開発株式会社(以下、MODEC)より、FPSO*²のEPCI*³業務を受注致しました。OFSのFPSOの受注は、2023年5月9日のFPSO Uaruプロジェクトに続いて2件目になります。
本FPSOはブラジルリオデジャネイロ沖合約200kmに位置するカンポス盆地内BM-C-33鉱区における、Equinor ASAによる海洋油田の開発に投入されます。また当船は新造船となり、VLCC船*⁴と比べて大きな貯蔵容量・トップサイドを確保しています。そのトップサイドの広さを活かし、コンバインドサイクル発電機*⁵が搭載されるため、従来使用されてきたガスタービン発電機と比べて二酸化炭素の排出量を削減することができます。
*1 OFSはTOYOとMODECが2022年8月にシンガポールに設立した合弁会社であり、FPSOのEPCI事業を遂行するエンジニアリング企業。TOYOの出資比率は35%で持分法適用会社となる。
*2 Floating Production Storage and Offloading System(浮体式海洋石油・ガス生産貯蔵積出設備)
*3 Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Installation(設計から機器購入、建造、据付までの一括工事)
*4 Very Large Crude Oil Carrier(大型石油タンカーで、20万載貨重量トン以上のもの)
*5 ガスタービンと蒸気タービンを合わせた発電機
受注者:Offshore Frontier Solutions Pte. Ltd
係留地:ブラジルBM-C-33鉱区(ブラジル沖合約200km) Equinor含む3社によるコンソーシアムが鉱区権を保有(Equinor(35%)、Repsol Sinopec Brazil(35%)、Petrobras(30%))
<English Follows>
Offshore Frontier Solutions Pte. Ltd. (OFS*¹), an affiliate of Toyo Engineering Corporation (TOYO, President and CEO Haruo Nagamatsu ), has been awarded a contract by MODEC, Inc. for EPCI*² of FPSO*³ for BM-C-33 project. This is OFS’s second order for an FPSO project following the Uaru project released on May 9, 2023.
This FPSO will be deployed for development of an offshore oil fields by Equinol ASA at the BM-C-33 block in the Campos Basin located approximately 200 kilometers off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The hull will be newly built and will have a large storage capacity and top-side compared to VLCC hull*⁴. By taking advantage of the size of the top-side, the combined cycle power generator*⁵ will be installed, which reduces carbon dioxide emissions compared to gas turbine power generators that have been used in the past.
TOYO is currently implementing construction projects in Brazil, such as power transmission lines, power generation plants and refinery plants. TOYO will continue to contribute to the economic development of Brazil by responding to the robust demand for various plants in Brazil.
*1 A joint venture with MODEC, launched in August 2022, will be responsible for the engineering, procurement, and construction of the FPSO. TOYO’s shareholding Ratio is 35%
*2 Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation
*3 Floating Production, Storage and Offloading System
*4 Very Large Crude Oil Carrier (large oil tankers with a weight of 200,000 watts or more)
*5 Power generators combining gas turbines and steam turbines
Project Summary
Client: MODEC, Inc.
Contractor: Offshore Frontier Solutions Pte. Ltd.
Site: BM-C-33 block in Campos Basin (approximately 200 kilometers offshore the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Equinor's field partners are Repsol Sinopec Brazil (35%) and Petrobras (30%)
Facility: FPSO
Equipment: Oil production facilities (125,000 barrels per day) and gas treatment facilities (565 million cubic feet per day)
Scope: Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation
Completion: 2027