R3 Cordaで金融と産業を近づけるビジネスソリューションを発表



CTIA(シー・ティー・アイ・エー)(本社:シンガポール、CEO:手塚 満)は、分散台帳技術を活用して、様々な産業においての課題を解決するためのビジネスソリューション『Traceability as a Service』を開発しました。
『Traceability as a Service』は、組織の大小を問わず需要に合わせた業務効率の最適化を支援する分散台帳型ビジネスソリューションです。11月からのサービス提供に先駆けて、2019年10月23日・24日にイギリス・ロンドンで開催されたCordaCon 2019では、サプライチェーンでの導入を想定したデモンストレーションを披露しました。
『Traceability as a Service』を導入することで、従来のシステムでは難しかったリアルタイム性の高い革新的なワークフローを実現します。


『Traceability as a Service』の導入によって、組織の大小を問わずサプライチェーンごとに独自のネットワークを形成して生産管理にかかわる全ての情報の取引が可能となるため、組織間あるいは組織内においての担当者間で連携が必要な業務の負担を大幅に軽減することができます。また、将来的にはより精度の高い取引を実現するために、取引上の異常値を検知する機械学習(Machine learning)の開発を進めています。


当サービスは『Traceability as a Service』をサービス名称として、SaaS型で提供します。当面は個別に顧客の導入支援を実施していく予定で、価格は個別見積もりとなります。

  • 支える技術
『Traceability as a Service』はR3社が開発・提供するミドルウェア『Corda Enterprise』を取り入れることでサプライチェーン上の組織ごとにポリシーを保護しながらも安全なデータの交換を可能にしました。また、オンプレミスでの運用を想定されて構築されている点もCorda Enterpriseを採用した理由の一つです。

また、『Traceability as a Service』の開発に伴い3つの独自技術を開発しました。 
一つは、サプライチェーンを支える組織間での情報共有を行うために、デジタル上でモノを表現するためのグラフ構造を用いた階層型トークンを生成する『Token Processor』
二つ目は、Corda内での複雑なOrganizationを実現し、機材や格納場所、製品や作業で使用するトークンのやり取りを可能とする『Token Register』
三つ目は、Intel社のSGXを利用してメモリ内でアルゴリズムを保護することにより、セキュリティレベルの高いデータの運用を実現する『Transaction RAM Protection』

  • 今後について
2019年11月11日~13日にシンガポールで開催される『Singapore Fintech Festival 2019』に出展します。また、当日は実用化に向けて導入試験を行う企業の展示と企業の方を招いてのセッションを予定しています。


CTIA announced business solutions on R3 Corda that bring finance and industry closer together

A new solution has been born that allows all stakeholders such as producers, manufacturing companies, trading companies, certification bodies, transport companies, warehouses, retail stores, banks, securities companies, insurance companies, unions, etc. to participate in one platform.

Using distributed ledger technology, CTIA has developed a business solution, “Traceability as a Service,” to solve problems in various industries.

“Traceability as a Service” is a solution that supports optimization of business efficiency according to demand regardless of the size of the organization. Prior to the launch of the service in November, an introductory demonstration of a supply chain was presented at CordaCon 2019 on October 23 and 24, 2019 in London, England.

By introducing “Traceability as a Service”, the solution will bring about an innovative workflow with real-time features which have been difficult to carry out effectively with traditional systems.

In the supply chain, which is one of the areas where this system is expected to be effective, organizations such as participating producers, manufacturers, certification bodies, transportation companies, warehouses, trading companies, retail stores, etc. often plan and manage their own production plans, transportation plans, and inventory plans separately. In addition, as lot numbers complicated with demand increases in the organization of companies involved in manufacturing, the risk of human error also increases. For this reason, in the event of sudden changes in demand or in product specifications, artificial workarounds such as the establishment of a department to supervise are implemented, which forces a heavy burden on the movement of the entire supply chain. At present, many of these problems occur in many organizations.

By introducing “Traceability as a Service”, it becomes possible for stakeholders to trade all information related to production management by forming a unique network for each supply chain, regardless of the size of the organization. This greatly reduces the amount of work that requires coordination between the users. Further, to actualize more accurate transactions in the future, CTIA is currently developing machine learning that detects abnormal values in transactions.

CTIA develops business solutions that can be introduced by any organization, large or small, to realize a supply chain that supports reliable, high-quality products and is responsive to changes in the supply and demand network due to rapid global environmental changes. This solution will potentially be used in collaboration with town factories and craftsmen in the distribution base of special products that are produced locally and products that are difficult to mass-produce, as well as global product development and market development in new fields.

This service will be provided as a SaaS type called “Traceability as a Service”. For the time being, we will provide support for customer introductions individually, and prices will be estimated individually.

  • “Supporting technology”
“Traceability as a Service” enables the safe exchange of data while protecting policies for each organization in the supply chain by incorporating a middleware developed and provided by R3 called “Corda Enterprise”. Another reason for using Corda Enterprise is that it is built on the existing on-premises operation.

In addition, with the development of “Traceability as a Service”, CTIA has developed three unique technologies.

The first is the “Token Processor” that generates hierarchical tokens using a graph structure to represent things digitally in order to share information between organizations that support the supply chain. The second is the “Token Register”, which realizes complex Organization within Corda and enables exchange of tokens used in equipment, storage location, products and work processes. The third is the “Transaction RAM Protection”, which uses Intel SGX to protect algorithms in memory and enables high-security data operations.

These technologies will be used to express the movement of products and work processes in the real world. For example, moving the fruit from the basket of Mr. Yamada, who is in charge of this process at Company A, into the basket of Mr. Satoh from Company B who is in charge of the next process.

  • “Moving forward”
Switchnovate, a subsidiary of CTIA, will exhibit at the Singapore Fintech Festival 2019, from November 11 to 13, 2019. During the event, CTIA ltd. will hold a company exhibition and a session inviting companies to conduct an introductory test for practical application.

  • CTIA Co., Ltd.
CTIA is a system as well as a consulting company that aspire to solve various management issues of companies and related social problems with the latest technology of distributed ledger technology and blockchain. We will also approach existing systems and areas where technology could not be applied so far, bringing to fruition a “token economy” that allows tokens to be used to verify various transactions and information. We will provide solutions that make the most of the regional characteristics of each base in the world, and globally develop tokenization in various fields.







CTIA Co., Ltd


大阪府大阪市中央区西心斎橋1-15-7 心斎橋アサノビル6F
手塚 満