フィリピン ラスピニャス市 市政府 特別教育予算でQuipperを公立高校に導入
教育改革にデジタル教材 積極活用の動き
授業冒頭にてQuipper Videoの動画視聴中
大学進学率の上昇も期待される一方、一斉授業で成績上位者と下位者の差が広がっていくことを懸念したラスピニャス市は、下位層の成績底上げのためにデジタル学習の導入を検討、試験運用を経て、この度、次年度開始の2017年6月からQuipper Videoの採用が決定しました。具体的な活用方法として、下記2通りを予定しています。
1) 授業中 -生徒は授業冒頭にQuipper Videoの動画を視聴。その後、先生が補足の解説をおこない、 ディスカッションなどを経て授業の最後にQuipper Videoの該当する演習問題を取り組む
2)放課後、補習授業 -学校のコンピュータ室でわからなかったトピックを個別で個人のペースでQuipper Videoで学習
【締結先】 ラスピニャス市(The City of Las Piñas)、フィリピン教育省-ラスピニャス市支部(Department of Education - Schools Division of Las Piñas City)
【導入サービス】 Quipper Video
【導入対象】 市内公立高校(2校)G10、G11(高校1年生、高校2年生相当)、500名
【利用開始】 2017年6月
Quipper Video導入に向けた先生たちの様子
■Quipper (Philippines)ついて
・Quipper School
【価格】無料 ※契約条件により異なる場合があります
・Quipper Video
【価格】1年間3600ペソ/月300ペソ(年間約9,000円/月750 円)※契約期間などにより、金額は異なります。
6カ国300万人の生徒、25万人の教師に利用される『Quipper School』を展開
Quipper Limited社は、渡辺雅之が2010年にイギリス ロンドンで創業。インドネシア・フィリピン・メキシコ・日本・イギリスの世界5カ国に展開。「Distributors of Wisdom」 国境や貧富の差を超えて、世界中で誰もが学びたいものを好きなだけ学べる“知の流通革命”の実現を目指す、海外向けのオンライン学習サービスです。
2013年からインドネシア・フィリピン等を中心に、オンラインラーニングプラットフォーム『Quipper School』を展開。生徒の学習・先生の宿題管理・問題作成・チュータリングなどをサポート、2015年に株式会社リクルートマーケティングパートナーズ傘下に入り、現在に至ります。 『Quipper School』は世界各国で無料生徒会員約300万人、約25万人の教師の方に利用されるサービスへと成長。
2015年からは、スタディサプリの海外版として講師陣による授業がオンラインで受講できる『Quipper VIDEO』も、インドネシア、メキシコ、フィリピンで展開。各国の教育制度や方針に準ずるため、すべて現地で撮影・制作を実施、各国の講師の授業を収録しローカライズしています。
『Quipper VIDEO』展開国 ※日本国内は『スタディサプリ』
・日本 https://studysapuri.jp/(2011年10月~)
・インドネシア https://video.quipper.com/id(2015年8月~)
・メキシコ https://video.quipper.com/mx(2016年3月~)
・フィリピン https://video.quipper.com/ph(2016年5月~)
City of Las Piñas, Philippines introduces e-learning solution
Quipper Video to public senior high schools
There is a move towards the active use of online learning materials to complement the country’s education reform program.
Tokyo, May 29, 2017. In line with the Philippine education system’s transition to the K-12 program, the City of Las Piñas in Metro Manila, Philippines has adopted e-learning solution Quipper Video to enhance its implementation of the country’s newly mandated senior high school program. A total of 500 public senior high school students will be using Quipper Video starting in school year 2017. Quipper Video is distributed in the Philippines by Quipper, Ltd. (Head office: London UK, CEO: Fumihiro Yamaguchi), a foreign subsidiary of Recruit Marketing Partners Co., Ltd. (Head office: Chuo-ku Tokyo, President and CEO: Fumihiro Yamaguchi).
■Background to and purpose of implementation
In a bid to improve the quality of education in the country, the Philippine government signed the “Enhanced Basic Education Act” into law in 2013, updating the 10-year basic education program to 12 years. It started with the universal implementation of Kindergarten in 2011, and was followed by the enhanced curriculum for Grades 1 to 7 in 2012, then the completion of the senior high school curriculum in 2014, and most recently, the implementation of Grade 11 in 2016. June 2017 will be the latest milestone of the K-12 program, with the implementation of Grade 12 in senior high schools nationwide. To support the Philippine Department of Education in the implementation of senior high school, Quipper, Ltd. started offering Quipper Video, an online e-learning platform with ready-made video content for the senior high school core subjects.
Recognizing the need to adapt to the changes of the new K-12 program, the City of Las Piñas decided that e-learning was the way to go. Mayor Imelda Aguilar says, “Our goal is to ensure that our senior high students are fully equipped for what lies ahead after graduation in order for them to succeed in a rapidly changing world. This entails going beyond just teaching the requisite lessons and competencies, and adopting innovative methods and strategies that will improve both the learning experience and learning outcomes. With Quipper Video, we hope to achieve just that.”
Prior to implementation, the city government conducted a pilot test, which showed an increase not just in student performance, but also in student engagement. As a result, the city government procured Quipper Video licenses for senior high school students of Golden Acres National High School and Las Piñas National Senior High School Doña Josefa Campus.
Quipper Video has two usage models:
1) Students watch video lessons during class, then the teacher gives a supplementary explanation. Following the explanation, students take assessments on Quipper Video to confirm their understanding.
2) Students watch video lessons at their own time and pace. Teachers then conduct discussions or activities based on what the students learned in the video.
■About Quipper (Philippines)
Quipper School
[Overview] A platform which provides school teachers with content (practice exercises) required for “homework” and “assignments” tackled during classes, and which assists them by performing online tasks which were previously done manually such as answer checking and progress management.
[Target] 4th year elementary to 3rd year high school students
[Price] Free *May differ according to contract terms.
Quipper Video
[Overview] A learning video service which enables students to view videos of lessons given by experienced teachers and tackle assignments (practice exercises). Students can learn without time or place restrictions, and at low cost.
[Target] Years G10, G11 and G12 (equivalent to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years of high school)
[Price] 3,600 pesos per year / 300 pesos per month (approx. 9,000 yen per year / 750 yen per month) * May differ according to contract terms.
■About Quipper
“Quipper School” is used by three million students and
250 thousand teachers across six countries
Quipper Limited was founded in 2010 in London, UK by Masayuki Watanabe. It has spread across the world to the five countries of Indonesia, Philippines, Mexico, Japan and the UK. As “Distributors of Wisdom”, Quipper is an overseas-focused online learning service which aims to realize a “revolution in the distribution of intelligence” which overcomes differences of nationality and wealth, whereby anyone in the world can study what they want to their heart’s content.
From 2013 the company has been rolling out “Quipper School”, its online learning platform, with a focus on countries such as Indonesia and the Philippines. The platform helps students to study and teachers with tasks such as managing homework, creating questions and tutorials. In 2015 the company became a subsidiary of Recruit Marketing Partners Co., Ltd., which it remains today. “Quipper School” has grown to be used by approximately three million free student users and 250 thousand teachers around the world.
From 2015 the company has rolled out “Quipper Video”, as the overseas version of its Japanese service “Study Sapuri” which enables students to receive lessons from lecturers online, in Indonesia, Mexico and the Philippines. All videos have been filmed and produced locally, and lessons by each lecturer recorded and localized, in order to conform with the educational system and policies of each country.