
ファインピース / FINE PIECE

Poland No.1 Car Detailing brand Tenzi decided to jointly exhibit with Fine Piece in the Automechanika New Delhi 2019 for the brand development in India and Asian markets.

ポーランド最大手のカーディテイリングメーカーTENZI(テンジ、本社:ポーランド ドウイェ、https://tenzidetailer.com/en/)は、インド・アジア諸国でのブランド展開を見据え、良質な製品やパーツを届ける始点から、人とクルマのファインな関係を生み出し、世界をより良くする起点をつくることを目指すファインピース株式会社(本社:福岡県福岡市、代表取締役社長:木下 寛士)とのアウトメカニカ ニューデリー2019への共同出展を決定した。

アウトメカニカ フランクフルト2018 - Automechanika Frankfurt 2018アウトメカニカ フランクフルト2018 - Automechanika Frankfurt 2018





※上記はアウトメカニカ フランクフルト2018のTENZIブースの参考写真。
 Photos of TENZI Booth in Automechanika Frankfurt 2018.

■出展商品 - Exhibited products




  • Car Shampoo    Very efficient and effective car shampoo with gloss effect for car body wash. Dedicated for all types of car body.
  • Car Shampoo & Wax    Very efficient car shampoo with protection, gloss and rinse effects for all types of car body.
  • Quartz Shampoo    Unique car shampoo with Quartz protection. Enhancement for car paint color, long-lasting protection and super gloss. Superhydrophobic - actively repels dirt.
  • Clean Rim    Products for cleaning all types of rims and tires on vehicles. Removes regular break pad dust and road dirt.
  • Bleeding Rim    Bleeding wheel effect. Neutral product for removing break pad dust, rust and road dirt off aluminum, chrome and painted rims.
  • Tire & Plastic    Wet-look effect. Very efficient and effective tire and rubber parts dressing. Brings gloss effect, protects from water and dirt. Deepens tire colour.
  • Clean Engine    Effective product for cleaning and care of car engines. Creates gloss effect. The product does not damage any gaskets.
  • Wet Wax    Product for car paint protection. Contains liquid quartz. Effectively protects car paint from water, dirts and UV rays.
  • Quick Shine    Quick gloss after car wash. Removes streaks, stains, water scale and dirt. Very efficient, non-streak polimer-based product for maintaining gloss on car paint.
  • Carnauba Spray    New generation product based on natural Carnauba wax for quick protection of all types of car paint. Protects from UV rays.
  • Quatz Spray    Product for car paint protection. Contains liquid quartz. Long-lasting protection from water, dirt and UV rays.
  • Clean Glass    Non-streak product for cleaning glass, windows, mirrors and reflectors. The product does not leave any reflect layer, creates gloss effect and protects from dirt.
  • Clean Upholstery    Super Efficient and safe product for all kinds textiles even with heavy dirt build up. Product is dedicated for all kind of textiles surfaces - seats, car upholstery and carpets. Leaves fresh fregrance.
  • Clean Cockpit    Product for deep cleaning of cockpit surfaces. Dissolves regular dirt, fingerprints, dust and grease. Deeply cleans all types of surfaces.
  • Matt Cockpit    Matt effect. Product for plastic surface care in vehicle cockpits. Leaves antistatic and anti-reflect protection layer.
  • Matt Cockpit Alure    Matt effect. Product for plastic surface care in vehicle cockpits. Leaves antistatic and anti-reflect protection layer. Alure smell.
  • Matt Cockpit Strawberry    Matt effect. Product for plastic surface care in vehicle cockpits. Leaves antistatic and anti-reflect protection layer. Strawberry smell.
  • Matt Cockpit Vanilla    Matt effect. Product for plastic surface care in vehicle cockpits. Leaves antistatic and anti-reflect protection layer. Vanilla smell.
  • Clean Leather    Product for cleaning painted and non-painted, natural and synthetic leather surfaces. Make sure the leather paint is non-removable. Cleans all types of dirt.
  • Leather Care    Dedicated protect for frequent cleaning and refreshing all types of leather surfaces. Prevents drying and cracking of leather.
  • Tire & Rubber    New-look effect. Very efficient and effective tire dressing. Gloss effect and protection from water and dirt. Deepens colour. Can be used in sub-zero temperature. Product package includes one applicator and one microfiber towel.
  • Carnauba Wax    Protective car wax. New formula based on Carnauba wax and PTFE. Amazing gloss effect for car paint. Hydrophobic layer protects car paint from rust, water and dirt. The products goes into the paint, fills microscratches and deepens car paint colour. Product package includes one applicator and one microfiber towel.
  • Ceramic Wax    New generation nano-formula product based on P14Si - Quartz for surface protection of all types of car paint and car body. Contains liquid ceramic, Carnauba wax and PTFE. Leaves long-lasting protection layer. Creates hydrophobic effect and deepens car paint colour. Product package includes one applicator and one microfiber towel.
  • Leather Conditioner    Cream for protection and conditioning of leather surfaces. The product prevents leather surface from dirt absorption (example: jeans dye), from drying and breaking. Maintains natural look of leather and makes it elastic. The product does not give any shine. Product package includes one applicator and one microfiber towel.
  • Insect Remover    Effective product for removing insect remains and other organic dirt from car body.
  • De-Icer    Product for removing frost and ice from glass surfaces. Effective even at temperatures of Minus 70C. Dedicated for paintwork, textiles.
  • Tar & Glue Remover    Aerosol Special heavy-duty cleaner in aerosol can for cleaning: rubber, tar, asphalt, glue. Cleans even stubborn dirt. Dedicated for paintwork, textiles. Do not apply on rubber or plastic parts.

Tenzi Sp. z o.o.(テンジ)
設立    :  1999年
本社    :  ポーランド(Dołuje, Poland)
輸出先   :  40カ国(3大陸)
事業内容  :  プロプロフェッショナル向け洗浄剤(自動車、産業用、レストラン、家庭、ホテル等)


〒160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿5丁目15-14
〒812-0892 福岡県福岡市博多区東那珂1丁目18番27号2F











東京都新宿区新宿 5丁目15-14