NUDE礼賛!「おとこのからだ」Praise of NUDE - About Male Body 開催
アートで愛でるおとこのからだ。イケメン画家 木村了子をキュレーターに
13名のアーティストが表現する「おとこのからだ」。人間を表現することの素晴らしさ、豊かさを、多くの方々に感じていただけることを願います。 (キュレーション:木村了子)
This exhibition explores the acceptance and possibilities of male expression through the theme of " Male Nudity," exhibiting a wide variety of images of men by contemporary artists of different genders, sexualities, and modes of expression.
While an overwhelming majority of people in the art scene still think of "nudity" as "female nudity" and this image continues to gain popularity, sexual expression has also been the subject of criticism as "sexism and sexual consumption." Frequent and extreme controversies even have led to fears that nudity and sexual expression may be regulated or curtailed. On the contrary, "Male Nudity" still lacks many opportunities to gather and compare works by Japanese artists, and to discuss the subject.
In this exhibition, we attempted to express the body and eroticism unique to the male nude, as well as to examine them from various transitional perspectives on gender. I hope that this exhibition will provide an opportunity to stimulate discussion about the expression of male nudity.
"Male Bodies" expressed by thirteen artists. I hope that many people will experience the wonder and richness of expressing human beings. (Curated by Ryoko Kimura)
NUDE 礼賛ーおとこのからだ
Praise of NUDE - About Male Body
2022 年 9 月 30 日 (fri) ~ 10 月 15 日 (sat)
Weekday:15:00 - 20:00、Satday:12:00 - 20:00. Closed: 日、祝 /Sunday and Holiday
Dub Gallery Akihabara
住所 : 東京都千代田区神田佐久間町1‒14 第2AZUMA ビル2階 216号室
エセム 万 / ESEMU Man
大山 菜々子 / OYAMA Nanako
上路 市剛 / KAMIJI Ichitaka
亀井 徹 / KAMEI Toru
木村 了子 / KIMURA Ryoko
田亀 源五郎 / TAGAME Gengoroh
小川 クロ / CHIIKAWA Kuro
成瀬 ノンノウ / NARUSE Nonnow
野村 佐紀子 / NOMURA Sakiko
松蔭 浩之 / MATSUKAGE Hiroyuki
ユゥキユキ / Yu-KIYUKI
特別展示 三島 剛 / MISHIMA Go