タイの石油化学産業向けに省エネルギー・脱炭素コンサルティングサービス「HERO」プロジェクトを初受注-1年間で国内線羽田-福岡間を約3200 回往復した際に排出される温室効果ガス相当量を削減-
TOYO Awarded Energy Efficiency Study Using HERO-First HERO Projects in Thailand-
東洋エンジニアリング株式会社 (取締役社長 細井栄治、以下、TOYO) は、PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited (以下、GC) から、既存の大型パラキシレン製造プラントおよびフェノール製造プラントの2件におけるエネルギー効率化・温暖化ガス削減の検討業務を受注しました。
本プロジェクトはTOYOの自社技術である省エネルギー・脱炭素コンサルティングサービス 「HERO (Hybrid Energy system Re-Optimization)」を用いて、GCの既存プラントのエネルギーを効率化するための設備改造計画を作成するものです。本プロジェクトの2件を含めこれまでに7件のHEROによる省エネ検討プロジェクトを受注しており、タイの石油化学産業向けとしては初の案件になります。TOYOの自社技術であるHEROによる提案内容と長年培ってきたエンジニアリング力が評価され、この度の受注に至りました。
温室効果ガス排出量:約5.5万トン/年 削減*
* 国内線(羽田-福岡)1機あたりの航空機往復分の温室効果ガス排出量を180 kg/1人当たり排出量×乗客数95人/機 = 17.1 トン/機として算出。
なお第2弾となるフェノールプラントの FSは現在進行中です。
客先:PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited
<English Follows>
Toyo Engineering Corporation (TOYO, President and CEO Eiji Hosoi) has been awarded energy efficiency study contracts for the modernization of an existing large-scale aromatics plant and phenol plant from PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited (GC).
The purpose of these projects is to improve the energy efficiency of GC’s existing plant. TOYO provides a facility-modification plan for this purpose through the study using TOYO’s own optimization technology, Hybrid Energy system Re-Optimization (HERO). This project is two of seven awarded projects using the HERO service to date and it is the first HERO project in Thailand’s petrochemical industry.
The feasibility study for the aromatics plant was already completed. The result shows a substantial energy conservation opportunity:
Reduction of steam consumption: approximately 20%
Reduction of CO2 emissions: approximately 55,000 tons per year
Recently the development of the design package for the facility modification was started.
The award of these service contracts is believed to reflect GC’s positive evaluation of TOYO’s advanced technology HERO as well as TOYO’s fundamental engineering capabilities. HERO is potentially capable of providing outstanding energy-efficiency solutions:
Remarkable energy-efficiency improvement without major facility modification
Increased energy saving even for plants where energy efficiency had already matured through conventional methodologies
Because of these characteristics, GC acknowledges HERO to be one of the key technologies for achieving its goal of net-zero GHG emissions in 2050. TOYO is honored to play a role in this progressive challenge which supports the decarbonization of the petrochemical industry in Thailand. As a second step of this contribution, GC and TOYO recently started the feasibility study for the phenol plant.
TOYO will continuously provide new opportunities via its own technology and help GC and petrochemical industries all over the world take on challenges towards a sustainable society.
Contract Summary
Client: PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited
Consultant: Toyo Engineering Corporation
Facilities: Aromatics Plant / Phenol Plant
Scope: Feasibility Study and Design Package Development
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- 経営情報
- ビジネスカテゴリ
- 建設・土木電気・ガス・資源・エネルギー
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