
独自の全自動3次元モデル化(Scan to BIM)技術を活用したプロダクトを展開するDataLabs株式会社(本社:東京都中央区、代表取締役社長:田尻 大介、以下DataLabs)は、アジアの建設業向けに専門機器やソリューションの販売および導入支援を行うDTX Co. Ltd.(本社:タイ、以下「DTX」)と提携し、ASEAN地域の建設業者に向けて3次元配筋検査システム「Modely(モデリー)」の提供を開始します。
<1. 今後の展望>
タイ政府は、デジタル技術やイノベーションを活用し、産業の高度化を目指す経済改革計画「Thailand 4.0」を推進しており、この取り組みは建設業界にも波及しています。特に、東部経済回廊 (EEC) では多くのインフラ整備投資が行われ、高速鉄道や高速道路、空港拡張や工業団地など、大規模な建設プロジェクトが進行中です。
また、BIM(Building Information Modeling)の利活用も進んでおり、3次元データをベースにした「設計~施工~維持管理が循環するデジタルアセットマネジメント構想」がチュラロンコン大学を始め、タイ政府や民間企業によってプロジェクト化されています。

「Modely」は、国土交通省主催令和5年度インフラDX大賞においてスタートアップ奨励賞も受賞し、導入企業は160社を突破するなど、その革新性と実績が高く評価されているサービスです。DTXとの業務提携によりタイ運輸省(Department of Highways)やチュラロンコン大学など、主要なステークホルダーと連携し、現地でのModelyを活用したパイロットプロジェクトもすでに計画されています。配筋検査における遠隔検査システムとしての標準化を進め、タイ国内のみならず、ASEAN地域への拡大を目指していきます。

<2. DTXについて>
DTX is the result of a collaboration between two companies: DITTO (Thailand) Public Company Limited, specializing in information technology and digital data integration with over 10 years of experience, and TEAM Consulting Engineering and Management Public Company Limited, which has over 40 years of expertise in engineering design and construction consulting. By combining the knowledge, expertise, and experience of both companies, DTX offers innovative business services through technologies like Digital Twin and BIM, creating a new dimension of digital operations aimed at enhancing the efficiency and management of organizational assets in the digital era.
<3.DTX社 Saratchai氏からコメント>
Modely is an innovation with the potential to truly revolutionize the construction industry by leveraging advanced technology to reduce the time required for complex construction processes. This product addresses the industry’s needs in facing time constraints by integrating precise operations and comprehensive data management systems, along with artificial intelligence (AI).
Another significant highlight of Modely is its ability to create transparency in all construction processes. This technology enables all stakeholders—including project managers, engineers, designers, and field workers—to access information and monitor project status accurately and promptly. This transparency not only enhances confidence in the work processes but also reduces the risk of errors that may occur during project execution.
Additionally, Modely serves as a crucial tool in promoting the development of digital twins, a modern approach that plays an essential role in the digital age. By modeling the structure and project data in a digital as-built condition, it facilitates future maintenance activities.
The innovative product by DataLabs is yet another example of utilizing digital technology and AI to drive the construction industry into the future. It helps meet the evolving market demands and establishes new standards that focus simultaneously on efficiency, transparency, and sustainability.
<4.DataLabs代表 田尻のコメント>
We were introduced to Mr. Sarachai of DTX through a major Japanese construction consultancy firm, and since then, we have closely collaborated on local demonstrations of Modely as well as presentations to government agencies. Mr. Sarachai, who leads DTX, possesses not only extensive expertise in civil engineering but also a wealth of experience in directly engaging with advanced technologies and serving as a distributor for only the finest products. We are truly delighted and confident to have the opportunity to partner with DTX.
Moving forward, we are committed to deepening this collaboration to leverage both parties' capabilities, promote Modely to all stakeholders, and contribute to Thailand’s infrastructure development plans.
<5. DataLabsについて>
<5-1. DataLabs株式会社 会社概要>
設立 :2020年7月
代表:代表取締役 田尻 大介
広報担当 板谷弥生