電通デジタル、デジタル×グローバルのスペシャリスト集団「Dentsu Digital Global Center」を新設 <English Follows>



 株式会社電通デジタル(本社:東京都港区 代表取締役社長執行役員:瀧本 恒 以下、電通デジタル)は、グローバルビジネスをリードするCoE(Center of Excellence)組織「Dentsu Digital Global Center(以下、DDGC)」を2024年1月に新設しました。日本国内マーケットをターゲットとした外資系グローバル企業や、グローバルマーケットへの拡大を目指す日本企業に対して、当社の持つすべてのケイパビリティをもとに包括的なサービスとして提供し、デジタルビジネスの拡大および成長機会の発掘を一気通貫で支援します。

「Dentsu Digital Global Center」ロゴ
「Dentsu Digital Global Center」シニアマネジメント


 こうしたクライアント企業の課題に対応すべく、電通デジタルはグローバルプロジェクトへの豊富な経験を有す150人以上のデジタルビジネスの専門家からなるプロフェッショナル集団を組成しました。計10カ国以上のバックグラウンドを持つメンバーが在籍し多様性に富んだチーム編成のもと、広告・メディア、データ&テクノロジー、CXM(Customer Experience Management:顧客体験マネジメント)、事業変革、クリエイティブなど電通デジタルが持つすべてのデジタルビジネスの専門性と知見を活用したサービスをマルチリンガルで提供します。これにより、一部のビジネス領域に限定せず、包括的かつ一気通貫でのグローバスビジネス支援を実現します。


① 外資系企業に対する日本マーケット展開支援




② 日本企業のグローバルマーケット展開支援

 ・海外のマーケット進出における市場進出戦略(Go to Market)支援





■マークル社 グローバルCEO Pete Steinのコメント


■電通デジタル 副社長執行役員 杉浦 友彦※のコメント


写真左:電通デジタル 杉浦 友彦、右:マークル社 Pete Stein

※杉浦は2024年1月1日付でdentsu Japan CXプレジデントに就任。DDGCを統括し、グループ全体のグローバルネットワークとDDGCの連携を強化します。



Dentsu Digital Establishes the “Dentsu Digital Global Center” a Specialist Team of Digital and Global Professionals

Providing comprehensive domestic and international digital business support for global companies, in collaboration with overseas networks including Merkle.

Dentsu Digital Inc. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director, and President: Koh Takimoto; hereinafter referred to as "Dentsu Digital") today announced that it has established the "Dentsu Digital Global Center" (hereinafter referred to as "DDGC") in January 2024.  DDGC is positioned as the Dentsu Digital Center of Excellence (CoE) for global business and aims to provide comprehensive services to international companies targeting the Japanese domestic market as well as Japanese companies aiming to expand into the global market. By leveraging the broad spectrum of Dentsu Digital capabilities, DDGC can support the integration and expansion of digital business and the discovery of growth opportunities.

Dentsu Digital Global Center – Logo
Dentsu Digital Global Center - Senior Management

In today's world, where every contact point surrounding consumers is integrated through digital means, there is a demand for customer-centric communication design. Companies are faced with the urgent challenge of engaging in digital business initiatives. Furthermore, in the highly globalized modern era, companies aiming to expand into the global market face challenges such as adapting to the lifestyles of local consumers and regulations while at the same time maintaining their brand image. This challenge is compounded by the task of managing multinational project teams with language and cultural differences. For foreign companies operating in the Japanese market, the challenge is to achieve optimized communication with Japanese consumers while remaining true to their home country's core strategy. To achieve this synergy of goals, it is essential to have a partner who has in-depth knowledge of the domestic market.

To address the challenges faced by client partners, Dentsu Digital brought together a professional group consisting of over 150 digital business specialists with extensive experience in global projects to form the Dentsu Digital Global Center. Diversity is core to the new team which is comprised of members from various specialties and backgrounds from more than ten countries. The team is able to leverage their expertise and knowledge in all aspects of digital business, including advertising, media, data & technology, CXM (Customer Experience Management), business transformation, and creative services, all offered in multiple languages. This enables comprehensive and integrated support for global business, not limited to specific business areas.

Examples of services provided by DDGC

1.     Support for the expansion of foreign companies in the domestic Japanese market:

  • Media planning and buying aligned with Japanese consumers insights

  • Designing customer communication strategies such as CRM and loyalty programs

  • Development and operation of websites and D2C (Direct-to-Consumer) platforms

2.     Support for the global expansion of Japanese companies:

  • Expanding into overseas markets developing market entry strategies (Go to Market)

  • Development and operation of global websites and D2C (Direct-to-Consumer) platforms

  • Development and establishment of global platform governance frameworks

  • Media planning and buying in overseas markets partnering with media platforms

In addition, DDGC will serve as the home base in Japan for Merkle ("Merkle"), the flagship CXM business within dentsu's overseas operations with 16,000 employees in 50 countries. DDGC works with Merkle and other dentsu overseas offices to promote global projects from Japan by leveraging solutions from across the network, forming bespoke teams for each project which provide the necessary level of support across all required capabilities and local markets.

Comment from the Merkle Global CEO, Pete Stein

“Embarking on this transformative journey, I am excited about the launch of the new Dentsu Digital’s Global Center in Japan, and the integration of media and CXM practices within one team. The combination of our strengths opens the door to a wealth of new opportunities for accelerating our clients’ global growth. This launch represents our commitment to deeper collaboration, and our shared enthusiasm for pioneering innovation and expanding our joint impact in this rapidly changing market. I look forward to the successes this partnership will undoubtedly bring to Merkle and Dentsu Digital.”

Comment from Dentsu Digital Vice President, Tomohiko Sugiura*

“DDGC was launched as a hybrid of global business specialists and experts in various digital faculties such as advertising, media, and CXM. Often fragmented, we aim to lead from Japan the true integration of media and CXM. Through this, DDGC will fulfill its mission as a business partner for client companies, helping them grow their businesses across borders.”

Left: Tomohiko Sugiura from Dentsu Digital Right: Pete Stein from Merkle

*Tomohiko Sugiura assumed the position of dentsu Japan CX President as of January 1, 2024. He supervises DDGC and strengthens the collaboration between the global network of dentsu and DDGC.







東京都港区東新橋 1-8-1
瀧本 恒