東京グレートベアーズ イタリア・セリエA『パッラヴォーロ・パドヴァ』と、バレーボール界初の戦略的クラブパートナーシップを締結
※23年2月にイタリアで開催されたU-17の国際大会「Domovip Wintercup 2023」において、イタリア代表、日本代表を抑えてパドヴァユースが優勝。
東京グレートベアーズ 代表取締役 久保田 健司 コメント
・President of Tokyo Great Bears,Takeshi Kubota
「We are very pleased to sign a strategic partnership with Padova, a prestigious Italian club with a history of over 50 years. Tokyo Great Bears will incorporate the global standards that Padua possesses, not only in the area of volleyball, but also in a community service and an academy management and present the Tokyo Great Bears to the world.」
東京都生活文化スポーツ局スポーツ総合推進部 スポーツ課長 加藤 謙太郎 氏 コメント
・Director of Sports Section of Tokyo Metropolitan Government,Kentaro Kato
「We are very pleased that the Tokyo Great Bears, who has been blowing a new wind towards volleyball industry since the team's establishment, have signed the volleyball industry’s first strategic partnership agreement with the prestigious Italian club, Pallavolo Padova. We hope to see the fusion of the tradition driven by Padova and the creativity brought by Tokyo Great Bears will create new excitement for many spectators and contribute to the promotion of sports not only in Tokyo and Padua, but also in the world through volleyball.」
パッラヴォーロ・パドヴァ 代表 ジャンカルロ・ベッティオ氏 コメント
・President of Pallavolo Padova,Giancarlo Bettio
「The Tokyo Great Bears‘ highly creative and forward-thinking brand policy has impressed us positively, Signing a partnership with Tokyo Great Bears, a club representing one of the largest cities in the world, fills us with pride. This is a great opportunity for Pallavolo Padova, which, in line with its ambitions, aims to grow strategically and commercially at an international level. This agreement represents an opportunity not only to support each other in a strictly sporting sense but also to increase the value that both Pallavolo Padova and Tokyo Great Bears have off the playing field.」
パドヴァ市スポーツ局 ディエゴ・ボナヴィナ氏 コメント
・The Councilor for Sports of the Municipality of Padua, Diego Bonavina
「As the city of Padua, we are very happy that an agreement has been reached between Pallavolo Padova and Tokyo Great Bears, one of the most prestigious clubs in Japan. It is also a great opportunity to showcase one of the excellences of our city around the world, particularly in the Asian market. The sharing of knowledge by both entities can only increase the prestige and visibility enjoyed by volleyball as both a sport and an embodiment of values.」
東京グレートベアーズ / Tokyo Great Bears
東京都をホームタウンとして、 2022-23シーズンに「V.LEAGUE DIVISION 1 MEN」に初参戦。
パッラヴォーロ・パドヴァ / Pallavolo Padova
イタリアのプロバレーボールリーグ「Legga Pallavolo(レガ・パッラヴォーロ)」セリエA所属
設立年 1970年
ホームタウン イタリア共和国ヴェネト州パドヴァ市
チームカラー ホワイト・ブラック
過去と現在の主な在籍選手 石川祐希 髙橋藍 越川優 ミハウ・クビアク