【 出 身 】フィンランド
【 経 歴 】
2019-20年 Raision Loimu ヘッドコーチ(フィンランド)
2020-21年 ウルフドッグス名古屋 アシスタントコーチ(日本)
2021年 フィンランド女子代表 アシスタントコーチ
2021-23年 仁川大韓航空ジャンボス アシスタントコーチ(韓国)
I'm very excited and honored to start my head coaching abroad with the team like Tokyo Great Bears, which is like me: new emerging energy ready for long-term process, hard work and to do things differently with mutual values. We want to highlight our philosophy, culture and prepare super interesting volleyball show for our fans!
Aim is to be the organization, which believes in long-term development in all areas of the club. We will pack a lot of energy in this, people feeling free to express themselves and reaching for new, creative and curious type of performance!
We want to create one of the most interesting show so that people can feel inspired of our style and spirit! I want to invite all old and new fans to stadiums to build something GREAT (BEARS) together!
We have welcomed Mr. Kasper Vuorinen, a Finnish coach with coaching experience in the V1 team and a deep understanding of Japanese volleyball style, as our new head coach. With his positive and open communication skills, along with a solid coaching philosophy, we aim to maximize the individual abilities of our players. Furthermore, as a former setter himself, we also have high expectations for improving the attack efficiency rate, which greatly impacts the outcome of matches.
所在地 東京都渋谷区広尾1-1-39 恵比寿プライムスクエアタワー11階
代表者 代表取締役 久保田健司
設立 2022年5月
業種名 プロバレーボールチームの運営、興行、普及活動
- カスパー・ヴオリネン監督 プロフィール
【 出 身 】フィンランド
【 経 歴 】
2019-20年 Raision Loimu ヘッドコーチ(フィンランド)
2020-21年 ウルフドッグス名古屋 アシスタントコーチ(日本)
2021年 フィンランド女子代表 アシスタントコーチ
2021-23年 仁川大韓航空ジャンボス アシスタントコーチ(韓国)
- カスパー・ヴオリネン監督コメント
I'm very excited and honored to start my head coaching abroad with the team like Tokyo Great Bears, which is like me: new emerging energy ready for long-term process, hard work and to do things differently with mutual values. We want to highlight our philosophy, culture and prepare super interesting volleyball show for our fans!
Aim is to be the organization, which believes in long-term development in all areas of the club. We will pack a lot of energy in this, people feeling free to express themselves and reaching for new, creative and curious type of performance!
We want to create one of the most interesting show so that people can feel inspired of our style and spirit! I want to invite all old and new fans to stadiums to build something GREAT (BEARS) together!
- クラブからのコメント
We have welcomed Mr. Kasper Vuorinen, a Finnish coach with coaching experience in the V1 team and a deep understanding of Japanese volleyball style, as our new head coach. With his positive and open communication skills, along with a solid coaching philosophy, we aim to maximize the individual abilities of our players. Furthermore, as a former setter himself, we also have high expectations for improving the attack efficiency rate, which greatly impacts the outcome of matches.
- 企業概要
所在地 東京都渋谷区広尾1-1-39 恵比寿プライムスクエアタワー11階
代表者 代表取締役 久保田健司
設立 2022年5月
業種名 プロバレーボールチームの運営、興行、普及活動