Nium and Travelex launch new digital remittance offering in Japan

Travelex International Money Transfer aims to offer residents in Japan a faster and convenient method to transfer money overseas.
JAPAN, 26 September, 2022 – Travelex, one of the market leading foreign exchange brands, alongside Nium, the global platform for modern money movement,  today announced the launch of a new digital remittance offering ("Travelex International Money Transfer") to users in Japan. Although the service is currently only available in English, we are preparing to launch a Japanese language version in the near future. Already live in Australia, Hong Kong, and Singapore, this digital remittance offering – powered by Nium's global payment rails and real-time payment capabilities – enables Travelex users in Japan to remit money to more than 50 markets across the world almost instantly [1] from anywhere using their smartphones and PCs.

Jun Otani, Managing Director, Travelex Japan said, “In partnership with Nium, we have launched an online international money transfer service in Japan. We are very pleased to be able to launch new services in addition to our current offerings such as foreign currency exchange, foreign currency prepaid cards, and international remittance agency operations at stores. With this new service you can send money internationally using your computer or smartphone without having to visit one of our physical stores. We are excited to offer this new service to Japanese users, providing them a seamless way to send funds abroad.”

Cameron Hume, Chief Commercial Officer, Travelex said, “Japan is a very important market for Travelex in the Asia Pacific region and we are very proud of our near 20-year history in the country. This launch is a further commitment to the market and to providing our customers with new digital products, services and channels. We look forward to continuing to roll-out more digital offerings in Japan in the near future and working with Nium to provide this innovative remittance solution.”
As part of this partnership, Travelex will leverage Nium's solution global set of local licenses, which makes it easier for companies to provide payment services and offer remittance services on their own digital platforms. With Nium, businesses are not required to build their own payment infrastructure. Instead, they can simply build their brand on top of an existing platform and leverage Nium's regulatory licenses and authorizations in over 40 countries. 

Kazuma Ochi, Country Manager of Nium Japan, said, “Our mission at Nium is to enable the seamless and instant movement of money around the world, including remittance and money transfer services at scale. We are proud to launch this new digital remittance offering in Japan and look forward to working with Travelex to create new and innovative digital payment experiences for their customers in the market.   
A Travelex International Money Transfer mobile app will be launched in Japan shortly. Consumers in Japan, Singapore, and Australia can now access Travelex International Money Transfer via their local Travelex website.
About Nium
Nium is the global platform for modern money movement. It provides banks, payment providers, and businesses of any size with access to global payment and card issuance solutions. Its modular platform powers frictionless commerce, helping businesses pay and get paid across the globe. Once connected to the Nium platform, businesses are able to pay out in more than 100 currencies to over 190 countries – 100 of which in real time. Funds can be received in 27 markets, including Southeast Asia, UK, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, India, and the US. Nium's growing card issuance business is already available in 34 countries, including Europe (SEPA), the UK, Australia, and Singapore. Nium's license portfolio covers 11 of the world's jurisdictions, enabling seamless global payments and rapid integration, regardless of geography.
For more information, visit: or connect with a specialist here.

About Travelex
Founded in 1976, Travelex has grown to become one of the market leading specialist providers of foreign exchange products, solutions, and services, operating across the entire value chain of the foreign exchange industry in more than 20 countries. Travelex has developed a growing network of over 900 ATMs and more than 1,100 stores in the some of the world's top international airports and in major transport hubs, premium shopping malls, high street locations, supermarkets, and city centres.
Travelex has built a growing online and mobile foreign exchange platform, and also processes and delivers foreign currency orders for major banks, travel agencies and hotels worldwide. In addition, the group sources and distributes large quantities of foreign currency banknotes for customers on a wholesale basis - including for central banks and international financial institutions. Travelex also offers a range of remittance and international money transfer products around the world.
For more information, visit:

[1] In markets where Nium offers real-time services. For full details, please visit:

NIUM Japan 株式会社とトラベレックスジャパン株式会社 が日本で新しいオンライン送金サービスを開始(本サービスは英語のみです。)

トラベレックスジャパン株式会社(東京都港区 代表取締役 ⼤⾕淳)は、2022年9月26日にNIUM Japan株式会社とオンラインの国際送金サービスを開始いたしました。

外貨専門企業であるトラベレックスは、国際送金のグローバル プラットフォームを提供するNIUM社と共に、日本のユーザーに向けた新しいオンライン送金サービス ( Travelex International Money Transfer ) を開始いたしました。現段階では英語でのみ提供しておりますが、今後、日本語でのサービス提供も検討しています。

すでにオーストラリア、香港、シンガポールのトラベレックスでサービスを開始しているこのオンライン国際送金サービスは、NIUM社のグローバル決済サービスとリアルタイム決済機能を利用しており、トラベレックスの顧客は、スマートフォンやパソコンを使い日本国内のどこからでも、世界中の50以上の国へほぼ即時に送金が可能です [1]。

トラベレックス ジャパンの代表取締役である大谷 淳は、次のように述べています。「外貨両替、海外専用プリペイドカード、店舗での国際送金代行などの既存サービスに加え、新たなサービスを開始できることを大変嬉しく思います。本サービスは実店舗に行かなくても、パソコンやスマートフォンから海外送金ができる新サービスです。日本のユーザーに、この新しいシームレスな海外送金サービスを提供できることを嬉しく思います。」

トラベレックスのCCOであるCameron Hume(キャメロン ヒューム)は、次のように述べています。「本サービスがスタートすることで、顧客の皆さまに新しいデジタルサービスをオンラインでご利用いただけます。NIUM社と協力してこの革新的な送金ソリューションを提供できることを嬉しく思います。今後、日本でより多くのデジタルサービスを展開してまいります。」

NIUM Japan 株式会社のカントリー マネージャーである越智 一真氏は、次のように述べています。「この新しいデジタル送金サービスを日本で開始できることを誇りに思います。トラベレックス様と協力し、市場の顧客に新しく革新的なデジタル決済体験を提供できることを楽しみにしています。」


カード発行事業サービスは、ヨーロッパ (SEPA)、イギリス、オーストラリア、シンガポールを含む34か国で利用可能です。また、サービス展開各国で法令を遵守し、お客様は、安心して世界各国でシームレスなグローバル決済を利用することができます。






東京都港区赤坂2-9-11 オリックス赤坂2丁目ビル6階