アオバジャパン・インターナショナルスクール ハイスクール課程 国際バカロレア ディプロマプログラム(DP)認定校に決定
Aoba-Japan International School (High School) officially authorized as an IB World School (DP)
アオバジャパン・インターナショナルスクール(所在地:東京都練馬区、以下アオバ)は、2015年6月26日をもって、国際バカロレア機構(IBO)より国際バカロレア ディプロマプログラム(DP)の公式認定校として承認されましたのでお知らせします。なお、アオバは、国際バカロレアの初等教育プログラム(PYP)と中等教育プログラム(MYP)の候補校としても認定されています。
Aoba-Japan International School (A-JIS), located in Nerima ward, Tokyo, is excited to announce that its high school division has been authorized as an IB World School for the Diploma Programme (DP) as of June 26th, 2015. A-JIS is also a candidate school for two additional International Baccalaureate Programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP).
The International Baccalaureate, widely recognized internationally as a qualification for university applications, is an education programme initiated by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) (headquartered in Switzerland). It provides students graduating from international schools an internationally recognized qualification that allows them to apply to universities around the world. The programme is for students aged 3 to 19, and consists of 3 parts: the Primary Years Programme, the Middle Years Programme, and the Diploma Programme. The programs are founded on the premise of student-centered inquiry-based learning intended to promote the critical thinking and collaborative learning skills that are core to success in our rapidly globalizing society.
Sell, Ken, Head of School of A-JIS says:
“A-JIS aims to introduce all three of the IB programs and is currently and actively revising its curriculum to accommodate each in succession. By introducing the IB Programme in full, graduates of A-JIS will not only be able to obtain internationally recognized qualification for university applications, but will also acquire the skills to understand issues from broader perspectives. They will gain greater ability to think independently in a variety of situations. By fostering global perspectives, students’ abilities to present and communicate their ideas will be enhanced.”
株式会社ビジネス・ブレークスルー(所在地:東京都千代田区、代表取締役:大前研一、以下BBT)の子会社であるアオバインターナショナルエデュケイショナルシステムズ(本店:東京都練馬区)が運営する歴史あるインターナショナルスクール。1976年に目黒区青葉台での開校。幼児から12年生(高校3年生)までを対象とした、特定の宗教を持たない共学のインターナショナルスクール。日本語クラス以外の授業はすべて英語で行われ、英語圏の英語教材を使用。国際バカロレアのカリキュラムに積極的に参加できるようになるための英語サポートプログラムも充実している。幼稚園から高校までの全ての課程において北米および国際水準のカリキュラムを提供、卒業生は世界中の大学への出願資格が得られる。さらに、アオバはCIS(カウンシル オブ インターナショナル スクールズ)および NEASC(ニューイングランド アソシエイション オブ スクールズ アンド カレッジズ)の認証も受けているほか、初等部と中等部は国際バカロレア(PYPプログラム、MYPプログラム)認定の候補校となっている。 http://www.aobajapan.jp/
【About Aoba-Japan International School】
A-JIS is an international school operated by Aoba International Educational Systems (Aoba) (Head Office: Tokyo, Nerima-ku), which became a subsidiary of Business Breakthrough Inc. (BBT) (Location: Tokyo, Chiyoda-ku, President: Kenichi Ohmae) in October 2013. Founded in 1976 in Aobadai, Meguro-ku, Aoba-Japan International School is a pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12, co-ed, secular school open to all nationalities and religions. Except for Japanese language classes, all classes are conducted in English and use native language resources. A- JIS has a strong and effective English language support program that prepares students for the International Baccalaureate Programme. From pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12, the school provides a curriculum that follows international standards, and graduates can obtain the credentials they require to apply to universities worldwide. A-JIS is accredited through the Council of International Schools (CIS) and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). The kindergarten and elementary school division and the middle school division of A-JIS are presently candidates for the PYP and MYP. http://www.aobajapan.jp/
Aoba-Japan International School is a candidate school* for the Primary Years Programme, the Middle Years Programme. This school is pursuing authorization as an IB World School. These are schools that share a common philosophy–a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that Aoba-Japan International School believes is important for our students.
*Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of its three academic programs: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), or the Diploma Programme (and in addition the IB Career-related Certificate). Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted.
For further information about the IB and its programs, visit http://www.ibo.org
グローバル環境で活躍できる人材の育成を目的として1998年に世界的経営コンサルタント大前研一により設立された教育会社。設立当初から革新的な遠隔教育システムによる双方向性を確保した質の高い教育の提供を目指し、多様な配信メディアを通じてマネジメント教育プログラムを提供。大学、大学院、起業家養成プログラム、ビジネス英語や経営者のための勉強会等多用な教育プログラムを運営するほか、法人研修の提供やTV番組の制作など様々な顔を持つ。2013年10月のアオバジャパン・インターナショナルスクールへの経営参加を契機に、生涯の学習をサポートするプラットフォーム構築をグループ戦略の柱の1つとして明確に位置づけている。東証マザーズ上場10周年、BBT大学大学院開学10周年、経営学部設置5周年にあたる2015年は、設立当初より全く新しい教育の形を提案し続けてきた姿勢をさらに発展させ、独自のIT技術を駆使した最先端の教育の提供を目指す。在籍会員数約1万人、輩出人数はのべ約5万人以上。 http://www.bbt757.com/
【About BBT】
BBT was established in 1998 as an educational company by Kenichi Ohmae, a well-known worldwide management consultant. Since it opened, BBT has continued to offer high quality educational programmes via remote delivery through various media. BBT provides a lot of educational programming: a university, a graduate school of business, an entrepreneur training program, educational TV programs, and more.
BBT has participated in the management of Aoba since 2013, and it aims to construct an educational platform which can support lifetime empowerment. 2015 is BBT’s 10th anniversary for being listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers Market. 2015 is also the 10th Anniversary of the opening of BBT’s Graduate School of Business Management and the 7th anniversary of the opening of the university. BBT aims to provide proactive education that makes full use of its own in-house IT technology platform. Approximately 50,000 people have graduated and been sent out to the business world from BBT’s courses. http://www.bbt757.com/
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