混合廃プラ油化技術の共同開発に関する契約書 (JDA)を締結 <English Follows>


TOYO and Circular Plas Sign Agreement on Joint Development of Post-Consumer Plastics into Recycled Feedstock for Petrochemicals

東洋エンジニアリング株式会社(取締役社長 細井 栄治、以下、TOYO)と、タイのSCGケミカルズ(CEO兼 社長 SAKCHAI PATIPARNPREECHAVUD)は、SCGケミカルズの関連会社であるCircular Plas Company Limited (以下、CirPlas)が保有する使用済み混合廃プラスチック*¹の油化技術による石油化学原料化プロセスに関してスケールアップおよび事業機会拡大のための協業に関する共同開発契約書(JDA, Joint Development Agreement)を締結しました。
*¹ 消費者が使用し、回収されたプラスチックごみでポリエチレン、ポリプロピレン、ポリスチレン等の異なる種類のプラスチックが混合した状態のもの



本技術は既にタイ・ラヨン県の混合廃プラスチック油化実証プラントにおいて活用されており、このプラントで得られた廃プラスチック由来のナフサを石油化学プラントの原料とする循環型プラスチックの製造を行っています。このプロセスは、ISCC(International Sustainability and Carbon Certification、国際持続可能性カーボン認証)の認証を取得しています。

*² https://www.toyo-eng.com/jp/ja/company/news/?n=3656



プラスチック廃棄物を再びプラスチック原料にリサイクルすることにより、従来の焼却処理に比べて二酸化炭素排出量を削減します。実証プラントにおいては、1日あたり10トンの化石資源を削減していることになり、これはシャンプーボトル(800ml) 約9万個分となる化石資源の削減に相当します。




<English Follows>


Toyo Engineering Corporation (TOYO, President and CEO Eiji Hosoi) and Circular Plas Company Limited (Circular Plas) have entered into a joint development agreement (JDA) for the collaboration for the implementation of the capacity expansion and business opportunity for commercialization of the innovative design of equipment and engineering process relating to turning mixed post-consumer plastics into recycled feedstock for petrochemical businesses, owned by Circular Plas, an affiliate company of SCG Chemicals Public Company Limited.

Signing CeremonySigning Ceremony

The memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed in January 2022* laid the groundwork for this ambitious project, focusing on improving processes to convert post-consumer plastics into a resource for petrochemical production. The subsequent expansion of demonstration plant capacities and the move towards commercialization are clear indicators of the project's success and potential.


The demonstration plant in Rayong province, Thailand, is a pioneering facility that has successfully converted post-consumer plastics into pyrolysis products, a raw material for petrochemical plants, thereby closing the loop in the plastic lifecycle. This achievement is not only a technical feat but also a milestone in sustainability, as evidenced by the ISCC certification.

CirPlas's plastic-recycling technology is particularly noteworthy for its energy efficiency and environmental benefits. The innovative use of a proprietary multifunctional materials in the liquefaction process significantly reduces the temperature required for conversion, resulting in higher yields of light cracked oils and a reduced environmental footprint.

Image of Naphtha from Plastic Waste by Advanced RecyclingImage of Naphtha from Plastic Waste by Advanced Recycling

Moreover, TOYO's expertise in reactor design has been instrumental in adapting the technology to handle the variable nature of post-consumer plastics. Their efforts to enhance continuous-operation capabilities and increase capacity utilization underscore the technical prowess and forward-thinking approach of both TOYO and Circular Plas.

Currently, a new reactor jointly developed and designed between TOYO and Circular Plas is being prepared for installation in the demonstration plant. CirPlas and TOYO expect to demonstrate this reactor system in early 2025, bringing a prospect of scaling up the demonstration plant to achieving commercialization target.

This partnership is poised to make a substantial impact on the petrochemical industry by offering a sustainable alternative to traditional feedstock sources. It also encourages the industry to adopt the circular economy approach, where waste is not an endpoint but a new beginning. The enthusiasm and dedication of TOYO and Circular Plas in pushing the boundaries of what is possible in recycling technology are truly commendable, concretely reflecting TOYO’s "Engineering for Sustainable Growth of the Global Community” mission and SCGC's sustainability goals under “Low Waste, Low Carbon” approach.

About SCGC 

SCG Chemicals Public Company Limited (SCGC) is a leading integrated chemical player in ASEAN with strategic bases in Vietnam, Indonesia, and Thailand, offering a full range of petrochemical products ranging from upstream production of olefins to downstream production of 3 main plastics resins: polyethylene, polypropylene, and polyvinyl chloride. SCGC focuses on inventing "Innovation That's Real" to drive the ASEAN economy and elevate the quality of life in accordance with ESG and circular economy. SCGC develops technology and innovation toward HVAs in infrastructure, consumable packaging, automotive, health and well-being, and energy solutions, while ensuring sustainable environmental stewardship.

About TOYO

Toyo Engineering Corporation (TOYO) has refined its proprietary technologies, mainly in the chemical fertilizer field cultivated by TOYO’s founder, ammonia and urea, and has expanded its business into a wide range of fields, including petrochemicals, petroleum and gas treatment, resource development and power generation. Since the construction of a plant oversea in the 1960s, we have cultivated new markets, nurtured overseas group companies, built a global network, and cooperated in and contributed to the implementation of the projects of customers around the world. TOYO will contribute to the realization of a carbon-neutral society and the rapid growth in the Southeast Asian market.







細井 栄治