カリモク × BABY MILO®の木製BE@RBRICKが登場!
2020年5月30日(土)より、A BATHING APE® 公式ウェブサイト「BAPE.COM」内のWEB STORE (www.bape.com)、ZOZOTOWN(https://zozo.jp/men-brand/abathingape/)、メディコム・トイ運営オンラインストアにて発売します。
A BATHING APE® / NOWHERE Co., Ltd. has collaborated with Japan's world-renowned toy brand, MEDICOM TOY, and Japanese furniture manufacturer KARIMOKU to produce the 400% size (280mm tall) wooden BE@RBRICK KARIMOKU BABY MILO®, which will be available on Saturday, May 30th, 2020. This item will be available on the official A BATHING APE® website, BAPE.COM WEB STORE (www.bape.com),
ZOZOTOWN (https://zozo.jp/men-brand/abathingape/), MEDICOM TOY directly managed online store.
「A BATHING APE®」のファンに長年愛されてきたキャラクター「BABY MILO®」と、「メディコム・トイ」のマスターピースであるクマ型ブロックタイプフィギュア「BE@RBRICK」、さらに「カリモク」の家具職人の卓越した技術が加わり、400%サイズ(全長約280mm)の木製の「BE@RBRICK カリモク BABY MILO®」が完成しました。日本が世界に誇る各界のリーディングブランド3者による、メイドインジャパンの逸品ともいえる本製品は、熟練の家具職人がハンドメイドで製作しており、本体にはウォールナット、顔部分にはチェリー、目鼻口のパーツにはウェンジの木材を採用、それぞれの特徴的な材面が相まって、高級感のある仕上がりとなっています。本体の左足内側には「カリモク」のロゴが刻まれ、数量限定での発売、ファン垂涎のプロダクトとなっています。
BABY MILO®️ meets Japanese furniture brand KARIMOKU, which specializes in wooden furniture to transform into MEDICOM TOY’s masterpiece BE@RBRICK, the bear shaped block type figure, constructed entirely of wood and boasting superb craftsmanship. The wooden BE@RBRICK KARIMOKU BABY MILO® will be available in 400% size (280mm tall). The main body of the figure is made of walnut, the face made of cherry, and the eyes and nose are made of wenge wood. The “KARIMOKU” logo is engraved on the inside of the left foot. This exclusive figure will only be available in limited quantities and will surely be a product for fans to drool over.
【BABY MILO®(ベイビーマイロ)】
A BATHING APE®ʼs popular character BABY MILO® came from the distant future, looking for bananas to eat. MILO seems expressionless, timid and a little shy , but he loves singing and dancing. Of course his favorite food is bananas. His dream is to grow a banana tree and eat all of the bananas on his own.
BE@RBRICK by MEDICOM TOY is a block figure in the form of a bear, and was introduced in 2001 on the 100th anniversary of the birth of the teddy bear, under the concept to create a “teddy bear with a digital look”. Other than the nine basic parts (the head, arms, wrists, torso, waist, and legs) that compose the figure, nothing else is added, and the design is based solely on the expression of printing. Since its inception, the BE@RBRICK has collaborated with numerous artists, brands, TV programs, animations, movies, and companies in both Japan and worldwide. As “Artistic Toys”, the BE@RBRICK has continued to release thousands of different items to the market, gaining many fans around the world.
100歳の木を使うなら、その年輪にふさわしい家具をつくりたい。 江戸時代から続く材木屋が、1940年に愛知県刈谷市で創業した木工所。 それが、カリモクグループのルーツです。当初は紡績機やミシンテーブル、楽器、脚付テレビ台などに用いられる木工部品の下請けからスタートし、木材加工技術を蓄積。1960年代に、オリジナルブランドの家具を世に送り出しました。以来、わが国の木製家具業界のトップメーカーとして「品質至上」を掲げ、安心・安全にこだわった家具を、日本国内で作り続けています。
If 100 year-old tree is going to be used, furniture that is appropriate for its age should be made. A lumber store that has been around since the Edo period (the period between 1603 and 1868 in the history of Japan) was founded in 1940 in Kariya City, Aichi Prefecture. This is the root of the KARIMOKU Group. In the 1960s, the company introduced its original brand of furniture to the world. Since then, as a leading manufacturer of wooden furniture in Japan, the brand have continued to produce safe and secure furniture in Japan with a commitment to “supreme quality”.
アイテム発売日 / Item launch date :
2020年5月30日(土) / Saturday 30th, May 2020
価格 / Retail price :
¥240,000(税抜) / 240,000 yen(tax excluded)
お問い合わせ先 / For more information :
Tel : 03-3407-2145
特設ページ/ https://bape.com/pages/karimoku_bearbrick_babymilo
Instagram: @bape_japan
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BAPE.OFFICIAL
プレス関係者お問い合わせ先 / Press Inquiries
マーケティング部/ Marketing Department Tel: 03-5410-6310
株式会社ノーウェア/ NOWHERE CO., LTD.
BE@RBRICK TM & ⓒ 2001-2020 MEDICOM TOY CORPORATION. All rights reserved.