2023年度「IT優秀賞(社会課題解決領域)」を受賞<English Follows>




  • IT賞とは

ITを高度に活用したビジネス革新”に顕著な努力を払い成果を挙げたと認めうる企業、団体、機関および個人に対して、IT協会より授与されるものです。当社が受賞した「IT優秀賞(社会課題解決領域)」は業績的な成果だけでなく、自社の情報資源や情報技術を生かして公益や社会責任、社会課題の解決に貢献した社会実験や社会貢献に資する活動に対して授与される賞で、当社は同領域において特に優れていると認められるIT優秀賞を受賞しました。 IT賞の概要(IT協会ホームページ) https://www.jiit.or.jp/im/award.html

  • 評価されたポイントと取り組み



製造 x AI x 3D x Webという前人未踏の領域に対し、対応可能な企業や技術者を世界中から集めチームにし、ようやく実現にこぎ着けた。製造業のボトルネックであるアナログで時間を浪費するプロセスをデジタル化した点が、生産性を向上させる大きな一歩。
IT協会ニュースリリース(2023年12月6日付) 受賞企業、受賞理由は以下をご参照ください。


<当社の取り組み 機械部品調達のAIプラットフォーム「meviy(メビー)」>

●   革新① フロントエンド -AI自動見積もり-


●   革新② バックエンド -デジタルものづくり-

ミスミ生産方式をベースとした、技術的にも難易度の高い変種変量における確実短納期を実現するための自動化された無人生産システム※1です。自社独自開発の生産システムであり、meviy で生産される製品の品質向上に加え、デジタル進化による更なる納期短縮、原価低減を可能としています。

※1 meviyデジタルマニュファクチャリングシステム https://meviy.misumi-ec.com/ja-jp/pages/dx/factory/

●   成果と今後の展開



ユーザー数13万、3Dデータのアップロード点数1800万点を超え(2023年12月時点)、海外展開も拡大しています。2022年9月には専門IT子会社、株式会社DT ダイナミクスを設立※2、meviyのシステム開発を加速しています。

※2 プレスリリース(2022年7月21日付)「ミスミとコアコンセプト・テクノロジー、meviyの進化を加速させる合弁会社を設立」 https://www.misumi.co.jp/assets/doc/ir/news/news_220721.pdf

meviy webサイト : https://meviy.misumi-ec.com/
お客さまの声     : https://youtu.be/pAlceqw2eCM

  •  ミスミのデジタルものづくりへの対応進化

デジタルものづくりが加速度的に進む中、当社では、従来の紙カタログ、WEB(オンラインカタログ)を超える新たな時間価値を提供するミスミならではのユニークな展開として、3D CAD連携ツールを提供するなど、デジタルものづくりへの対応にいち早く取り組み、進化させてきました。


  •  ミスミとは


※3 2023年3月時点

<English Follows>


MISUMI Receives the "IT Excellence Award (Solving Social Issues) 2023"
for its significant contribution to improving productivity by digitizing time-consuming processes in the manufacturing industry.

MISUMI Group Inc. received the IT Excellence Award (in the area of Solving Social Issues) from the Japan Institute of Information Technology (hereinafter JIIT) in recognition of its efforts to achieve digital transformation in manufacturing with its meviy, an AI platform for machine parts procurement.

  • What is the Information Technology Award?

The Information Technology Award is presented by JIIT to companies, organizations, institutions, and individuals that have made notable efforts and achieved results in business innovation through the advanced use of information technology (IT). The “IT Excellence Award (for Solving Social Issues)" is given not only for business performance, but also for social experiments and social contribution activities that contribute to public interest, social responsibility, and the resolution of social issues by utilizing the company's information resources and IT. MISUMI received this award in recognition of its outstanding achievements in this area.

Overview of the IT Award (JIIT website) https://www.jiit.or.jp/im/award.html

  • Points Recognized in Receiving the Award, and MISUMI's Initiative

<Points Recognized>

MISUMI has succeeded in reducing the time spent on "parts procurement", which is still an analog process in the manufacturing industry, by more than 90%.

To achieve the above, MISUMI has overcome the great difficulty of assembling a team of companies and engineers from around the world who could respond to the unprecedented field of "the combination of manufacturing, AI, 3D, and the Web”. The digitization of analog and time-consuming processes in the

manufacturing industry was recognized as a major step forward in improving productivity.
IT Association Press Release December 6, 2023. See below for the winners and why they were honored.


<MISUMI’s Initiative: meviy, an AI-based Parts Procurement Platform>

●   Innovation 1: Front-End System -AI auto-quoting-

With meviy, customers simply upload a 3D CAD model of a mechanical component, the AI automatically provides an instant quote, and the unique Digital Manufacturing System enables an order to be shipped in one day at the earliest. meviy is a platform that eliminates perceived inefficiencies in procurement by

reducing the time customers traditionally spend procuring mechanical components by more than 90%.

●   Innovation 2: Back-End System -Proprietary “meviy Digital Manufacturing System”-

It is an automated, unmanned production system*1 based on the "MISUMI Production System", which

was developed to realize the technically challenging "reliable, quick delivery in variable mix and quantity manufacturing". In addition to improving the quality of the products manufactured at meviy, the meviy Digital Manufacturing System, which was developed in-house, has made it possible to further shorten

delivery lead time and reduce costs through digital evolution.

*1 meviy Digital Manufacturing System https://meviy.misumi-ec.com/ja-jp/pages/dx/factory/

●   Achievements and Future Development

meviy has received high recognition in many fields for its innovation and contribution to the development of industrial society.

meviy has held the No.1 market share in Japan for three consecutive years and received the "Prime Minister's Prize" at the 9th Monodzukuri Nippon Grand Awards. With 130,000 users and over 18 million 3D data uploads (as of December 2023), meviy is also expanding overseas.

In September 2022, meviy established a specialized IT subsidiary, DT Dynamics Inc.*2, which spurred acceleration in terms of system development.

*2 Press release (July 21, 2022): "MISUMI and Core Concept Technology Establish Joint Venture to Accelerate Evolution of meviy" https://www.misumi.co.jp/assets/doc/ir/news/news_220721.pdf

meviy website(In Japanese): https://meviy.misumi-ec.com/
Customer testimonials(In Japanese):https://jp.meviy.misumi-ec.com/info/ja/archives/category/case/user_case/

  • MISUMI’s Advanced Response to Digital Manufacturing

As use of digital manufacturing becomes increasingly pervasive at manufacturing and automation sites around the world, MISUMI is transforming the way it approaches digital manufacturing to aid customers’ efforts in eliminating inefficiencies, such as, by offering a proprietary 3D-CAD linked (software) tool that provides superior time value that goes beyond the traditional hard copy and online catalogs. We will continue to address social issues such as labor and time shortages in manufacturing and automation sites around the world and help our customers eliminate inefficiencies.

  • About MISUMI

MISUMI sells mechanical components required on-site for factory automation, as well as tools, consumables, and other products to more than 320,000 companies*3 worldwide. We wear two hats: a manufacturer with manufacturing functions and a distributor of other company’s branded products. With this unique business model, supported by a solid business base, MISUMI achieves "globally reliable, quick delivery" for greater customer convenience.

 *3 As of March 2023









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