マレーシアにてSAF製造プラントの付帯設備建設プロジェクトを受注<English follows>
東洋エンジニアリング株式会社(取締役社長 細井 栄治)の子会社であるToyo Engineering & Construction Sdn. Bhd.(社長 筒井 善康、以下 Toyo-Malaysia)は、マレーシアの国営石油会社PETRONAS Refinery and Petrochemical Corporation (PRPC)の子会社であるPRPC Utilities and Facilities Sdn. Bhd.から、石油・石油化学コンプレックスPengerang Integrated Complex(PIC)内でのOutside Battery Limit(OSBL*)設備の建設プロジェクトを受注しました。
東南アジア最大・最先端の石油精製施設および石油化学ハブの1つであるPIC内では、SAF(Sustainable Aviation Fuel : 持続可能な航空燃料)を製造するバイオ精油所プラント建設がPRPCによって進行中です。Toyo-Malaysiaは、バイオ製油所プラントのOSBLに分類される付帯設備の設計、調達、建設工事を一括で受注し、プロジェクトを遂行します。
*OSBL(Outside Battery Limit:バッテリーリミット外)

客先 |
PRPC Utilities and Facilities Sdn. Bhd. (PRPC) |
受注者 |
Toyo Engineering& Construction Sdn. Bhd.(Toyo-Malaysia) |
建設地 |
マレーシア ジョホール州 ペンゲラン |
対象設備 |
バイオ製油所プラントのOSBL設備 |
役務内容 |
設計、調達、建設工事業務の一括請負 |

左から3番目、PRPC En. Kamal Bahrin Ahmad - Senior Vice President & Chief Executive Officer、 4番目、Toyo-Malaysia 筒井善康 社長
東洋エンジニアリング(TOYO)は1961年創立で、グローバルネットワークを構築し、世界60ヶ国以上のお客様にエンジニアリングサービスの提供とプラント建設を行ってきた総合エンジニアリング会社です。祖業のアンモニア・尿素という化学肥料分野を中心に独自技術を磨き、石油化学、石油・ガス処理、資源開発、発電など、多岐にわたる領域へと事業分野を拡大してきました。また、「エンジニアリングで地球と社会のサステナビリティに貢献する」というミッションを掲げて、持続可能な社会の実現を目指し、環境に配慮したソリューションや最新技術を導入し、脱炭素社会の実現に取り組んでいます。 https://www.toyo-eng.com/jp/ja/
--<English follows>--
Toyo-Malaysia secures OSBL project to support SAF Production Facility at Pengerang, Johor, Malaysia
Toyo Engineering & Construction Sdn. Bhd. (Managing Director Zenko Tsutsui, Toyo-Malaysia), a subsidiary of Toyo Engineering Corporation (President and CEO Eiji Hosoi, TOYO) has been awarded a contract by PRPC Utilities and Facilities Sdn. Bhd., a subsidiary of PETRONAS Refinery and Petrochemical Corporation (PRPC).
The project involves the construction of the Outside Battery Limit (OSBL*) facilities within the Pengerang Integrated Complex (PIC), one of the largest refinery and petrochemical hubs in Southeast Asia.
PIC is currently constructing a biorefinery plant to produce Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) with Toyo-Malaysia entrusted with the engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning (EPCC) of the OSBL facilities.
This award follows Toyo-Malaysia’s successful 2024 contract for the construction of a spent catalyst recycling facility and underscores the company’s extensive experience in plant construction, which was a key factor in securing this large-scale project.
Through this project, Toyo-Malaysia is committed to contributing to the development of Malaysia’s industrial sector and the realization of a sustainable society.
*OSBL (Outside Battery Limit) refers to utilities (such as steam and electricity), feedstock supply and SAF shipment pipelines, auxiliary facilities, and warehouses.
Project Overview

Client |
PRPC Utilities and Facilities Sdn. Bhd.(PRPC) |
Contractor |
Toyo Engineering & Construction Sdn. Bhd.(Toyo-Malaysia) |
Location |
Pengerang, Johor, Malaysia |
Facility |
OSBL facilities for the biorefinery plant producing SAF |
Scope of Work |
Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) |

From the left, the 3rd person is En. Kamal Bahrin Ahmad, Senior Vice President & Chief Executive Officer of PRPC, the 4th person is Zenko Tsutsui, Managing Director of Toyo-Malaysia
About TOYO
Toyo Engineering Corporation has been at the forefront of engineering innovation since 1961. As a global engineering and project solutions partner, TOYO offers advanced technological solutions across a range of industries, from oil and gas to renewable energy and petrochemicals in over 60 countries. By leveraging its cutting-edge expertise and commitment to excellence, TOYO helps businesses worldwide achieve operational efficiency and sustainable development. With a mission of "Engineering for Sustainable Growth of the Global Community" TOYO is committed to driving progress and delivering solutions that benefit industries and communities alike. Learn more at https://www.toyo-eng.com/jp/en/
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- ビジネスカテゴリ
- 建設・土木電気・ガス・資源・エネルギー
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