機械部品調達のAIプラットフォーム「meviy」板金加工、溶接加工 塗装色のバリエーション拡大<English Follows>
さらに、新たに追加された赤色とオレンジ色は、安全色としてJIS Z 9103(安全色一般的事項)の60%以上に対応可能となります。これにより製造工場等における「危険・注意エリア」や「危険・注意箇所」を視覚的に明示し、安全への注意喚起に役立つなど、より幅広いシーンでの利用を想定しています。
リリース日 : 2024年1月29日
追加サービス: 板金加工・溶接加工 塗装色の溶剤塗装5色追加
対応材質 : SPCC/SPHC
対応板厚 : 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.6, 2.0, 2.3, 3.2, 4.5, 6.0
納期 : 板金加工:5日目~、溶接加工:10日目~
▼meviyサービスサイト インフォメーション
▼meviy サービスサイト インフォメーション 板金マニュアル
▼粉体塗装・溶剤塗装の主な品質基準 (数値は目安値)
※3 形状によって膜厚が異なる恐れがあるため保証値ではございません
※4 JIS Z2371 塩水噴霧試験方法を採用
(粉体:180℃ 20分焼付時、60±5μm、溶剤:100℃ 20分焼付時、25±5μm)
meviy WEBサイト: https://meviy.misumi-ec.com/
お客さまの声: https://jp.meviy.misumi-ec.com/info/ja/archives/category/case/user_case/
※5 2023年3月時点
<English Follows>
meviy, an AI-based parts procurement platform,
Expands Coating Color Options for Sheet Metal Processing and Welding
-A total of 20 colors, including safety colors, in response to growing demand-
Starting January 29, 2024, meviy, an AI-based parts procurement platform powered by MISUMI Group Inc. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan; Representative Director and President: Ryusei Ono) will add five colors to its coating color options for sheet metal processing and sheet metal welding: red, orange, light blue, yellow-green, and brown. The newly adopted solvent coating process achieves a highly saturated color tone, and the coating color options available at meviy is now increased to 20 to meet more diverse needs. These include red, a safety color that "warns of danger" in factories, so that parts used in a wider range of situations can now be processed with meviy.
We will continue to provide time value to our global customers in the IA (Industrial Automation) industry through expanding our services and contribute to enhancing their productivity.
Previously, meviy used powder coating*1 and offered black, white, gray, and cream paint colors. In response to the increasing demand for dedicated paint colors in the automotive and other industries, we decided to adopt solvent coating*2 that achieves a vivid color tone, and add five new colors to the existing coating color options - red, orange, light blue, yellow-green and brown. This will allow meviy customers to paint with colors from the red, yellow and blue color systems. To make this possible, we have set new quality standards to meet customer requirements and upgraded our production system.
In addition, the newly added red and orange are safety colors and can be used for more than 60% of JIS Z 9103 (General Safety Colors). They are expected to be used in a wider range of situations, such as visually indicating "danger/caution areas" and "danger/caution points" in manufacturing and other facilities.
1 Powder coating: Powder coating with pigments and additives. Suitable for thick-film coating.
2 Solvent coating: Paint in which pigments are dissolved in an organic solvent. Compared with powder coating, it is easier to adjust colors.
Service Overview
・Service Release Date: January 29, 2024
・New Service Added:
5 coating color options in sheet metal processing and welding: red, orange, light blue, yellow-green and brown.
・Supported materials: SPCC/SPHC
・Supported sheet thicknesses: 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.6, 2.0, 2.3, 3.2, 4.5, 6.0
(0.8mm thickness not supported for welding.)
Sheet metal processing: 5+ days
Sheet metal welding: 10+ days
■ General Quality Standards: Powder and Solvent Coatings
The values shown are approximate values.
3 Not a guaranteed value, as film thickness may vary depending on the shape.
4 JIS Z2371 salt spray test method is used.
(Powder: 60±5μm after baking at 180°C for 20 minutes, Solvent: 25±5μm after baking at 100°C for 20 minutes).
■ meviy Sheet Metal Manuals (in Japanese)
・Coating Colors
For more information about sheet metal processing, click here.
For more information about sheet metal welding, click here.
・For more information about the quality of our color-coated products, click here.
About meviy
With meviy, customers simply upload a 3D model of a mechanical component, the AI automatically provides an instant quote, and our unique Digital Manufacturing System enables an order to be shipped in one day at the earliest.
meviy is a platform that eliminates perceived inefficiencies in parts procurement by reducing the time customers traditionally spend procuring mechanical components by more than 90%.
meviy received the Prime Minister's Prize at the Ninth Monodzukuri Nippon Grand Awards, achieved the No. 1* market share in Japan for three consecutive years, and is highly regarded for its contributions to improving productivity in the manufacturing industry. For our global customers, the range of services on each meviy website is expanding. meviy delivers "time value" to customers worldwide through digital transformation in component procurement.
*Users of online machine parts procurement services in Japan in 2022, according to Techno Systems Research Co., Ltd.
meviy website: https://meviy.misumi-ec.com/
Customer Testimonials: https://jp.meviy.misumi-ec.com/info/ja/archives/category/case/user_case/
MISUMI sells mechanical components required on-site for factory automation, as well as tools, consumables, and other products to more than 320,000 companies*5 worldwide. We wear two hats: a manufacturer with manufacturing functions and a distributor of other company’s branded products. With this unique business model, supported by a solid business base, MISUMI achieves "globally reliable, quick delivery" for greater customer convenience. (*5 As of March 2023)
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