静岡から世界のものづくりを確実短納期で支える「駿河生産プラットフォーム」【イベントレポート】 『中学生向けオープンファクトリー』を開催<English Follows>





  • 開催背景



  • イベントレポート

<ミスミグループ 駿河生産プラットフォームのものづくりとは>

㈱駿河生産プラットフォーム 代表取締役社長 遠矢工より、ミスミグループや駿河生産プラットフォームの紹介を行いました。日本のものづくりが直面する人手不足や時間不足といった社会課題に対し、お客さまの工数削減・確実短納期によりお客さまの時間を創出することがミスミグループの最大のミッションであり、その生産を担う駿河生産プラットフォームはものづくりの進化に挑戦し続けてきたことを説明。最後に、「継続は力なり」と生徒にエールを送りました。




「ミスミ生産方式」による自働化システム(ALASHI スタジアム)「ミスミ生産方式」による自働化システム(ALASHI スタジアム)


記念品 工場内の設備開発に使用される3Dプリンターで製作したネームプレートとALASHIで生徒が加工した金型部品(パンチ)記念品 工場内の設備開発に使用される3Dプリンターで製作したネームプレートとALASHIで生徒が加工した金型部品(パンチ)

  • 開催概要

日時            : 2024年5月16日(木) 09:30~11:30

場所            : ㈱駿河生産プラットフォーム 清水工場 静岡県静岡市清水区七ツ新屋505番地 

参加者         : 静岡市立南中学校2年生 21名予定引率教員1名 計22名

            静岡大学学生支援センター キャリアサポート部門 宇賀田栄次教授

主催            : 国立大学法人 静岡大学

  • 静岡大学 担当教授コメント

静岡大学 学生支援センター 宇賀田 栄次 教授


  •  駿河生産プラットフォーム 責任者コメント

㈱駿河生産プラットフォーム 代表取締役社長 遠矢工


  • 参加した生徒からの感想



  • 駿河生産プラットフォームとは


ミクロン単位の精度が要求される「精密加工技術」をベースに事業を展開、国内トップクラスのシェアを誇るパンチ&ダイ部品等を手掛けるプレス金型部品製造事業をはじめ、モールド金型部品製造事業、自動化部品製造事業、光関連機器製造事業を展開、ミスミグループの生産を担っています(2005年4月株式会社ミスミグループ本社と経営統合)。2014年度 GOOD FACTORY賞では「ものづくりプロセス革新賞」を受賞。現在、日本(静岡、茨城、兵庫)、ベトナム、韓国、中国、タイ、インドに拠点を構えています。

  • ミスミとは


 <English Follows>

ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー  【Event Report】 SURUGA Production Platform, which supports the world’s manufacturing  with “reliable, quick delivery” from Shizuoka, held an Open Factory event for  junior high school students!  - As part of the "Career Education Program for Nurturing Junior High School Students with Local Companies" held on May 16 and hosted by Shizuoka University -

SURUGA Production Platform Co., Ltd. MISUMI Group (Headquarters: Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture; Representative Director and President: Takumi Toya; hereinafter referred to as "SURUGA Production Platform") held an "Open Factory" event in May at the request of Shizuoka University, inviting 21 students from Shizuoka Municipal Minami Junior High School to its SHIMIZU Plant. This was part of the "Career Education Program for Nurturing Junior High School Students with Local Companies" planned by Shizuoka University.

SURUGA Production Platform is a group company of MISUMI Group Inc. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and President: Ryusei Ono). The MISUMI Group and its group companies will continue to take initiatives to contribute to the IA (Industrial Automation) industry and local communities.

Students listen as a staff member explains the die components that are made in the factory.Students listen as a staff member explains the die components that are made in the factory.

  •   “Open Factory” Event: Background

"Career Education Program for Nurturing Junior High School Students with Local Companies" is a program planned by Shizuoka University, providing public junior high school students in Shizuoka City with a three-day work experience at local companies and lectures at Shizuoka University. As one of the local companies supporting this initiative, SURUGA Production Platform hosted the students. This was the first time the program was held, and it was also the first time for SURUGA Production Platform that junior high school students visited its production site and experienced the manufacturing process firsthand.

 Public junior high schools in Shizuoka City have been conducting work experience programs for students. However, this program aims to help students learn how the world works, not just to give them a glimpse of a job, but to broaden their future career choices by interacting with adults who work in local companies, and to help students envision their own futures as they grow and play an active role in the local community.

  •  Event Report

 <About "manufacturing" by SURUGA Production Platform>

Takumi Toya, Representative Director and President of SURUGA Production Platform, gave an introduction about The MISUMI Group and SURUGA Production Platform. Mr. Toya stated, “The MISUMI Group's primary mission is to create time for our customers by reducing their labor hours and ensuring our “Reliable, Quick Delivery”, in response to the social problems of labor and time shortages facing Japanese manufacturing. Our company, SURUGA Production Platform, which is responsible for manufacturing in the Group, has always tried to meet the challenge of advancing the manufacturing process.” He concluded his speech by saying "Persistence pays off" as an encouragement to the students.

<Factory Tour and Manufacturing Experience>

The students changed into work clothes and entered the factory, where they received an explanation from the staff about the "die components" produced at the SHIMIZU factory. After going over the safety precautions, they moved on to hands-on learning. The students operated "ALASHI", the in-house developed intelligent automation system for custom products, and experienced first-hand the manufacturing of punches and the inspection of the precision of the products. They then went to the underground of the factory to see the earthquake-proof structure and learned about the BCP measures to prepare for the largest possible earthquake.

Each of the participating students was curious to see the inside of the factory they don’t usually get to visit, listening attentively to the staff and operating the machines with serious expressions on their faces.

The ALASHI Stadium an intelligent automation system incorporating the MISUMI Production System.The ALASHI Stadium an intelligent automation system incorporating the MISUMI Production System.

A staff member giving an instruction to a student on how to operate a machine.A staff member giving an instruction to a student on how to operate a machine.

Souvenirs Nameplates made with a 3D printer used to develop equipment at the factory, and punches made by students using ALASHI.Souvenirs Nameplates made with a 3D printer used to develop equipment at the factory, and punches made by students using ALASHI.

  •  Feedback from Participating Students

"I saw these machines for the first time. They looked complicated, but when I actually tried to work with them, I found that anyone could do it right away, which I thought was amazing. Coming here today got me interested in manufacturing. I didn't know we had such an amazing company in Shizuoka. It was a great experience.”

"I was impressed by the smell of oil, and the factory at SURUGA Production Platform was bright and had a good atmosphere, unlike the image I’d had of factories before. I didn't know they put so much effort into preparing for earthquakes. It'll be good if I can do something with manufacturing in the future.”

  • About SURUGA Production Platform


SURUGA Production Platform is developing its business based on "precision machining technology" that requires micron-level precision. The company is responsible for the manufacturing operations of the MISUMI Group (merged with MISUMI Group Inc. in April 2005) and operates the manufacturing businesses of stamping die components, including punches and dies, which have a leading market share in Japan, as well as die and mold components, factory automation components, and optical-related equipment. In the 2014 GOOD FACTORY Awards, the company received the "Monozukuri (Manufacturing) Process Innovation Award." SURUGA Production Platform currently has bases in Japan (Shizuoka, Ibaraki, Hyogo), Vietnam, South Korea, China, Thailand, and India.

Please see our press release below for more information.










東京都千代田区九段南1丁目6番5号 九段会館テラス
大野 龍隆