「S&Bブランド」を世界にアピール「第2回“日本の食品”輸出EXPO」に出展 S&B FOODS to Exhibit at "JAPAN'S FOOD" EXPORT FAIR
約4,000名の海外バイヤーが来場予定!日本のカレーとわさびの魅力を「体感」*English below Japanese
左から: EXゴールデンカレー220g、EX ゴールデンカレー92g、EX カレー粉85g、EX 本生本わさび43g、EX ねりわさび43g、EX 粉わさび300g
7種のスパイスをブレンドして作る、オリジナルカレー粉づくりを体験いただきます。ブレンドしたオリジナルカレー粉と「EX カレー粉」との違いや、「EX カレー粉」の絶妙な調合やこだわりの製法などをご説明し、それぞれが持つ香りを体感いただきます。
香り高い「EX カレー粉」を手軽に楽しめる、カレーチップスの試食をご用意します。
「EX カレー粉」が使用されている「EXゴールデンカレー」のチキンカツカレーの試食を実施し、ゴールデンカレーの豊かな香りを味わっていただきます。
■“日本の食品”輸出EXPO 概要
・イベント名: 第2回“日本の食品”輸出EXPO
・開催日 : 2018年10月10日(水)~12日(金)の3日間
・会場 : 幕張メッセ(千葉県千葉市美浜区中瀬2-1) 展示ブース:9ホールNo. J2-1
・主催 : リードエグジビジョン ジャパン株式会社
・共催 : 独立法人 日本貿易振興会(ジェトロ)
・協力 : 農林水産省
・来場者 : 世界各国の食品輸入卸、食品小売バイヤー 約4,000名
・公式サイト: http://www.jpfood.jp/
〒104-0032東京都中央区八丁堀1-3-2 八丁堀ハーブテラス
TEL. 03-6810-9790
〒174-8651 東京都板橋区宮本町38-8
受付時間 平日:午前9時~午後8時
土曜:午前9時~午後5時 (日・祝日、夏期・年末年始の当社休業日を除く)
Experience authentic Japanese Curry and premium Wasabi at the World's Largest Fair for Purchasing Japan's Food
Tokyo, October 3, 2018 – S&B FOODS INC.(S&B Foods) will exhibit the world’s largest fair for purchasing Japan’s Food, "JAPAN'S FOOD" EXPORT FAIR*held from October 10th through 12th at the Makuhari Messe in Chiba. S&B Foods will present its range of superior Japanese curry and Wasabi products at the stands Hall 9 J2-1, where you can have a chance to make your own curry powder by blending spices and to taste Katsu Curry (Thick curry sauce over a deep-fried chicken cutlet) made with S&B Golden Curry Sauce Mix and Wasabi steaks (Beef steaks served with Premium Wasabi Paste).
S&B Foods will present the following products at "JAPAN'S FOOD" EXPORT FAIR.
• Golden Curry Sauce Mix 220g / 92g
• Oriental Curry Powder 85g
• Premium Wasabi Paste in Tube 43g
• Prepared Wasabi in Tube 43g
• Wasabi Powder 300g
Visitors can make a curry powder and taste S&B products in the following dishes/snacks
at the S&B Foods’ booth.
• Katsu Curry made with Golden Curry Sauce Mix
• Wasabi steaks (Beef steaks served with Premium Wasabi Paste) and Wasabi Cheese (Processed
Cheese served with Premium Wasabi Paste)
• Curry Chips (Potato chips sprinkled with Oriental Curry Powder)
*JAPAN'S FOOD" EXPORT FAIR is an exclusive trade show for importers and international buyers to purchase Japanese food and beverage products, supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF). Also, the expert of exporting Japanese products to overseas, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), is the co-organizer to support on-site business between foreign visitors and Japanese exhibitors. 2,860 buyers/ importers from 70 countries visited the show last year. The exhibition size expanded by double this year and they expect about 4,000 visitors.
2nd "JAPAN'S FOOD" EXPORT FAIR http://www.jpfood.jp/
About S&B Foods:
Since founding in 1923, S&B Foods has been producing and distributing a dazzling variety of spices, condiments and cooking ingredients, including curry sauce mix, pasta sauce and Chinese food products. Besides being the first company to successfully manufacture curry powder in Japan, we invented tube wasabi, which allowed us to break into the global market, and continue to develop original products that drive the food industry. Now, more than ever, we want the world to taste our success by offering flavorful products such as wasabi, curry mix, nanami chili pepper and yuzu. We continue to expand our many business activities on the world stage. S&B Foods had net sales of JPY 123,661 million in fiscal 2017. For more about S&B FOODS INC (TYO: 2805), please visit https://www.sbfoods-worldwide.com/
For further information, please contact
Overseas Operation Division; kaigaibu@sbfoods.co.jp