【ミスミ】機械部品調達のAIプラットフォーム「meviy」/ meviyマーケットプレイス「製缶加工」「架台製作」サービス開始<English Follows>

■ 背景
今回、溶接加工から機械加工、塗装・表面処理までワンストップで対応できるパートナーをはじめ、大型部品の製作が得意なパートナーもマーケットプレイスに加わることで、サービス追加を実現しました。これによりサイズは最長12メートル まで、最短1日出荷が可能となりました。また、2D図面で手配したいとのご要望も多く、3Dデータだけではなく、2D図面で手配することも可能となりました。
■ サービスリリース概要
リリース日: 2024年11月30日
追加サービス: 製缶加工サービス、架台製作サービス
最大サイズ: 12,000mm
納期: 最短1日出荷
■ 製作事例

■ meviy マーケットプレイスとは
meviyマーケットプレイスWebサイト : https://marketplace.meviy.misumi-ec.com/ja-jp/

■ ミスミとは
<English Follows>
meviy, the AI platform for machine parts procurement
meviy Marketplace: Metal Fabrication and Frame Manufacturing Now Available
~One-stop welding, machining and surface treatment with shortest 1-day shipping~
“meviy Marketplace”, developed by the AI-based parts procurement platform “meviy” (powered by MISUMI Group Inc.), is excited to announce the addition of Metal Fabrication and Frame Manufacturing to its services, effective November 30, 2024. Traditionally, sourcing the parts used for external equipment covers, tanks, and welded frames for equipment installation has been challenging due to the limited number of fabricators capable of processing these items. Going forward, these items can be sourced via meviy Marketplace.
MISUMI will continue to provide time value to our global customers in the IA (Industrial Automation) industry through expanding our services and contribute to enhancing their productivity.

■ Background
meviy Marketplace offers a wide range of services, including milling, turning, sheet metal processing, welding, 3D printing, injection molding, and urethane casting. The newly added Metal Fabrication and Frame Manufacturing services include machining and welding, which are technically demanding processes. Given the limited number of fabricators capable of performing these tasks, customers have expressed difficulty in selecting a fabricator. We have received many requests from customers asking if it would be possible to source these items on meviy Marketplace.
The recent addition of these services to meviy Marketplace was realized by the joining of new partners with expertise in manufacturing large parts, as well as those who can provide a one-stop service from welding to machining, coating and surface treatment. As a result, the maximum eligible size on the meviy Marketplace has been increased to 12 meters and the minimum 1-day shipping has been made possible. In addition, many customers have expressed a need for the ability to source from 2D drawings. In response, we are pleased to announce that it is now possible to source from both 2D drawings and 3D data. With these additional services in place, we will contribute to further productivity improvements by reducing the time and effort involved in finding fabricators, contracting and communicating when customers need parts for external equipment covers, tanks and welded frames for equipment installation, among others.
■ Service Release Overview
Release date : November 30, 2024
Newly added service : Metal Fabrication and Frame Manufacturing
Maximum eligible size : 12,000mm
Delivery : Minimum 1-day shipping
■ Product example

For more information on “Metal Fabrication” and “Frame Manufacturing”, please see the following.
▼Metal Fabrication Service
▼Frame Manufacturing Service
■ About meviy Marketplace
meviy Marketplace is one of the largest marketplaces for Japan’s manufacturing industry, offering a comprehensive range of machined parts and convenient one-stop solutions. Based on uploaded design data, our AI Matching recommends suitable manufacturing partners that meet customer specifications. There is no need to open an account with a manufacturing partner. Transactions are completed digitally, reducing hassle of searching, connecting and communicating.
meviy Marketplace Website: https://marketplace.meviy.misumi-ec.com/ja-jp/

■ About MISUMI
MISUMI sells mechanical components required on-site for factory automation, as well as tools, consumables, and other products to more than 318,000 companies (as of March 2024) worldwide. We wear two hats: a manufacturer with manufacturing functions and a distributor of other company’s branded products.
With this unique business model, supported by a solid business foundation, MISUMI achieves "globally reliable on-time delivery" for greater customer convenience.
【For inquiries regarding this press release】
Please contact Y. Matsubara or K. Koniwa
e-mail: pr@misumi.co.jp
Tel: 03-6777-7502
Corporate Relations Department
MISUMI Group Inc.