株式会社学研ホールディングス(東京・品川 代表取締役社長:宮原博昭)のグループ会社、株式会社学研プラス(東京・品川 代表取締役社長:碇 秀行)は、『THE LOCK ぼくたちが“世界”を変える日』1、2巻を同時発売いたしました。
ミステリアスでスリリングな冒険小説『THE LOCK ぼくたちが“世界”を変える日』の原作者であるイタリア人作家、ピエルドメニコ・バッカラリオ氏は大の親日家。源氏の子孫の娘をヒロインにした小説を書こうとしたことも過去にはあったそう。バッカラリオ氏は世界で累計500万部を超える大ヒットシリーズの作者ですが、この小説「ユリシーズ・ムーア」シリーズが日本で翻訳出版されたのは、2010年のこと。その後、「ヨーロッパだけではなく、日本の読者にもっと自分の小説を読んでもらいたい、そのためにはどうしたらいいか」と考えた結果たどり着いたのが、日本やアジアの読者に向けてコンテンツを制作するという試みでした。
『THE LOCK ぼくたちが“世界”を変える日 1』
発行:株式会社 学研プラス
『THE LOCK ぼくたちが“世界”を変える日 2』
発行:株式会社 学研プラス
THE LOCK - The day we change the “world” Volume 1 and 2 is the new international editorial series to be launched by international co-publishing partners, Gakken Plus Co., Ltd. (Shinagawa, Tokyo / CEO: Hideyuki Ikari) and Atlantyca Entertainment(Milano,Italy). The rare Italian-Japanese partnership has resulted in one of the first editorial production to successfully hit the international scene.
■About the project
Pierdomenico Baccalario, the author of this mysterious and thrilling adventure novel THE LOCK - The day we change the “world” is a great Japanophile. In the past, he even tried to write the story about a descendent girl of Genji. Mr. Baccalario is the author of the great hit series “Ulysses Moore” which sold more than 5million copies in total. The Japanese version of “Ulysses Moore” has been started to sell in 2010. Since then, he has been thinking to create the story that more Japanese readers can read and not only Europeans. Finally, he creates content especially for readers in Japan and other Asian countries.
Mr. Baccalario and Atlantyca Team (Alessandra Berello publishing manager and Rosamaria Pavan Japan Area Manager) launched new project for this novel and incorporated opinions from Japanese editors from the early steps of plot making. It took a long period of time to finish this story, but these efforts paid off. This story caught the notice of one Italian publisher and in November, they publish the same one in Italy.
The lead character is a 12 year old boy, Pit Summer who has been bored with everyday life. He has a reunion with strong personality cousins and beloved childhood friend in a closed mysterious village. They also meet strange creatures that are improbable as they may sound. Through the games, Pit gradually makes an internal change…Please also check the supplement at the end of the book with bits of knowledge and a message from the author.
■Author: P.D. Baccalario
Born in 1974, Acqui Terme in Italy. He grew up with booklover parents. He has started to write a novel when he was 14 years old. He published his first novel when he was 22 years old. The great hit series which published in 2004 “Ulysses Moore” sold more than 5million copies in total.
THE LOCK - The day we change the “world”1
(The Lock - I Guardiani del Fiume)
Sale Date: November 19, 2015
Format: Duodecimo / 324 pages
Price: JPY 980 + tax
ISBN: 978-4-05-204054-2
Publication: Gakken Plus
THE LOCK - The day we change the “world” 2
(The Lock. 2. Il patto della luna piena.)
Sale Date: November 19, 2015
Format: Duodecimo / 324 pages
Price: JPY 980 + tax
ISBN: 978-4-05-204322-2
Publication: Gakken Plus
ミステリアスでスリリングな冒険小説『THE LOCK ぼくたちが“世界”を変える日』の原作者であるイタリア人作家、ピエルドメニコ・バッカラリオ氏は大の親日家。源氏の子孫の娘をヒロインにした小説を書こうとしたことも過去にはあったそう。バッカラリオ氏は世界で累計500万部を超える大ヒットシリーズの作者ですが、この小説「ユリシーズ・ムーア」シリーズが日本で翻訳出版されたのは、2010年のこと。その後、「ヨーロッパだけではなく、日本の読者にもっと自分の小説を読んでもらいたい、そのためにはどうしたらいいか」と考えた結果たどり着いたのが、日本やアジアの読者に向けてコンテンツを制作するという試みでした。
『THE LOCK ぼくたちが“世界”を変える日 1』
発行:株式会社 学研プラス
『THE LOCK ぼくたちが“世界”を変える日 2』
発行:株式会社 学研プラス
THE LOCK - The day we change the “world” Volume 1 and 2 is the new international editorial series to be launched by international co-publishing partners, Gakken Plus Co., Ltd. (Shinagawa, Tokyo / CEO: Hideyuki Ikari) and Atlantyca Entertainment(Milano,Italy). The rare Italian-Japanese partnership has resulted in one of the first editorial production to successfully hit the international scene.
■About the project
Pierdomenico Baccalario, the author of this mysterious and thrilling adventure novel THE LOCK - The day we change the “world” is a great Japanophile. In the past, he even tried to write the story about a descendent girl of Genji. Mr. Baccalario is the author of the great hit series “Ulysses Moore” which sold more than 5million copies in total. The Japanese version of “Ulysses Moore” has been started to sell in 2010. Since then, he has been thinking to create the story that more Japanese readers can read and not only Europeans. Finally, he creates content especially for readers in Japan and other Asian countries.
Mr. Baccalario and Atlantyca Team (Alessandra Berello publishing manager and Rosamaria Pavan Japan Area Manager) launched new project for this novel and incorporated opinions from Japanese editors from the early steps of plot making. It took a long period of time to finish this story, but these efforts paid off. This story caught the notice of one Italian publisher and in November, they publish the same one in Italy.
The lead character is a 12 year old boy, Pit Summer who has been bored with everyday life. He has a reunion with strong personality cousins and beloved childhood friend in a closed mysterious village. They also meet strange creatures that are improbable as they may sound. Through the games, Pit gradually makes an internal change…Please also check the supplement at the end of the book with bits of knowledge and a message from the author.
■Author: P.D. Baccalario
Born in 1974, Acqui Terme in Italy. He grew up with booklover parents. He has started to write a novel when he was 14 years old. He published his first novel when he was 22 years old. The great hit series which published in 2004 “Ulysses Moore” sold more than 5million copies in total.
THE LOCK - The day we change the “world”1
(The Lock - I Guardiani del Fiume)
Sale Date: November 19, 2015
Format: Duodecimo / 324 pages
Price: JPY 980 + tax
ISBN: 978-4-05-204054-2
Publication: Gakken Plus
THE LOCK - The day we change the “world” 2
(The Lock. 2. Il patto della luna piena.)
Sale Date: November 19, 2015
Format: Duodecimo / 324 pages
Price: JPY 980 + tax
ISBN: 978-4-05-204322-2
Publication: Gakken Plus