【英語の多読・多聴教材】 巣ごもり学習に! 入試対策に! ラジオ「エンジョイ・シンプル・イングリッシュ」より、待望の最新刊CDブックが発売。
おうちで、学校で。いつでもどこでも、旅気分! 中3レベルの英語力で読める・聞ける、日本の魅力を発信する英会話集。
作画は、いま若者の間で絶大な人気を誇る、あのHONGAMAが担当。ほぼ丸ごと1冊、HONGAMAワールドが炸裂! マニア垂涎の1冊となっています。フューシャピンクの第1弾(2019年7月刊)と、蛍光ライムイエローの第2弾。これはぜひ2冊そろえておきたいところ!
- 豊洲市場(東京)でマグロの競りを見る!
“Look! You can watch the auction from here.”
- 阿寒摩周国立公園(北海道)でマリモを見る!
“Let’s go see the marimo at the museum.”
“You mean the famous moss balls?”
- 太宰府(福岡)で天神様にお参り!
“Tenjin-sama is the god that helps students.”
- 熊本(熊本)でからしレンコンを食べる!
“This is a renkon? A lotus root? Why is it yellow?”
- 種子島(鹿児島)でロケット発射場を見る!
“The government chose Tanegashima because they needed a place close to the equator.”
- 鵜戸神宮(宮崎)で運玉(うんだま)投げ!
“If you can throw your stone into the hole, your wish will come true.”
- 道後温泉(愛媛)で温泉に入る!
“Ah, this feels so good! Sitting in an onsen after the performance is the best!”
- 鳴門海峡(徳島)で渦潮を見る!
“These whirlpools are fantastic!”
- 宍道湖(島根)でバードウォッチング!
“These binoculars are for watching birds. Many birds come to Lake Shinji.”
- 備中松山城(岡山)で雲海を見る!
“I look out to the sea of clouds and see a floating castle. It’s so magical.”
- 讃岐うどん(香川)の手打ち体験!
“Sanuki udon is good because the noodles are thick and chewy.”
- 東大寺(奈良)でシカと遊ぶ!
“In Nara, from a long time ago, people thought deer were the gods’ helpers.”
- 新世界(大阪)で串カツを食べる!
“This looks delicious! Let me dip it in this sauce.”
- 平等院(京都)で鳳凰(ほうおう)の秘密を探る!
“Is that a statue of a chicken on the roof?”
“It’s not a chicken, it’s a phoenix!”
- 鯖江(福井)で眼鏡づくりに挑戦!
- 兼六園(石川)で雪吊りを見る!
“The ropes hold up the branches so that they don’t break when it snows. Snow is heavy!”
- なまはげ(秋田)に扮装!
“Is someone being lazy?”
- 盛岡・遠野(岩手)で河童(かっぱ)に会う?!
“Kappa? What’s that?”
“It’s a yokai creature from old folktales.”
- 草津温泉(群馬)で湯もみ体験!
“They are moving the water around with a large wooden paddle.”
“By stirring it, they can make the water cooler without adding cold water.”
- 日光(栃木)で三猿に会う!
“See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil.”
- 富士山周辺(山梨)の大自然に触れる!
“Oshino Hakkai is a group of eight small ponds. They are known for their clear water.”
- 静岡(静岡)で利き茶!
“Shizuoka produces the largest amount of tea leaves in Japan.”
- 愛知(愛知)の地ビールで乾杯!
“Ah, this beer is delicious! I’ve never tasted anything like this before.”
- 浅草(東京)から、次は世界へはばたく・・・?!
“What do you think of leaving Japan and performing for people around the world?”
“Wow! That will be a big step for us.”
- 監修者
Daniel Stewart(ダニエル・スチュワート)
- 商品情報
NHK CD BOOK Enjoy Simple English Readers More Japan Without a Map ~Nikko, Dazaifu and Other Places~
監修:Daniel Stewart
出版社: NHK出版
発売日: 2021年2月13日
価格: 本体1,500円+税
判型: A5変型判
ページ数: 176ページ
ISBN: 978-4-14-213281-2