千葉大学環境ISO学生委員会がInternational Green Gown Awards 2019のファイナリストに選ばれました
千葉大学環境ISO学生委員会が2019年の「国際グリーンガウン賞 学生関与部門」のファイナリストに選ばれました。京葉銀行などの企業と協同して行っている持続可能性活動が評価されました。”Chiba University Student Committee for EMS” has been selected as a finalist for the 2019 International Green Gown Awards in Student Engagement category. The sustainability activities conducted in cooperation with Keiyo Bank and some other companies were evaluated.
- International Green Gown Awardsとは
The International Green Gown Awards recognise exceptional sustainability initiatives being undertaken by universities and colleges.
- 千葉大学は2年連続のファイナル進出
昨年の受賞 Last year
今回の「Student Engagement」部門のファイナリストは世界で12大学あります。受賞者の発表は7月10日にニューヨークで開かれる「持続可能な開発目標に関するハイレベル政治フォーラム」において催される授賞式で発表されます。
▼ファイナリスト一覧(Finalist List)
▼ファイナリストのパンフレット Finalists' Brochure (PDF 18784KB)
▼前回の受賞時のプレスリリース(Press release of the last time)
Chiba University was awarded "International Green Gown Awards 2017-2018" for the world-deepest involvement of its students in environmental efforts. This time, it entered as "Chiba University Student Committee for EMS" and became a finalist twice in a row. The winners will be announced on 10th July 2019 in New York as part of the United Nations High Level Political Forum.
- 今回の事例「学生が企業と協同して行う持続可能性活動」”Sustainability activities conducted by students in cooperation with companies”
The Chiba University Student Committee for Environmental Management Systems was established in 2003 and is responsible for operating the university's EMS. In recent years, they have succeeded in greatly expanding the scope of activities outside the university by cooperating with companies. There are four projects: "Eco project with Keiyo bank", "Environmental event project", "Satoyama preservation project", and Utilization of used paper project". In these projects, they carry out environmental awareness and environmental education activities for citizens, children, students, business owners, etc. on themes including energy, resources, recycling, green consumerism, and sea and mountain conservation. The collaboration between students and companies has allowed activities involving a wide range of stakeholders.
Generally, environmental activities of organizations managed by students tend to take place just in the university campus. However, the Student Committee proved that the range of activities was more extensive by the collaboration with companies. There are many things that are difficult only with students (examples; support of the cost, the provision of the site and the opportunities, the introduction of the activities’ partner and the development of the goods). Also, the projects can impact more people. Collaborative activities with companies have a considerable influence on students, and they can learn business skills. On the other hand, companies can play a significant role in society not only in contributions to the environment but also in the educational support of students.
- 4つのプロジェクトの詳細 Details of the four projects
■2018年度実施報告書 https://www.keiyobank.co.jp/ir/eco_project/pdf/report2018.pdf
■プロジェクト公式サイト https://www.keiyobank.co.jp/ir/eco_project/
2018年から始まった学生委員会主催のChiba Winter Fesというイベントで、これまでに2回実施し、元プロ野球選手の講演やテレビ局の公開収録、サークルのステージでの演奏、飲食店の出店やフリーマーケットなど様々な企画を盛り込みました。4つの企業に協賛金を支出してもらって運営したほか、自動車会社に燃料電池車を展示してもらったり、10以上の企業にパネル展示をしてもらうなど、多くの企業と協同したイベントとなりました。
Students and companies act on 4 projects:
"Eco project with a local bank"
The Student Committee started an eco-project, which is titled "Take a rainbow from Chiba to the world", with Keiyo Bank, Ltd. in 2017.
1. The funds from Keiyo Bank to the Student Committee
Keiyo Bank mainly supports travel expenses and students dispatch their movement on environmental conferences in domestic and foreign venues. Thus, students can promote their initiatives in many other universities.
2. The company consulting by students for "Eco Action 21(EA21), authentication of EMS within Japan"
Keiyo Bank introduces transacting companies for students, then students do consulting for the companies or support them making environmental reports.
3. Seven environmental contribution projects
Keiyo Bank mainly does the arrangements of each project, and students mainly do contents-making and the day management.
Environmental seminar for companies
local production for local consumption fair
clean action
Urban mine excavation project
ecology dispatch center
Keiyo Bank eco-challenge
"Environmental event project"
This event called "Chiba Winter Fes," and started in 2018.
Chiba Winter Fes
"Satoyama preservation project"
"Utilization of used paper project"
This is a joint project with Mitsubishi Paper Sales Co., Ltd. and started in 2015. Used papers discharged by the university used to be collected by contractors for free. However, students received an advice from the company that used papers were able to be collected for profit, so students suggested this plan to their university. Then, students receive parts of proceeds, and they manufacture and hand out or sell environmental awareness products for students and faculty staff with the company.
book covers made of used papers
notebooks made of thinnings
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