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『KATEIGAHO INTERNATIONAL Japan EDITION Autumn / Winter 2020』2020年10月1日(木)発売
株式会社世界文化社は、『KATEIGAHO INTERNATIONAL Japan EDITION Autumn / Winter 2020』を10月1日(木)に発売します。“Spotlight on Heritage”と題し、日本が誇る絶景遺産や人間国宝の技、伝統文化から豊かな食文化を育む農水産品までを大特集。さまざまな視点から、日本の魅力を紹介します。
- Weaving the Colors of Life “いのちの色” を紡ぐ人―人間国宝 志村ふくみ
Fukumi Shimura, now 95 years of age, has dedicated her life to weaving cloth from tsumugi spun-silk thread dyed with plant-derived natural pigments. A pioneering figure who has elevated tsumugi weaving into an art, she was designated a Living National Treasure by the Japanese government in 1990. She was also awarded the Order of Cultural Merit in 2015.
In this feature, we explore the ideal of beauty that Shimura has pursued ever since setting out to become a dyer-weaver. We present an overview of her career and her efforts to ensure a future for her craft, and showcase some of her exquisite creations.
- Fruitful Discovery 日本のフルーツ礼賛―ピエール・エルメの旅
Nurtured with loving care, Japan's beautiful and delicious fruits are among the country's proud agricultural achievements. On a visit to Aomori, Niigata, and Miyazaki, world-renowned pâtissier Pierre Hermé marvels at each region's fabulous fruit in season, then presents a trio of sweets inspired by his new discoveries.
- Azuma-odori Geisha Entertainment 東をどり 新橋芸者によるエンターテインメント
At the start of summer, the Shinbashi Enbujo Theatre is transformed into a magnificent outsized version of a traditional ryotei restaurant. This stunning event, known as the Azuma-odori, features troupes of gorgeously attired geisha dancing gracefully on stage to the music of the shamisen; meanwhile, the finest food and beverages from local Shinbashi ryotei provide the perfect accompaniment. The 2021 performance of the Azumaodori will be its 96th staging, with excitement mounting in the lead-up to the centenary. We spoke with veteran geisha Kokimi, along with Shingo Okazoe, president of the Tokyo Shinbashi Kumiai.
- 【Book in a Book】
This issue's contents in Japanese/家庭画報国際版 2020 年秋冬号 日本語テキスト付き
■公式HP/ https://int.kateigaho.com/ja/
■公式Instagram/ https://www.instagram.com/kije_magazine/
Spotlight on Heritage
・014 Weaving the Colors of Life
・026 Fruitful Discovery
・034 All-Star Flavor
・042 Traditional Performing Arts
・054 A Legacy in Wood など